

Arteast Digest: Annual General Meeting & Grow with Art

1. Arteast Ottawa 30th Annual General Meeting 


In accordance with article 8.13 of the Arteast Ottawa Bylaws, you are hereby notified of the Annual General meeting to be held on Tuesday January 28th 2020 at 19:00 hrs (7:00 pm), in room 340 at 255 Centrum
Blvd. in Orleans.

Your attendance is very important as the Corporation of Arteast Ottawa requires the presence of a minimum of 30 members to conduct general business as Arteast will be presenting amendments to the By-laws.

Documents were emailed to members on January 12, 2020.

2.  Grow with Art presentation by Karen Goetzinger / Présentation Grandir avec l’Art de Karen Goetzinger

Tuesday January 28, 2020– mardi le 28 janvier 2020
7:00 AGM / AGA à 19h
Presentation to follow / Suivit de la présentation
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / 255 boul. Centrum

“Everything Connects to Everything Else”

Karen Goetzinger will speak to us about her studio practice and in particular how her work has evolved over the years. Some people have remarked that the changes have been drastic. Join us as she weaves a connecting thread through the changing winds in her studio.


"Tout se connecte à tout le reste"

Karen Goetzinger nous parlera de sa pratique en studio et en particulier de l'évolution de son travail au fil des ans. Certaines personnes ont fait remarquer que les changements ont été drastiques. Joignez-vous à nous alors qu'elle tisse un fil de connexion à travers les vents changeants de son atelier.


Arteast Digest: AGM, Grow with Art

1. Arteast Ottawa 30th Annual General Meeting / 30ième Assemblée générale annuelle d’Arteast Ottawa And a Grow with Art presentation by Karen Goetzinger / Et présentation Grandir avec l’Art de Karen Goetzinger

Tuesday January 28, 2020– mardi le 28 janvier 2020
7:00 AGM / AGA à 19h
Presentation to follow / Suivit de la présentation
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / 255 boul. Centrum

“Everything Connects to Everything Else”

Karen Goetzinger will speak to us about her studio practice and in particular how her work has evolved over the years. Some people have remarked that the changes have been drastic. Join us as she weaves a connecting thread through the changing winds in her studio.


"Tout se connecte à tout le reste"

Karen Goetzinger nous parlera de sa pratique en studio et en particulier de l'évolution de son travail au fil des ans. Certaines personnes ont fait remarquer que les changements ont été drastiques. Joignez-vous à nous alors qu'elle tisse un fil de connexion à travers les vents changeants de son atelier.

2. Member's News:

Group show at the OGPC Gallery.

New group show at the OGPC Gallery at the Nepean Creative Arts Centrel/ Centre des arts créatifs de Nepean, 35 rue Stafford Rd (Bells Corners), January 9-March 5, 2020. The OGPC is a connective of over 40 printmakers in the Ottawa-Gatineau region and offers a permanent studio with 3 presses for use by printmakers.

The theme of this show is BIG. Eleven artists are exhibiting 14 works that convey the idea of BIG not only through their physical size, but by addressing major issues, portraying huge subjects, or in their use of bold mark-making. The versatility of linocut as a medium is also showcased.

Nouvelle exposition du Collectif d’artistes-graveurs d’Ottawa-Gatineau. La thématique de cette exposition est Voir Grand! 11artistes y présentent 14 oeuvres qui incorporent l’idée d’un grand
concept, un sujet d’actualité important, ou tout simplement un grand format, des couleurs vibrantes ou des traits francs. La versatilité du linoléum comme médium y est mise en évidence.

Artists / Artistes:
Valerie Bridgeman, Susan Cartwright, Deidre Hierlihy, Aileen Leo, Shealagh Pope, Rod Restivo, Madeleine Rousseau, Beth Shepherd, Katherine Stauble, Charmaine Swain, and Francine
Walker (member of Arteast).

Gallery hours/heures d’ouverture: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 10:00 pm, Saturday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, and Sunday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Le vernissage aura lieu à la Gallerie même. All are
welcome at the Vernissage on Thursday, January 23, 6:00 – 7:00 pm / le jeudi, 23 janvier, 18h – 19h.


