

Arteast Digest: Grow with Art, Field Trip

1. Arteast Grow with Art / Grandir avec l'art

Presents Alex Wyse, Tuesday May 28

7:00-  meet and greet, 7:30 announcements with presentation to follow. Room 340, 255 Centrum Blvd.

Alexander John Wyse was born in the United Kingdom in 1938. He recalls being consumed by  drawing  and  painting  as a child. After moving to Canada, he met his wife and collaborator Anne, a teacher from Saskatchewan. Perhaps owing to Alex’s British origin or perhaps to other factors, the couple has settled in the nation’s capital of Ottawa, Ontario.

As the home of the country’s government, Ottawa is a city filled with people involved in politics; if not directly, then by association. The city’s overwhelming tone of governance and social consequence has found its way into the work of Alex Wyse as he interrogates, subverts, and celebrates the political  context  of his own art practice.

Wyse often comments on such politically charged themes as the environment, governmental responsibility, and regionalism itself. His 1970 work Super Shows Proudly Presents Ease Into the Countryside plays with the perceived divisions between country- and city-life, while adopting the rhetoric of commercialism by promoting itself as a way to “ease into the countryside for the city type - deluxe model” and containing drawers of garbage and urban noisemakers.

The work of Alex Wyse often adopts a rustic style, not unlike that of his contemporaries Joe Fafard and Vic Cicansky, even if Wyse uses different materials. But through the  appropriation of other traditions of communication, Wyse has managed in his practice to create lighthearted works that deal with serious issues; Parliamentary Desk Thumper, Wyse’s work presented on the ARTSask website, is no exception.

If Alex Wyse is  unable to attend, Mary Ann Varley will  present "A Sticky Business- a journey into collage"

2. Annual Field Trip

The Annual field trip to Montreal is Thursday, June 13
Hannah Claus at the McCord Museum
Deadline to sign up: Cheques must be received by 5 pm on Friday, May 31, 2019.
Échéance pour l’inscription: Réception de chèques avant 17 h le vendredi 31 mai, 2019.

Treasures at the McCord Museum- (Weaving our Identity, Haida Supernatural Stories, & Hannah Claus https://www.musee-mccord.qc.ca/en/exhibitions/hannah-claus/)
Afternoon at the Botanical Gardens
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net
Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après-midi au jardin botanique de Montréal
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.

**Itinerary - Thursday, June 13, 2019
8:15 a.m. Leave the Shenkman Art Centre
by air-conditioned bus
10:30 a.m. Arrival at McCord Museum
11:00 a.m. Self guided tour
12:00 p.m., Lunch or brown bag at the gallery
(your cost)
Free time to roam the galleries
2 p.m. Depart museum
2:30 p.m. Arrival at Botanical Gardens for plein air,
(painting, sketching, photography, etc)
Optional supper or brown bag at local
venues (your cost)
6:00 p.m. Departure for Ottawa
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Arrival at the Shenkman Centre, depending on traffic and stop for a break.
Price: $60/member $70/non-member
Included in the price is bus transportation, entrance fees. We need at least 25 people for the trip to be viable.

Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après- midi aux jardines botaniques
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.


Arteast Digest: Budding Artist, Blackburn Hamlet, Francois Dupuis, Field Trip, etc.

1. Budding Artist Exhibit

You are invited to the Arteast Budding Artist exhibit
Presented by Arteast May 23 to July 15, 2019
Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony
Sunday, May 26 1:00 to 3:00 p.m
Shenkman Art Centre
245 Centrum Blvd, Orleans


Vous êtes invités à une exposition d’art Artiste débutant d’Arteast
Présenté par Arteast du 23 mai au 15 juillet 2019
Vernissage et cérémonie des prix
Le dimanche 26 mai de 13h00 à 15h00
Centre des arts Shenkman
245, Boul. Centrum , Orléans

2. Blackburn Hamlet Exhibit

Who Hélène Lepage
What: Exhibition of Water- based Media and mix media
When May 25th to July 27th 2019
Where: Blackburn Hamlet Library
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free.
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com

Hélène Lepage exhibition of water based media and mix media

Title : Femmes de rêve/ Dream Women

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of water-based-media and mix media paintings by Hélène Lepage. This solo show titled “Femmes de rêve” / “Dream Women” runs from May 25th to July 27, 2019.

The watercolor and liquid acrylic paintings on different supports plus collages are brought together to offer you and imaginary dream women for your viewing pleasure.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.

Location: Blackburn Hamlet Library branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.

Hours: Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday.

