

Arteast Digest: Speaker Series, Orléans Library Changeover, Website Maintenance

1. Grow with Art Speaker Series - Grandir avec L’art

February Speaker – Bhat Boy

Tuesday February 25 – mardi le 25 février
7:00 “Meet and Greet” à 19h
7:30 Announcements / Annonces à 19h30
7 :45 Présentation à 19h45
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / boul. Centrum

Bhat Boy, community activist and founder of "Art in the Park", shares how his strong sense of community translates into his unique style of painting. He will talk about his enjoyment engaging the imagination of spectators and how his inclusion of Nuns and Dragons in his work relates to preconceived ideas about individuals and the darker side of the male psyche.


Bhat Boy, activiste communautaire et fondateur du festival intitulé "arts dans les parcs," expliquera les liens entre son engagement communautaire et son style unique en peinture. Il discutera sa passion envers le public et leur imagination. De plus, il nous présentera des sujets, entre autres, des religieuses et des dragons. Finalement, la relation entre ses idées préconçues des gens et l’aspect sombre du psychisme masculin sera discutée.

Bhat Boy

2. Changeover Reminder for Orléans Library Exhibition is on March 3, 2020

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the Orléans Library Branch, 1705 Orléans Blvd., Orléans, Ontario.

New artworks will be on exhibition until May 5, 2020.​

Please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). 

Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire) See: https://arteastottawa.com/hanging-guidelines/

For Information, Contact, and Library Exhibition Contract Form: https://arteastottawa.com/orleans-library-2/

This type of exhibition is an ideal opportunity for new Arteast members to show their work.

3. Misc News

The Arteast Ottawa website will be down for maintenance for a period of 24 to 48 hours, estimated to occur sometime during the later part of the week of February 24, 2020.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Arteast Digest: Mosaic Opening Reception, Promenade Vernissage

1. Opening reception for “Mosaic” - Trinity Gallery Juried Exhibition 

“Mosaic” Is Uncovered In Shenkman Arts Centre

The public is invited to the opening of Arteast's latest juried show, “Mosaic”. The reception takes place on Sunday, February 16th 2020, from 1-3 p.m. in the Trinity Gallery on the Ground Floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. in Orleans.

Arteast members were encouraged to submit their best two and three dimensional work to this annual juried exhibition. The assorted works on display are representative of the insightful, imaginative, original visual art that Arteast members create.

Three Juror’s Choice Awards will be presented plus the Arteast Award of Excellence.


Vernissage de l’exposition ‘Mosaïque’ – exposition avec jury à la Galerie Trinity

« Mosaïque » Est Découvert Au Centre Des Arts Shenkman

Le public est invité au vernissage de l’exposition avec jury appelée ‘Mosaïque’. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 16 février 2020 de 13 à 15h à la Galerie Trinity , Niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 boul. Centrum à Orléans.

Les membres d’Arteast ont été encouragé à soumettre leurs meilleures œuvres en 2 ou 3 dimensions à cette exposition annuelle avec jury. Les travaux exposés représentent la perspicacité, l’imagination et la création d’œuvres originales de la part des membres. 

En plus d’une mention d’excellence, trois mentions spéciales sont sélectionnées par le jury. 

2. Winter Inspiration-Inspiration d’hiver 2020

Le public est invité au vernissage de l’exposition Winter Inspiration-Inspiration d’hiver, 2020 présenté par les membres d’Arteast à la Promenade Arteast du Centre des Arts Shenkman.

La réception aura lieu le dimanche 16 février 2020, de 13h à 15h, au niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 boulevard Centrum, Orléans.

Arteast est fière de présenter lors de cette exposition, les œuvres de 19 artistes de la région, membres d’Arteast, où l’on pourra admirer une variété de sujets, de styles et de médiums. La qualité et la variété de leurs œuvres enrichissent la communauté artistique d’Ottawa. Il y a une histoire derrière chaque œuvre unique, elle est représentative de l’expérience, du vécu et du talent de l’artiste!

L’exposition se déroulera du 13 février au 20 avril 2020.


The public is invited to a reception for Winter Inspiration – Inspiration d’hiver, 2020 the latest show to be presented by Arteast. The reception will take place on Sunday, February 16th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the ground floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard, Orleans.

Arteast is pleased to present the diverse works of its members, comprising many subjects, styles and media. The works of art in this exhibition showcase the works of 19 Arteast members and are representative of the high quality of work produced by its membership. The artists will be present to discuss their work and provide insights into their art.

The exhibition is on display from February 13 to April 20, 2020

3. Member's News

Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the three week mini session "Introduction to Painting with Watercolour, Acrylic and Oil Paint" at 1270 Kinsella Drive, Cumberland, ON, K4C 1A9. By painting flowers with different mediums, the participants will be able to find out which medium is best suited for them. Classes are held every second week to give the participants time to finish the paintings at home if necessary. All the materials are included in the registration fee. This is a beginners course.

Tuesday, February 18, March 3, and 17, 2020 from 10:00 am to 13:00 pm: $150 (materials are included, 4 – 8 students).

4. Misc News

The Manotick Art Association has some openings for one of their workshop: In The Footsteps of Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven.

You can get more information on our website here: https://www.manotickart.ca/index.php?page=workshops-3

Brian Graham
Manotick Art Association

5. Arts Network Ottawa

eNews Issue No. 014 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 014


Arteast Digest: Workshop

1. Workshop

Building (and maintaining) Creative Momentum
Golden Workshop with Andrea Warren

Whether just starting out or a seasoned professional, we all get stuck sometimes creatively.

In this full day workshop, learn tips, tricks, and tools to break through creative blocks and maintain that flow.  Experiment with playful creative exercises designed to loosen you up and get you out of your head, and learn some fun techniques explored by famous artists throughout history to get the juices flowing.  Discover studio practices that best foster and nurture creativity, learn ways to implement all these things into your own practice, and go home with resources to explore further (and of course, Golden samples!)

Date:  Saturday, February 29, 2020 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Where:  Church of St. Columba
24 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park (Just off Sir Georges Etienne Cartier Parkway)
Cost: $125 member / $130 non-members (all materials are included)

Limited registration – register early! Deadline for registration is Saturday, February 22, 2020

To register visit our Grow With Art Workshops page on the website https://arteastottawa.com/workshops/

If you have any questions about the Workshop contact Cheryl Mattice at https://arteastottawa.com/contact-form-grow-with-art/

2. Member's News

Have you decided to try something different in 2020? Looking for inspiration? Get your feet wet in this watercolor basics course with Danielle Beaulieu! These four sessions will introduce you to the essential tools and end with practicing different watercolor techniques. You can register at Da Artisti Studio & Gallery: https://daartisti.com/lessons/.