

Arteast Digest: Call for Art

1. Call for Art for the Website's Home Page

Given the need for self-isolation and social distancing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, all of Arteast Ottawa's exhibits and activities are cancelled and/or postponed to a later date.

We would like to extend a Call for Art to members to show their work on the Home page of our website. Please refer to the image guidelines at: https://arteastottawa.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Guidelines-for-the-Submission-of-Images.pdf. Images must be of good quality and adhere to our image guidelines in order to be added to the website. 

To submit an image, please use the Contact Form at: https://arteastottawa.com/contact-forms/. Also provide the title of your work, media used, your name, artist website url (or social media account url) if you have one and upload your image. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Web Administrator.

2. Arts Network Ottawa

eNews Issue No. 017 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 017


Arteast Digest: Covid Challenge, etc.

1. Arteast COVID Facebook Challange

As COVID-19 continues to spread, we are forced to confront the reality: social distancing demands temporary closures and cancellations of events. Though we may not be able to view or contribute to exhibits, we can continue to create and share our art with others. We invite members to send us, through Facebook messenger, a photo of what they are currently creating and tell us a bit about their process. Depending on the demand, we will try to post as much as we can.

2. Arts Network Ottawa

3. Misc News:

Call to Artists / West Carleton Arts Society Expressions of Art 2020 / Fall Juried Exhibit and Sale

Established and emerging artists are welcome and encouraged to apply for our signature show, ‘Expressions of Art’, held in Carp, ON, October 9 – 11, 2020. This exhibition and sale attracts more than 2000 visitors each year, and generated more than $20,000 in sales in 2019. It will feature fine artwork of more than 30 artists from around the region.

We are now accepting applications from Ottawa area artists for our 2020 juried exhibition and sale.

The deadline for application submission is April 30, 2020.

Event Date: Thanksgiving Weekend
Friday, October 9, 7 pm to 9 pm Vernissage with live music and cash bar
Saturday, October 10, 8 am to 4 pm
Sunday, October 11, 10 am to 4 pm

Location: Carp Fairgrounds, Agricultural Hall, 3790 Carp Rd., Carp ON

Fees: $25 non-refundable application fee. Booth fees are $160 - $180 (Your $25 application fee is applied to your booth fee upon acceptance) payable in full after acceptance into the show.

Please note that membership in West Carleton Arts Society is mandatory. Applicants who are not currently members must become WCAS members before their application can be considered. The membership fee is $30 (Jan. to Dec.). You can apply and pay online at http://www.westcarletonartssociety.ca/membership.html

For additional Expressions of Art information and application forms, please visit our website at http://www.westcarletonartssociety.ca/expressions-of-art.html

For more information, contact: wcas.eoa2020@gmail.com

Jury Process:
A jury of three art professionals will make its selection based on the following criteria: uniqueness/originality, professional quality (neatness and craft), aesthetic quality (design, composition, color/tones), concept, selection and application of materials, and complexity/level of the work.

All artists whose proposals have been reviewed by the jury will be notified of the jury’s decision within 2 weeks of the jury meeting.

Jury Date: Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jury Location: Mlacak Centre, Hall A, (upstairs just beyond the Kanata Civic Art Gallery), 2500 Campeau Drive, Kanata, ON, K2K 2W3

Drop Off for Jurying: Saturday, May 23, 2020, 9:00 am – 9:45 am Jurying will begin at 10:00 am sharp. Latecomers cannot be accepted.

Pick Up from Jurying: Saturday, May 23, 2020, 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Please note that we are monitoring our current COVID 19 situation closely, and will move to an online jury if necessary. We anticipate and hope that this health issue will be over soon, and will continue to plan accordingly for the event in October.