3. Francois Dupuis Exhibit

4. Annual Field Trip

The Annual field trip to Montreal is Thursday, June 13
Hannah Claus at the McCord Museum
Deadline to sign up: Cheques must be received by 5 pm on Friday, May 31, 2019.
Échéance pour l’inscription: Réception de chèques avant 17 h le vendredi 31 mai, 2019.

Treasures at the McCord Museum- (Weaving our Identity, Haida Supernatural Stories, & Hannah Claus https://www.musee-mccord.qc.ca/en/exhibitions/hannah-claus/)
Afternoon at the Botanical Gardens
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net
Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après-midi au jardin botanique de Montréal
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.

**Itinerary - Thursday, June 13, 2019
8:15 a.m. Leave the Shenkman Art Centre
by air-conditioned bus
10:30 a.m. Arrival at McCord Museum
11:00 a.m. Self guided tour
12:00 p.m., Lunch or brown bag at the gallery
(your cost)
Free time to roam the galleries
2 p.m. Depart museum
2:30 p.m. Arrival at Botanical Gardens for plein air,
(painting, sketching, photography, etc)
Optional supper or brown bag at local
venues (your cost)
6:00 p.m. Departure for Ottawa
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Arrival at the Shenkman Centre, depending on traffic and stop for a break.
Price: $60/member $70/non-member
Included in the price is bus transportation, entrance fees. We need at least 25 people for the trip to be viable.

Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après- midi aux jardines botaniques
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.

5. Misc News

Danielle Beaulieu, membre d'Arteast, offrira une conférence en français au centre Le MIFO, afin de permettre à ceux qui s’intéressent à l’art de découvrir différentes ressources et véhicules (classes, vidéos, livres, etc.) afin d'apprendre à créer.

La conférencière abordera aussi les avantages de joindre une communauté d'artistes ainsi que les nombreuses associations d'art qui existent dans la région.

Par exemple, Arteast, association artistique de la région de l’est de l’Ontario, offre des opportunités de création et de rencontres inspirantes.

Cette conférence gratuite aura lieu le jeudi 23 mai à 18h, au MIFO.

Vous pouvez faire circuler l’information dans votre réseau.

Si la conférence vous intéresse, merci de vous inscrire sur MIFO.CA, sous l’onglet galerie.


Last month’s Grow with Art meeting was met with locked doors to the City building. There was a glitch in the invoicing system, so Arteast members were locked out in the rain. Thanks to some quick thinking members like Catherine Niman and Mike Phillips, we were able to have a special presentation at the Lexus Restaurant by Rosalie Favell. Lexus even had a projector screen! It turned out to be a great evening!

Thanks to all the Arteast members who participated that evening.

6. Member's News

Art Sale

Some art items for sale: Jessie Parker is downsizing prior to leaving Ottawa.

She is offering artists the opportunity to snag some professional quality items which will save them $$$$$. These include:

1. A hinged display table top 40” high x 3/28” w panels. Useful for displays at art shows.
2. Professional display tent suitable for outdoor trade shows.
3. Powerlight 600Watt electronic light with 6ft stand and large 30”x30” softbox. Ideal for portraits, still life, etc.
4. wooden cradles for stretching canvas: all very strong thick wood that will not warp. 2/ 20”x30”; 1/30”x30”, 1/30”x40”, 1/15”x30”
5. Also there are quite a few professional art books on various media, and historic artists, sculpture, architecture, art movements, etc.

You may come and view, by appointment, on Saturday June 1, 2 to 5 pm at her house.

If interested, contact her at Jessie@photobasedart.com

7. Arts Network Ottawa

Exhibition Space at Arst Network Ottawa: Donna Quince

8. News from Sponsors

When sending notices to be published in the weekly Digest, please review the following guidelines:

  • remove all formatting (bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization, etc...)
  • include a short description (written in the 3rd person) of event or activity, in addition to dates, times, location, contact, etc. 
  • send photos in jpg format as a separate attachment (do no embed in document)
  • send your notice to this email address (arteastottawa@gmail.com)
  • send your notice two weeks prior to date of posting. Digests are prepared each Sunday.


Arteast Digest: Call for Art, Call for volunteers, Annual field trip

1. Call for Art - Promenade Arteast

“Members Show”

Exhibition dates- July 25th to September 24th

Coming up in July 2019 is the next unjuried Promenade Arteast exhibition.

One artwork per member may be submitted. (One piece up to a width of 38 inches x 72 inches tall including frame or one three dimensional work: size limit-12” x 12” x 36” h) If work is not framed, gallery canvas must be used.  The complete rules are with the application form.

Members who wish to participate are requested to fill out an application form
http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms/Promenade Application 2013efd.doc
with all the details of the artwork they wish to submit and send it to
promenade@arteastottawa.com .

