

Arteast Digest: City of Ottawa Survey

1.  City of Ottawa museums/ galleries: Survey on re-opening of facilities and services/ Musées et galeries : Sondage sur la réouverture des installations et services

With the temporary closures of culture facilities due to COVID-19, we’d like to receive public feedback about returning to our new normal operations.

We would like your help to reach museum/gallery-goers. Please feel free to distribute this survey link directly to your membership or newsletter subscribers.

Please note we are following the Ontario Government for the timeline for reopening our outdoor spaces, facilities and programs. As we have heard from all levels of government, reopening will be determined by data and recommendations of public health officials.

By museum/gallery-goers taking a few minutes to complete the survey this will help us all in planning our reopening. These results, which we will share with you, will address the types of measures we can put in place to make our public feel more comfortable coming back to our venues.

Survey Link

Survey deadline: FRIDAY, JUNE 5.

City of Ottawa / Ville d’Ottawa


Après la fermeture temporaire des installations culturelles en raison de la COVID-19, nous souhaitons à présent sonder la population sur la reprise de nos activités.

Nous sollicitons votre aide pour joindre les personnes qui fréquentent les musées et les galeries d’art. N’hésitez pas à diffuser le lien vers ce sondage à vos membres et aux personnes abonnées à votre infolettre.

Veuillez prendre note que nous suivons l’échéancier du gouvernement de l’Ontario pour la réouverture des espaces extérieurs, des installations et des programmes. Comme l’ont assuré tous les paliers de gouvernement, la réouverture s’effectuera en fonction des données et des recommandations des autorités de santé publique.

Invitez les habitués des musées et des galeries à répondre à ce sondage qui ne prend que quelques minutes à remplir. Leurs réponses nous aideront à planifier notre réouverture. Ces résultats, que nous vous communiquerons, détermineront le type de mesures que nous pouvons mettre en place pour que notre public se sente à l’aise de revenir voir nos expositions.

Lien vers le sondage

Date limite pour répondre au sondage : VENDREDI 5 JUIN.

Merci de votre collaboration,

City of Ottawa / Ville d’Ottawa

2, The National Arts Drive

For three hours on June 6th, 2020 - thousands of artists across Canada, United States and Mexico will display, perform and showcase their creativity from driveways, balconies, windows, stoops and front lawns. Community supporters will download an app from the mobile website to receive a map with markers of where artists are located. Supporters will drive/walk/bike city blocks and suburban streets to support artists living in the community - all from a safe distance. The Drive is free for artists and supporters. Join the movement here


Arteast Digest: Misc. News

1. Arts Network Ottawa | Réseau des arts d'Ottawa

eNews Issue No. 019 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 019

2. Ottawa Art Gallery - Call for Submissions

Galerie Annexe strives to open doors for both established and emerging regional artists by giving them the opportunity to become part of a reputable gallery collection, gain valuable public exposure and, ultimately, increase the retail potential of their work. Read more here


Arteast Digest: Speaker Series, Member's News, etc.

1. Grow with Art - Grandir avec l’Art

May Speaker - Conférencier de mai – Robbie Larivière

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – Mardi, le 26 mai 2020
7:00 Announcements / Annonces à 19h00
Presentation to follow / Présentation à suivre

This Grow with Art presentation will take place via Zoom. Please email the Grow with Art team lead, Cheryl Mattice, to register. Meeting ID and password will be provided separately before the presentation.

La présentation Grandir avec l’Art se fera avec Zoom. Veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cheryl Mattice, responsable de l'équipe Grow with Art, pour vous inscrire. L'identifiant et le mot de passe de la réunion seront fournis séparément avant la présentation.

Robbie Larivière, street artist, enlivens the urban streetscape — and makes people pause. He shares his mission to disrupt rushing through a commercial strip and staring at your phone with his playful and family-friendly art and, he explains how opportunities for urban artists have grown in recent years.

Robbie Larivière, artiste de rue, embellit le paysage urbain et demande aux gens de faire une pause. N’importe, au travers de son art ludique et enjoué, ses personnages aux couleurs vibrantes chamboulent tout ce qui nous est des plus familiers lorsque nous regardons nos téléphones et nous nous empressons dans les centres commerciaux. Il explique également comment les occasions pour les artistes urbains se sont développés au fil de ces dernières années.

Join Zoom Meeting by downloading the Zoom app:
Joignez vous à notre rencontre en téléchargeant l’application Zoom :

Please note that we will email you a meeting ID and password to enter the meeting before the start date. These will be sent separately for security purposes.

