

Arteast Digest: Calls for art, Workshops, Call for volunteers, Exhibition - St Laurent Library, North Gloucester Library Changeover

1.  Call for art - North Gloucester Library

Time to hang our artworks at the North Gloucester Library again.

Please bring your paintings on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 to the North Gloucester Library , 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

These pieces will be exhibited for three months till January 13, 2020.

Please come between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM.

We look forward to seeing you there on Tuesday, October 8, 2019

2.  Arteast Workshop with Hamid Ayoub

Loose and Free - Unleash the Power of Your Creativity with Palette Knives

Art has always been used as a method of expressing beauty and unseen emotions. Art has also been used - in its various appearances from sculpture, creative writing to painting - to restore hope, maintain creativity and channel feelings that can be difficult to express.

In this workshop, Hamid will guide the participants through the journey of discovering the therapeutic aspect of art making. The journey will start with fundamental concepts of visual art, through the unleashing power of creativity. Participants will explore the magic of palette knife painting techniques, using acrylic, oil or watercolour. A list of supplies will be provided to all registrants.

Hamid is known for his use of bright colours to enhance and communicate joy and movement in his paintings. He is a graduate in Fine Arts and has exhibited his work internationally. For more info on Hamid see: https://www.hamidayoub.net/

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Where: Church of St. Columba, 25 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park (Just off Sir George Etienne Cartier Pkway)

Cost: $45/members $50/non-members)

Limited registration. Deadline for registration is Saturday October 19, 2019

Supply list will follow upon registration.

To register, send an email to the Treasurer (treasurer.arteast@gmail.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

3. Call for Volunteers

Volunteers needed for 2 Outreach Projects on Oct. 2 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Both projects are in the same building with a 30 minutes in-between for cleanup and setup.

Adult Brain Injury #1 Project:
We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who: Adult Brain Injury 15 Clients- Acquired Brain Injury Day Program
What: Acrylic- Landscape with pumpkins
When: Oct 2 10:00 a.m. at 11:00 A.M.
Where: 1490 Youville Drive, Hall A (first door on the left when you enter by
the front entrance)
Contact: lindycousineau@rogers.com

Variety East Outreach project #2 Project:
We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who: 14 Adult Developmentally Delayed Adults at Variety East
What: Acrylic Fall painting scene with pumpkins.
When: Oct 2, 2018 at 11:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m.
Where: Bob McQuarrie Recreation Centre Hall D. Lower Level
Contact: lindycousineau@rogers.com

4. Call for Artists For 2020 - St. Laurent Complex Gallery (Don-Gamble Community Centre)

The Arteast Team at the St. Laurent Complex Gallery (Don-Gamble Community Centre) is excited to issue a call for artists for the 5 upcoming exhibits in 2020.

1. Colourful Impressions: January 10th - March 14th
2. Emotions & Moods: March 14th - May  9th
3. Limitless Imagination: May 9th- July 11th
4. Visual Dreams: July 11th- September 12th
5. Festival: November 14th - January 9th, 2021

Each exhibit space can accommodate 4 artists at a time.

Please email stlaurent@arteastottawa.com as soon as possible if you are interested in showing your art work. Changeovers take place on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

The St. Laurent Complex is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works. Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang following the Arteast guide lines.

The centre is very accessible. It is open seven days a week, Monday to Friday from 5:30 am to 10 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 6 pm.

Artists are responsible for all handling and hanging of their artwork. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to the Arteast website for forms, regulations and more details. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted.

Reserve your space today!

The St. Laurent Complex team.

L’équipe Arteast du Centre St-Laurent recherche des artistes pour ses prochaines expositions:

1. Un monde de couleurs: du 10 janvier au 14 mars
2. Émotions et états d’âme: du 14 mars au 9 mai
3. Imagination sans limite: du 9 au 11 juillet
4. Évasion artistique: du 11 juillet au 12 septembre
5. Festival: du 14 novembre au 9 janvier 2021

Le Centre St-Laurent est un lieu convivial et agréable où les artistes membres de Arteast peuvent offrir leurs œuvres au public. Le Centre est facile d’accès. Il est ouvert 7 jours sur 7, du lundi au vendredi de 5:00 à 22:00, et les samedis et dimanches, de 7:00 à 18:00.