Please review the rules for additional information

Application deadline- May 12th

There is no theme for this show.

If a large selection of work is submitted the applicants will be added to the list for subsequent shows providing applications are received by the posted deadline. Members will be informed if they are accepted in the posted exhibition or a subsequent show.

Please be advised, if you cannot attend the vernissage on the evening of July 25th please let us know and we will slot you into a later show that you can attend the vernissage for.

Drop off day for selected artwork is the day before the exhibition starts: July 24th 10am – 11am

Exhibitors must bring the completed, signed form with their work on changeover day.

Entrants must be members or will become members of Arteast.

There is a $5 hanging fee.

For information contact:
Maureen Rooney Mitchell - promenade@arteastottawa.com


Appel d’oeuvres d’art - Promenade Arteast

July 25 juillet – 24 septembre

Juillet 2019, est la prochaine exposition sans jury de la Promenade Arteast. Une oeuvre par artiste peut être présentée : ( dimension maximale d’une pièce incluant le cadre : largeur 38 pouces par hauteur 72 pouces). Si l’oeuvre n'est pas encadré, vous devez utiliser une toile gallerie.  Les règlements en entier sont jointes au formulaire

Les membres qui désirent participer doivent compléter un formulaire
http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms/Promenade Application 2013efd.doc
avec tous les détails de l’œuvre qu’ils présentent et le faire parvenir à promenade@arteastottawa.com

La date butoir d’application : 12 mai

L’exposition n’a pas de thème.

Si trop de tableaux sont soumis pour une seule exposition, les noms sont retenus selon la date de réception du libellé postal, pour une exposition subséquente. Les membres sont informés s’ils participent à l’exposition affichée ou à une subséquente.

Veuillez noter que si vous avez l’intention de ne pas être présent(e) au vernissage (artiste participant(e) le 25 juillet, s.v.p. nous en aviser et nous trouverons un espace pour votre œuvre dans une exposition où vous pourrez être présent(e).

Le dépôt au Centre Shenkman, de l’œuvre sélectionnée, est le jour précédent l’exposition, entre 10h et 11h a.m.

Les participants doivent apporter leur formulaire dûment complété, signé, avec leur œuvre, le jour d’échange indiqué.

Les participants doivent être membres réguliers ou doivent s’inscrire.

Les frais d’accrochage sont de $5 pièce.

Pour information contactez :  promenade@arteastottawa.com

2. Call for volunteers

Call for 3 Artists to design and paint a 5’ X 3 ‘ board: May to June 1st (One -two day project)

Face Cut Out Stand -Shenkman 10th Anniversary June 14th 2019;

The Shenkman, 10th anniversary celebrations will take place in front of the building and the upper lobby. Arteast will create a face cutout stand with a painting featuring the #10, the Shenkman logo and the Arteast logo which will be included in the design. A group of artists is needed to paint a picture on the wood. The Arteast face cut out stand will be used annually at the Shenkman. Your names will also be featured in the painting.

For more information, please email lindycousineau@rogers.com.

3. Annual Field Trip

The Annual field trip to Montreal is Thursday, June 13
Hannah Claus at the McCord Museum
Deadline to sign up: Cheques must be received by 5 pm on Friday, May 31, 2019.
Échéance pour l’inscription: Réception de chèques avant 17 h le vendredi 31 mai, 2019.

Treasures at the McCord Museum- (Weaving our Identity, Haida Supernatural Stories, & Hannah Claus https://www.musee-mccord.qc.ca/en/exhibitions/hannah-claus/)
Afternoon at the Botanical Gardens
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net
Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après-midi au jardin botanique de Montréal
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.

**Itinerary - Thursday, June 13, 2019
8:15 a.m. Leave the Shenkman Art Centre
by air-conditioned bus
10:30 a.m. Arrival at McCord Museum
11:00 a.m. Self guided tour
12:00 p.m., Lunch or brown bag at the gallery
(your cost)
Free time to roam the galleries
2 p.m. Depart museum
2:30 p.m. Arrival at Botanical Gardens for plein air,
(painting, sketching, photography, etc)
Optional supper or brown bag at local
venues (your cost)
6:00 p.m. Departure for Ottawa
8:00 - 9:00 p.m. Arrival at the Shenkman Centre, depending on traffic and stop for a break.
Price: $60/member $70/non-member
Included in the price is bus transportation, entrance fees. We need at least 25 people for the trip to be viable.

Le musée McCord à Montréal

Porter son identité, Haida histoires surnaturaelles, & Hannah Claus
L’après- midi aux jardines botaniques
Contact: Mary Ann Varley, varleymaryann1@bell.net.