2. ‘Practice with Zoom’ Session

If you have not used Zoom before and would like to practice, Arteast is inviting you to the following :
Topic: Grow With Art Technology Practice Session
Time: Monday, May 25, 2020 07:00 PM

This session is for all who would like to try out the Zoom technology prior to our Grow With Art presentation on Tuesday, May 26. Please email the Grow with Art team lead, Cheryl Mattice, to register.

Join Zoom Meeting


If you have not used Zoom Meetings before, you can do this from your phone, tablet, or laptop or computer.

Option 1: Laptop. This is generally the best quality because most laptops are equipped with a camera and a good mic. Install the Zoom App. Once installed, you can just click the link we provide you and presto! You may also use your computer but others will not be able to see you unless you have a camera connected

Option 2: Using an Android or IOS device (phone/tablet). Find Zoom in the Play Store or Apple store. Download the app. Once the app is installed, click the link you receive for the meeting

Please note that we will email you a meeting ID and password to enter the meeting before the start date. These will be sent separately for security purposes.

3. Member's News

Mary Ann Varley is Introducing Electric Street Gallery!

Continuing in the tradition of the beloved Crichton Street Gallery, at the same location with many of the same artists, the new name is intended to convey continuity and change. The gallery's mission is to support Ottawa
area artists and Ottawa art.

Current artists showing at the gallery are : Elisabeth Arbuckle, Sara Aydin, Pat Carbonneau, Zeynep Ergincan, Jennifer Anne Kelly,  Elizabeth Mitchell, Erin Morphy, Olga Radushkevich,Beth Stikeman, Louise Tanguay,
Irene Tobis and Mary Ann Varley.

Until "non-essential" businesses open again, you can "window shop" at the gallery – or browse on the gallery's website: http://www.electricstreet.art!    Window displays change frequently so neighbours are encouraged to come
by often! Currently the window and the website feature a Tulip Art Festival through May 24. While the tulip is a much-studied art subject, the gallery's artists have come up with some remarkable variations!

299 Crichton Street at Electric Street
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Telephone: (613) 748 - 2008
Curbside pickup by appointment:
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 11am - 4pm

Mary Ann Varley

4. Arts Network Ottawa


Arteast Digest: Speaker Series

1. Grow with Art - Grandir avec l’Art

May Speaker - Conférencier de mai – Robbie Larivière

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 – Mardi, le 26 mai 2020
7:00 Announcements / Annonces à 19h00
Presentation to follow / Présentation à suivre

This Grow with Art presentation will take place via Zoom. Please email the Grow with Art team lead, Cheryl Mattice, to register. Meeting ID and password will be provided separately before the presentation.

La présentation Grandir avec l’Art se fera avec Zoom. Veuillez envoyer un courriel à Cheryl Mattice, responsable de l'équipe Grow with Art, pour vous inscrire. L'identifiant et le mot de passe de la réunion seront fournis séparément avant la présentation.

Robbie Larivière, street artist, enlivens the urban streetscape — and makes people pause. He shares his mission to disrupt rushing through a commercial strip and staring at your phone with his playful and family-friendly art and, he explains how opportunities for urban artists have grown in recent years.

Robbie Larivière, artiste de rue, embellit le paysage urbain et demande aux gens de faire une pause. N’importe, au travers de son art ludique et enjoué, ses personnages aux couleurs vibrantes chamboulent tout ce qui nous est des plus familiers lorsque nous regardons nos téléphones et nous nous empressons dans les centres commerciaux. Il explique également comment les occasions pour les artistes urbains se sont développés au fil de ces dernières années.

Join Zoom Meeting by downloading the Zoom app:
Joignez vous à notre rencontre en téléchargeant l’application Zoom :

Please note that we will email you a meeting ID and password to enter the meeting before the start date. These will be sent separately for security purposes.

2. ‘Practice with Zoom’ Session

If you have not used Zoom before and would like to practice, Arteast is inviting you to the following :
Topic: Grow With Art Technology Practice Session
Time: Monday, May 25, 2020 07:00 PM

This session is for all who would like to try out the Zoom technology prior to our Grow With Art presentation on Tuesday, May 26. Please email the Grow with Art team lead, Cheryl Mattice, to register.

Join Zoom Meeting


If you have not used Zoom Meetings before, you can do this from your phone, tablet, or laptop or computer.

Option 1: Laptop. This is generally the best quality because most laptops are equipped with a camera and a good mic. Install the Zoom App. Once installed, you can just click the link we provide you and presto! You may also use your computer but others will not be able to see you unless you have a camera connected

Option 2: Using an Android or IOS device (phone/tablet). Find Zoom in the Play Store or Apple store. Download the app. Once the app is installed, click the link you receive for the meeting

Please note that we will email you a meeting ID and password to enter the meeting before the start date. These will be sent separately for security purposes.