Le Centre peut accommoder quatre artistes par exposition.

Prière contacter par courriel stlaurent@arteastottawa.com le plus tôt possible si vous êtes intéressé à exposer vos oeuvres.

Les accrochages auront lieu le jeudi soir à partir de 17h30.

Chaque exposant disposera d’un espace de 10 pieds pour accrocher ses tableaux disponibles pour la vente. Les oeuvres doivent être sèches et prêtes à être accrochées.

Les artistes ont l’entière responsabilité d’accrocher eux-mêmes leurs oeuvres. De plus, ils devront s’acquitter des frais d’exposition de 20$ payables à Arteast.

Prière vous référer au site web Arteast pour obtenir les formulaires et règlements.

Les oeuvres dont le système d’accrochage ne sera pas conforme seront malheureusement écartées.

Réservez votre espace dès aujourd’hui.

L’équipe du Centre St-Laurent.

5. Exhibition  - St Laurent Library

St-Laurent Library, in conjunction with Arteast, is proud to present an exhibition of paintings by local artist Denise Jasmin. This solo show is titled Diversity and runs from September 27, 2019 to January 10, 2020.

Painting is Denise’s life-long passion. The artist is motivated by trying different styles and medium and by exploring new techniques. This exhibit of 17 paintings reflects her range of interest. Paintings cover a variety of subjects - from landscape to still-life to abstract. They are in oil, watercolour, and acrylic.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support artists in their local community as well as the St-Laurent Library.

Location: St-Laurent branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 515 Côté Street , Ottawa K1K 0Z8
Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10:00 - 8:30, Friday: 1:00 - 6:00, Saturday: 10:00- 5:00, Sunday: closed

6. North Gloucester Library Changeover - Reminder : October 8, 2019

Time to hang our artworks at the North Gloucester Library again.
Please bring your paintings on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 to the North Gloucester Library , 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.
These pieces will be exhibited for three months till January 13, 2020.
Please come between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM.
We look forward to seeing you there on Tuesday, October 8, 2019

7. Arteast Juried Award Exhibit

Congratulations to Bastien Martel, recipient of the Best in Show Award at this year's AJAE

8. Member's Notice

Nepean Fine Arts League Invites you to its Fall Art Sale October 18 to October 20, 2019 at the Ukrainian Banquet Hall, 1000 Byron Avenue.

Vernissage Friday 6-9pm, Open Saturday 10-5pm, Sunday 10-4pm.

Sale of artwork from 35 artists; Proud sponsor of Hospice Care Ottawa; www.nepeanfineartsleague.com

9. Misc Notice

Holly Berry Bazaar & Art Show  at Trinity Presbyterian Church
1817 Richardson Side Road, Carp, ON
Saturday November 16, 2019
9:00 am – 2:00 pm

For more than 10 years, we have been transforming our sanctuary into an art gallery for the day! Over 200 people come to this event annually. Art in a wide variety of expressions are welcome to be part of the show – jewelry makers, potters, painters in all mediums, textile artists, wood workers, etc .

We still have room for a few artists!! Cost is $100 per booth. Artists are responsible for their own display materials (grids, tables, etc.). Set up is on Friday (2:00 pm – 9:00 pm) or Saturday (7:00 am – 9:00 am). For more information, call Shaun (613-836-1429) or visit our website (www.trinitykanata.ca) E-mail: shaun.seaman110@gmail.com.


Arteast Digest: Promenade Exhibit and Reception, Grow with Art

1. Promenade Exhibit and Reception

The public is invited to an opening reception for "Autumn Inspiration – Inspiration d’automne" - the latest show to be presented by Arteast Ottawa. The reception will take place on Sunday, September 29th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the ground floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard, Orleans.

The exhibition runs from September 26th to November 26th, 2019.

