

Arteast Digest on Blogspot - Communiqué Spring 2015 - North Gloucester Library Changeover - Members Announcements - Ist Annual, Art Health Network of Ottawa Fundraiser - Call for Artist - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Digest on Blogspot - Only ONE week left to register

Arteast is modernizing its email communications to its members. Over the course of the next week, you must register here at http://arteastottawa.blogspot.ca to continue receiving announcements that are sent to you at least once a week. Some messages may contain commercial content, e.g. notices of workshops and art shows.

Arteast modernise la communication informatique à ses membres. Durant le semaine prochaine, vous devez vous enregistrer à : http://arteastottawa.blogspot.ca pour continuer de recevoir les informations qui vous parviendront une fois par semaine. Des messages pourraient être d’ordre commercial, ex. avis d’ateliers et d’expositions d’art.

Please see the attachment to the emailed digest for the instructions. THIS IS THE LAST DIGEST SENT BY EMAIL.

2. Communiqué Spring 2015

The latest issue of our newsletter is now online at:

If you do not want a printed copy, please e-mail: editor@arteastottawa.com 

3. North Gloucester Library Changeover

It's time to change the Arteast exhibit on Tuesday, MAY 12, 2015:

Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The changeover is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m.

These new pieces will be hung for two months. The next change-over will be on Tuesday, JULY 14, 2015. 

Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail.  You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted.  North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form.  Blank contracts will be available at the library.

If you are interested in exhibiting, please send an advance email, on or before Wednesday, MAY 6, 2015, to Christine Gendron, christinegendron@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes.

For any further questions please contact the North Gloucester Coordinators:
Christine Gendron  christinegendron@sympatico.ca 

4. Members Announcements

Artist couple Jessie Parker, Robert Arnold share “Mediterranean Muse” at the Atrium Gallery, Ben Franklin Place, Nepean, May 22 to June 24, 2015. The Mediterranean acts as a Muse to them in different ways, inspiring this collection of some of their favourite Mediterranean images. Two people very close, both experiencing the same things, seeing the same places, yet reacting in different ways, with results that are very individual. Both Jessie Parker and Robert Arnold are established artists known for their innovative use of cutting edge digital art media.

Vernissage June 8, 7-9pm

5. Ist Annual, Art Health Network of Ottawa Fundraiser

Saturday May 9th from 7:00-11:00pm
Pressed Cafe, 750 Gladstone Ave
15.00 @ the door
Silent Auction and Live Music

6. Call for Artist

Art For All Canada, Inc. (AFAC) is a not-for-profit organization,
run by artists, to help artists to develop, show and sell their work commission-free. 
Our web site is at www.artforallcanada.org 

They have an immediate opening for an artist to exhibit paintings or photography in May. Please get in touch right away if you are interested.

Please contact
Sheila J. Mitchell
Art For All Canada, Inc.
Tel: (416)-756-3221

See artist and event videos at www.YouTube.com/ArtForAllCanada

7. AOE Announcements

Membership Orientation Session
Monday May 11, 2015, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

AOE Arts Council
Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd., Suite 260, Ottawa, ON K1E 0A1

RSVP with rachel@artsoe.ca

Session d'orientation pour les membres 
Le lundi 11 mai 2015, de 19h à 21h

Conseil des Arts AOE
Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245, boul. Centrum, bureau 260, Ottawa, K1E 0A1

RSVP à rachel@artsoe.ca

Members' Mixer & Annual General Meeting / Soirée pour les membres et Assemblée générale annuelle