Arteast Digest: Closuress & Cancellations

1. Notices of Closures and Cancellations

The health and safety of our members and community is of paramount importance. Due to the unprecedented pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus, many events - federal, provincial and municipal - have been cancelled and facilities are closing. Arteast events are held in City of Ottawa facilities which are closed from Monday, March 16 to April 5, 2020. These include libraries, recreation and cultural complexes and the Shenkman Arts Centre. Consequently, all Arteast events scheduled for this period are cancelled. This includes:
  • March 24, 2020: Grow with Art Speaker - Vicky Palmer
  • March 26, 2020: Open Studio
  • April 25, 2020:  Upcyling for Arteast  is postponed.
Please consult Arteast's online event calendar for additional cancellations.

Arteast is taking action consistent with the guidelines from Government of Canada, as well as provincial and local authorities. We will monitor the evolving situation closely and post updates on the website.

Please take precautions to stay safe. For guidance about COVID-19, visit ottawapublichealth.ca/coronavirus.

2. St Laurent Complex Exhibit

3. Member's News

Carve out a painting day for YOURSELF!
Looking for a way to dedicate a special time and space to your art?
The Manor Park painting group is in the rare position of recruiting a few new members.

We are an enthusiastic, committed group of painters who have been enjoying a full day of painting together in the St. Columba Church hall for many years. The hall is located at 24 Sandridge Rd. near the RCMP stables. It is well-lit and spacious, with access to a full kitchen, with coffee, tea and treats. Lots of free parking close to the building, too.

We bring our own supplies and work in the medium of our choice. We follow best practices with our materials. NOTE: This is not an art class, but an opportunity for independent work in a group of like-minded creative individuals.

We open the hall at 9:00 a.m. After greeting each other on arrival, we like to work quietly on our own projects until noon. We bring lunches, and dine together. We resume our projects after lunch, and close the building around 4:00 p.m.

During lunch, we enjoy art-related discussions, show-and-tell from members’ travels, or intelligent and helpful critiques. We are a friendly group; we love to paint and we are happy to help each other.

4 places available—$53 for four sessions
Thursday, April 30
Thursday, May 7
Thursday, May 21
Thursday, June 4

Our fees cover room rental and required insurance.
For more information, please email:
John Archer: johnarcher@rogers.com
Leslie Lambert: leslielambert0@gmail.com
or Marion Hall: marionjeanhall@rogers.com

4. Arts Network Ottawa

ArtNews Issue no. 008 | Bulletin des arts l'édition no. 008


Arteast Digest: Open Studio, Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa

1. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on March 12, and the 26th.
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Coté Street, Ottawa.
See website for details. https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre/
(Space is limited)

2. Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa

Arteast Ottawa is holding its first upcycling event where members can pick up some gently used or new art supplies and art books.

Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa will be held Saturday April 25, 2020, between 11:15am – 2pm at the Queenswood Heights Community Centre, 1485 Duford Dr, Orleans ON K1E 1G1

This event provides an opportunity to:
  • Facilitate exchange (donations encouraged) to mitigate waste and preserve the environment while helping by redirecting unwanted and unused art supplies out of closets and boxes from garbage bins and into the hands of new creative owners;
  • Create a casual event to bring members together, especially new members; and
  • Foster a climate where members learn about other Arteast events, including exhibition opportunities.

Cash donations are strongly encouraged for the art supplies. We also encourage all participants to bring a snack to share with others for the social aspect of this event.

How can you participate if you have unused supplies? Here are the options:
  • Manage your own space on a table with your extra supplies, at no cost. This entails setting up at 10:45 am and exchanging or accepting donations for your unused supplies. At the end of the day, your remaining supplies are yours to take away or donate; or
  • Donate your supplies preferably between 10:40am and 11am and have a volunteer accept cash donations that will be directed to Arteast Ottawa.
In addition, we are recruiting volunteers for this event to:
  • Set up and take down tables and chairs;
  • Manage the tables for the exchanges and accept donations;
  • Write article for the Communiqué; and
  • Set up the table of snacks.
If interested in bringing or donating supplies or volunteering, please contact Danielle Beaulieu before Monday April 20, 2019.