The Crichton Street Gallery wishes to thank our loyal customers and invite you to our final show, featuring the work of Mary Pratte and the gallery artists, Louise Tanguay, Mary Ann Varley, Elisabeth Arbuckle, Pat Carbonneau and Jennifer Anne Kelly. Due to personal circumstances the gallery will be closing at the end of the current show.

As the originator of the gallery says, "We had a great run at it, with interesting local artists and beautiful
pieces. We are all very sad...it was a great little space with good energy. " Thanks for all of your patronage over the years!" Mary Pratte There will be discounts from 30 to 50% on everything displayed. Saturdays and Sundays until February 9, 11am to 4pm, 299 Crichton St.. 613-299-0064, www.thecrichtonstreetgallery.ca 

3. Misc News

Arts-aux-Parcs 2020
Call for artists

4. Arts Network Ottawa

ArtNews Issue no. 006 | Bulletin des arts l'édition no. 006


Arteast Digest: Call for Art, Blackburn Library Exhibit, St Laurent Complex Exhibit

1.  Call for art - North Gloucester Library - January 14, 2020

Time to hang our artworks at the North Gloucester Library again.

Please bring your paintings on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 to the North Gloucester Library , 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The artwork will be exhibited for two months till March 10, 2020.

The 2020 Library Contract and the wall cards are provided at the time of hanging of the art at the library. Please come between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

For questions, please contact Darina Boldizar

2. Blackburn Library Exhibit

Who: Randal Bablitz
What: Canadiana
When: From: January 25 2020 To: March 28 2020

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present this exhibition: “This is a collection of ‘Canadiana’ including original artworks featuring landscapes and wildlife”

3. St Laurent Complex Exhibit

Please find attached the invitation to the upcoming show at the St Laurent Complex for our social media updates.

4. Member's News

Hello everyone, as of end 2019 I am a GOLDEN Artist Paint Educator and will be offering various workshops, for the moment I have only French workshops happening.

Here is one upcoming workshop. You can check out my future workshop just follow this link : https://www.goldenpaints.com/gaep/Josie.DeMeo/3024

ATELIERS : Explorez la peinture acrylique avec les gels et les pâtes

Where : MIFO, 6600, rue Carrière, Orléans, ON K1C 1J4
Date : January 21st /21 janvier 2020
Time : 19h-21h

Conçu pour les artistes débutants et intermédiaires, en janvier nous vous proposons un atelier de deux heures qui vous permettra d’utiliser différentes textures sur vos œuvres. Vous pourrez essayer quatre produits de la marque GOLDEN pour créer deux œuvres-échantillons que vous garderez comme référence. Le choix des couleurs restera à votre guise.

Tous les matériels sont fournis !

Faites vite, les places sont limitées!

Josie De Meo
Visual artists, Art instructor and Art party host

Guidelines for Submitting Announcements to the Digest

The following guidelines must be adhered to in order for Arteast to publish your announcement in the Digest:
  • Remove all formatting (i.e. bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization for emphasis, etc.),
  • Include a short description, written in the third person, of the event or activity,
  • Indicate dates, times, location, contact information, etc., of the event or activity, and
  • Send no more than one photograph in jpg format as an uploaded file (do not embed in email or document)
To send an email with or without file attachments, please click here.

To forward an existing email please send to arteastottawa@gmail.com.


Arteast Digest: Open Studio, Orleans Library Changeover

1. Open Studio

Arteast's Open Studio meets on January 9th and January 23, 2020

Location is at the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
525 Coté Street, Ottawa.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Open Studio is not an art class but an opportunity for members to meet and work on their own projects.

See website for details. https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre/

(Space is limited) Sign up form: https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre-sign-up-form/

2. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover Reminder: January 7, 2020

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

New artworks will be on exhibition until March 3, 2020.

Please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire)
Info: https://arteastottawa.com/hanging-guidelines/

Information and Library Exhibition Contract Form see: https://arteastottawa.com/orleans-library-2/

This type of exhibition is an ideal opportunity for new Arteast members to show their work.

3. Misc News

Join Karen Goetzinger for the opening celebration of her solo exhibition, "Beauty in the Inconsequential," featuring large scale abstract paintings on Sunday, January 12, 2020 from 1 PM – 3 PM. The exhibit is on the Lalonde Doyle wall Shenkman Arts Centre