Based on the theme of Autumn, this show will present the works of 30 members, comprising 19 paintings and 11 stone sculptures of adorable bears. The paintings feature a wide range of subjects in various media. The bears were produced by Arteast members at a workshop with local, award winning sculptor and Arteast member Patrick Imai. Each participant worked on and finished a soapstone bear. Participating artists will be present to discuss their work.


Le public est invité au Vernissage de l’exposition "Autumn Inspiration – Inspiration d’automne" présenté par les membres d’Arteast Ottawa. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 29 septembre de 13h à 15h au niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 Boulevard Centrum, à Orléans. 

L’exposition se déroulera du 26 septembre au 26 novembre 2019.

Sur le thème de l’automne, l’exposition présentera les œuvres de 30 artistes membres, comprenant 19 peintures et 11 sculptures d’adorables petits ours en pierre! Les peintures présentent plusieurs sujets et sont produites dans une grande variété de médiums. Les ours ont été créés lors d’un atelier d’un jour animé par Patrick Imai, sculpteur primé et membre d’Arteast, très bien connu pour sa passion et son talent dans la sculpture des ours en pierre. Les participants de cet atelier seront présents pour discuter de leur travail.

2. Grow with Art

Change of Speaker for September 24 Grow with Art Presentation

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our planned speaker for September 24 is unable to do her presentation. In her stead, Grow with Art is happy to have Gordon Harrison do a presentation to Arteast members. Do not miss the opportunity to miss this Canadian landscape artist discuss his art, inspiration, and gallery. We look forward to seeing you there.


Changement de conférencier pour la présentation de Grandir avec l’Art du 24 septembre

En raison de circonstances imprévues, notre conférencier prévu pour le 24 septembre n'est pas en mesure de faire sa présentation. Avec plaisir, l’Art en herbe d’accueillera en replacement Gordon Harrison qui fera présentation aux membres d'Arteast. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de rencontrer ce paysagiste canadien qui discutera de son art, son inspiration et de sa galerie. Nous avons hâte de vous y voir.

3. Member's news

Jeanne Vaillancourt cherche à traduire dans ses oeuvres les impressions que suscitent en elle la nature qui l’entoure, ses voyages en Europe et en Asie, ou la vie tout simplement. Sa passion pour la gravure et l’impression se perçoit dans ses nombreuses années de pratique et de perfectionnement. Spécialiste de la gravure à l’eau forte, un procédé de gravure sur une plaque métallique à l’aide d’un mordant chimique, elle aime aussi expérimenter avec la linogravure ainsi qu’avec les techniques mixtes.

Exposition :  du 2 au 30 octobre 2019
Vernissage : le 4 octobre 2019 de 19 h à 21 h
Lieu : Galerie d'art Eugène-Racette, MIFO (6600, rue Carrière)

4.  Arts Network Ottawa


Arteast Digest: Arteast Juried Award Exhibit, Grow with Art, Members' Survey, Blackburn Library Exhibition

1. Arteast Juried Award Exhibit

The 2019 Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition is now on display and will run till November 13. The combined Awards ceremony and Vernissage is on July 22nd from 1-3 pm at the St Laurent Complex, 525 Coté St, Ottawa, ON K1K 0Z8.

These links will take you to two beautiful lively videos celebrating the 38th Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition. https://youtu.be/CyAUYZbLVlc and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGaILg7yD2I&t=26s Roxanne Brousseau-Félio, M.Ed, OCT. has produced these videos as a new member to Arteast. Feel free to share widely with your friends, family and customers.

The AJAE team

Image may contain: shoes, boots and text

2. Grow with Art

Change of Speaker for September 24 Grow with Art Presentation

Due to unforeseen circumstances, our planned speaker for September 24 is unable to do her presentation. In her stead, Grow with Art is happy to have Gordon Harrison do a presentation to Arteast members. Do not miss the opportunity to miss this Canadian landscape artist discuss his art, inspiration, and gallery. We look forward to seeing you there.