Supplies remaining at the end of the event will be donated to local schools with art programs.


Arteast Digest: North Gloucester Library Exhibition

1.  Changeover Reminder for North Gloucester Library Exhibition - March 10, 2020

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the North Gloucester Library at 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, Ontario.

New artworks will be on exhibition until May 12, 2020.

Please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art).

Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire) See: https://arteastottawa.com/hanging-guidelines/

For Information, Contact, and Library Exhibition Contract Form: https://arteastottawa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Libraries-Contract_North-Gloucester-Library.pdf

This type of exhibition is an ideal opportunity for new Arteast members to show their work.

2. Arts Network Ottawa

eNews Issue No. 015 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 015

3. Misc. News

Call to Artists - Galerie Old Chelsea, Chelsea, Quebec - 2021 Programming

(French version follows)

Deadline for submission: Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Galerie Old Chelsea is a non-profit gallery owned and run by 10 regional artists whose art is always featured in the gallery. The gallery, located above award-winning Restaurant Les Fougères, offers 40 linear feet for guest artists. Every year we offer about 12 exhibition slots, each three weeks in length, to artists working in all media. We welcome submissions from artists living within 100 kms of the Gatineau/Ottawa area. We encourage artists at all stages of their professional careers with a variety of voices and forms of expression to apply. Solo, duos or groups are welcome.
Selected artists will give the Galerie a 30% commission on all sales occurring during their show plus a show fee of $275.

Submission Requirements
Your complete submission package must include the following:
Current CV (maximum 3 pages) including your name, phone number, email and website addresses;
Artist Statement (max 500 words);
8 images of recent works--each image must be numbered, saved as a .jpg no larger than 1 MB. Use only high resolution images;
Numbered Image List with detailed information about each corresponding artwork. (Example: 01_Title_Medium_Dimensions_year of creation_price.)

Email your submission by March 31st to info@galerieoldchelsea.ca

Submissions will be reviewed by a jury of professional artists.
Successful applicants will be notified of the jury’s decision by email.

For more information, contact the gallery at:


Appel aux artistes - Galerie Old Chelsea, Chelsea, Québec - 2021 programmation
Date limite pour soumission: mardi 31 mars 2020

Chers artistes,
Galerie Old Chelsea est un organisme sans but lucrative géré par 10 artistes régionaux propriétaires de la galerie, et dont leur art est toujours présenté dans la galerie. La galerie, située au dessus du restaurant primé, Les Fougères, offre 40 pieds linéaires à des artistes invités. Chaque année, nous offrons presque 12 plages horaires pour des expositions d’une durée habituelle de trois semaines, aux artistes travaillant dans tous les médias. Nous acceptons des soumissions d’artistes qui habitent dans un rayon de 100 kms de la région de Gatineau/Ottawa. Peuvent faire une soumission un artiste en solo, en duo ou en group. La commission demandée sur toutes les ventes à la galerie durant l’exposition est de 30% plus des frais d’exposition de 275 $.

Modalités de présentation d’un dossier
Un dossier complet doit inclure tous les éléments suivants:
Curriculum vitae (maximum de trois pages) qui inclus votre nom, numéro de téléphone, votre adresse courriel, et votre site Web;
Démarche artistique (maximum de 500 mots);
8 images d’œuvres récentes. Chaque image doit être numérotée, enregistrée au format JPG, pas plus grande que 1MB. Utilisez que des images de haute résolution.
Une liste les NUMÉROTÉE des images donnant les renseignements suivants pour chaque œuvre. (Par exemple : 01_titre_médium_dimensions_année de création_prix.)

Les dossiers doivent être envoyés par courrier électronique par 31 mars à

Les soumissions seront évaluées par un jury d’artistes professionnels.
Les artistes sélectionnés recevront un avis par courriel.
Pour plus d’information, écrivez à