3. Misc. News


Dear fellow senior artists and arts workers,

Has the word reached you? Do you know about PAL Ottawa? There has been so much overwhelming news lately, and now we want to reach out to you again, because you ought to know, and let your 55+ artistic colleagues know.

PAL Ottawa is now accepting applications for an 80 unit apartment building in central Ottawa, opening sometime in 2023. This residence will give its tenants access to lower rents, a good working environment, and a place to show your work.

Learn more, and Sign up here: (palottawa.org/pal-housing-waiting-list/).

Do you ever have to worry about rent? Do you have friends who struggle to make their rent? Did you know:

Average annual income for an artist in Ontario is $17,300, which is below the poverty line. The median rent for a one-bedroom in Ottawa is $1,450 (Padmapper, April 2020).

You really might want to get on to this now, because if the history of PAL Toronto and PAL Vancouver holds true, there will be a massive waiting list before long. Five year wait for PAL Toronto.

These PALs are beloved by the arts communities, not just because so many senior arts workers are given a financial break, but because they have become centres for artistic activity. I guarantee that in three to four years you will come to see what a gift PAL Ottawa is for the senior arts workers in the city.

If you sign up, there is no obligation on your part. You don’t even have to be 55+ now. You can move down the Waiting List if you’re not ready to move in when we open. Or you can give your space to the next fellow arts worker in line. Think of it as insurance for your future.

But do sign up. And please tell your colleagues. The Waiting List is over half full. The time is now.

Peter Haworth, Actor

P.S.: Please visit https://palottawa.org/pal-ottawa-2020-housing-survey to fill out our housing needs survey.



Chers collègues artistes et travailleurs artistiques âgés,

La nouvelle vous est-elle parvenue? Connaissez-vous PAL Ottawa? Il y a eu tellement de nouvelles accablantes ces derniers temps, et nous voulons maintenant communiquer avec vous à nouveau, parce que vous méritez de le savoir et de le faire savoir à vos collègues artistes âgés de plus de 55 ans.

PAL Ottawa accepte dès maintenant les candidatures pour un immeuble de 80 appartements au centre-ville d'Ottawaqui ouvrira ses portes en 2023. Cette résidence permettra à ses locataires de bénéficier de loyers réduits, d'un bon environnement de travail et d'un endroit où exposer leur travail.

Pour en savoir plus et vous inscrire, cliquez ici : palottawa.org/pal-housing-waiting-list/.
Vous arrive-t-il de vous soucier du loyer? Avez-vous des amis qui ont du mal à payer leur loyer? Saviez-vous que :

Le revenu annuel moyen d'un artiste en Ontario est de 17 300 $, ce qui est inférieur au seuil de pauvreté. Le loyer médian pour un appartement d’une chambre à coucher à Ottawa est de 1 450 $ (Padmapper, avril 2020).

Nous vous encourageons à songer à soumettre votre candidature dès maintenant, car à en juger par l'histoire de PAL Toronto et de PAL Vancouver, il y aura bientôt une longue liste d'attente. (Cinq ans d'attente pour PAL Toronto.)

Ces PAL sont très appréciés par les communautés artistiques, non seulement parce que de nombreux travailleurs artistiques âgés bénéficient d'un répit financier, mais aussi parce qu'ils sont devenus des centres d'activité artistique. Je vous garantis que dans trois ou quatre ans, vous verrez à quel point le PAL Ottawa est un cadeau pour les travailleurs artistiques âgés de la ville.

Si vous vous inscrivez, il n'y a aucune obligation de votre part. Vous n'avez même pas besoin d'avoir plus de 55 ans maintenant. Vous pouvez descendre dans la liste d'attente si vous n'êtes pas prêt à emménager à l'ouverture, ou vous pouvez céder votre place au prochain collègue de travail dans le domaine des arts qui fait la queue. Considérez cela comme une assurance pour votre avenir.

Mais inscrivez-vous, et parlez-en à vos collègues. La liste d'attente est déjà à moitié pleine. C'est le moment d’agir.

Peter Haworth, acteur

PS : Veuillez consulter le site https://palottawa.org/pal-ottawa-2020-housing-survey
pour répondre à notre sondage sur les besoins en matière de logement.

Note:  Guidelines for Submitting Announcements to the Digest

The following guidelines must be adhered to in order for Arteast to publish your announcement in the Digest:
  • Remove all formatting (i.e. bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization for emphasis, etc.),
  • Include a short description, written in the third person, of the event or activity,
  • Indicate dates, times, location, contact information, etc., of the event or activity, and
  • Send no more than one photograph in jpg format as an uploaded file (do not embed in email or document)

To send an email with or without file attachments, please click here.

To forward an existing email please send to arteastottawa@gmail.com.