Changement de conférencier pour la présentation de Grandir avec l’Art du 24 septembre

En raison de circonstances imprévues, notre conférencier prévu pour le 24 septembre n'est pas en mesure de faire sa présentation. Avec plaisir, l’Art en herbe d’accueillera en replacement Gordon Harrison qui fera présentation aux membres d'Arteast. Ne manquez pas l'occasion de rencontrer ce paysagiste canadien qui discutera de son art, son inspiration et de sa galerie. Nous avons hâte de vous y voir.

3. Members' Survey - Final days

Please take 10-12 minutes to let us know what you think. Complete the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Deadline is September 18, 2019 - only one more week to go.

Your participation will help us make Arteast a dynamic and effective organization to promote your interests!


Sondage auprès des membres - Votre contribution est importante.

Veuillez prendre 10 à 12 minutes pour nous faire savoir ce que vous pensez. Complétez le sondage ici: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

La date limite est le 18 septembre 2019 - il ne reste plus qu'une semaine.

Votre participation nous aidera à faire d’Arteast une organisation dynamique et efficace pour promouvoir vos intérêts!

4. Blackburn Library Exhibition

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of
two different streams of Linda Foley’s art. The first is comprised of an organic medium made of beeswax and dammar resin called, “encaustic”. One piece is inspired by Dr. Ali Arya’s (Carleton University) research into using avatar based multi-modal in virtual environments. In this piece, among other things, the main character, “The Brain” (from the cartoon “Pinky and the Brain”), is transferring his intelligence to his larger than life avatar with the hope that his invincible archetype will fulfill his ambition for world domination. Incidentally, this piece received the Best Artwork Award at the first Ottawa Creative Reactions event, “where art meets science”. The smaller encaustic pieces are parodies that also include popular cartoon characters mirroring Linda’s sense of humour. The second stream of her works are large abstract acrylic paintings inspired by industrial settings. While each collection is drastically different, both represent the artist’s varied interests.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.

Location: 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.

Hours: Mon. through Thurs from 10 – 8:30
Friday from 1 – 6:00
Sat. from 10 – 5
Closed Sunday


La bibliothèque de Blackburn en conjointement avec Arteast est fière de présenter une exposition de deux volets représentant l’art de Linda Foley. Le premier est constitué d’un médium organique créer à partir de cire d’abeille et de résine dammar appelé « encaustique ». Une des œuvres est inspirée par les recherches du Dr. Ali Arya (Université de Carleton) qui porte sur l’utilisation de multimodalités basé sur des avatars dans des environnements virtuels. Dans cette pièce, entre-autre, le personnage principal, « The Brain », de la bande dessinée « Pinky and the Brain », transfère son intelligence à son avatar invincible dans l'espoir que son archétype remplira son ambition de domination mondiale. Incidemment, cette pièce a reçu le prix du meilleur œuvre d'art lors du premier événement de Réactions créatives à Ottawa, là où « L'art rencontre la science ». Les petites pièces encaustiques sont des parodies qui incluent également des personnages de dessins animés populaires reflétant le sens de l’humour de Linda. Le second volet de ses œuvres est constitué de grandes peintures abstraites en acrylique inspirées par les environnements industriels. Bien que chaque collection soit radicalement différente, elles représentent les intérêts variés de l’artiste.

C’est une occasion unique pour le public de profiter, d’encourager et de soutenir les artistes locaux dans leurs communautés et de s’engager avec la bibliothèque de Blackburn.

Location: 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.

Heures: lundi au jeudi de 10h – 8h30
vendredi de 1h00 – 6h00
Samedi de 10h00 – 5h00
dimanche fermé

5. Arts Network Ottawa


Arteast Digest: Survey, Members' News

1. Member's Survey

In the Spring of 2014 and Fall of 2017, Arteast Ottawa reached out to its members to take a look at our organization and provide a quick check-up on how things are coming along. We are now conducting a third survey to determine if you believe that Arteast is meeting your expectations. 

All members are invited and encouraged to complete the Arteast members’ online survey. This survey is being conducted to give you the opportunity to share your perspective on how our organization is doing and what your interests are.

The survey should take about 10-12 minutes to complete and can be accessed online through the link below. All responses will be anonymous and treated as confidential – no individuals will be identified in any way and all data will be treated in aggregate form only. Although your participation is voluntary, we value any feedback you can provide. You have until September 18, 2019 to complete the survey.

Complete your survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Questions about the survey can be directed to Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make Arteast a dynamic organization.

Au printemps 2014 et l’automne 2017, Arteast Ottawa a mené un exercice de consultation auprès de ses membres afin d’examiner notre organisation et de vérifier où en sont les choses. Nous faisons maintenant un suivi avec un deuxième sondage pour voir si Arteast rencontre vos attentes.

Nous invitons et encourageons tous les membres à répondre au sondage en ligne d’Arteast. Ce sondage est réalisé pour vous permettre de donner votre opinion sur la façon dont notre organisation progresse et vos intérêts.

Il vous faudra environ 10-12 minutes pour répondre au sondage, qui est accessible en ligne à partir du lien ci-dessous. Le caractère anonyme et confidentiel de toutes les réponses sera préservé. Les répondants ne pourront être identifiés d’aucune manière et les données seront traitées uniquement de façon globale. Votre participation est volontaire, mais nous accordons de l’importance à vos commentaires. Vous avez jusqu’au 18 septembre, 2019 pour répondre au sondage.

Participez au sondage ici: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Pour toute question au sujet du sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de prendre le temps de nous aider à faire d’Arteast un organisation dynamique.

2. Member's News

Christine Lenoir Godin has two upcoming exhibitions. She will show a group of her largest works selected from her studio collection through the months of September, October and November 2019. The show is called selections. The exhibition is at Primecorps vitrines on Somerset street around the corner from bank street in downtown ottwa. Dates of show are from Sept 10 to November 5 2019. This showcase is available to view 24 hours every day sales contacts are done through boutique@artottawa.ca

In addition, she will be showing two of her environmentally themed works in a group show with CAPRAC at the Chenail gallery and cultural centre all through the month of September in an exhibition called "Arts sur la rive".
dates from september 7 until september 29
hours of operation 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
seven days a week note that this coming Monday only will not be open
located at 2 john street Hawkesbury on k6a 2s2
phone 613 632 9555


The collective graphein was created in response to discussions among several visual artists. These artists wanted to share their knowledge and promote printmaking a traditional art form an exposition of its members will take place from September 12 to October 13 in la fab art centre Old Chelsea QC. The opening will be September 12 from 17h to 20h. / Le collectif graphein est né d’une réflexion entre des d’artistes professionnels en arts visuels qui désiraient unir leur savoir-faire en gravure et promouvoir cet art ancestral. Ses membres tiendront une exposition du 12 septembre au 13 octobre au centre d’art la fab Old Chelsea QC. Le vernissage aura lieu le 12 septembre de 17h à 20h

3. Misc. News:

The City of Ottawa Community Arts Program invites emerging and established artists, artist collectives and community arts organizations working in visual arts and fine craft to propose an exhibition. Please feel free to share with your membership/contacts. https://ottawa.ca/en/residents/arts-heritage-and-culture/calls-and-opportunities-culture#community-galleries-selection-2019.

Le programme Arts communautaires et engagement social de la Ville d’Ottawa invite les artistes, les collectifs d’artistes et les organismes communautaires voués aux arts visuels et aux métiers d’arts débutants ou reconnus à proposer une exposition. N'hésitez pas à partager avec vos membres / contacts. https://ottawa.ca/fr/residents/arts-culture-et-patrimoine/soumissions-et-occasions-dans-le-domaine-de-la-culture#selection-pour-les-galeries-dart-communautaires.


Studio Space Ottawa – Artist Spaces For Lease

Shared Spaces
Don’t miss your chance to rent a studio in the newly designed and renovated Studio Space Ottawa.

Here is a list of studio spaces available from Studio Space Ottawa. We are hosting an open house on Monday, September 9th from 6 to 8 pm.

$210 / month (includes HST)
159 SF each
Studio 211A; 211B; 212A; 212B

$220 / month (includes HST)
166 SF each
Studio 216A; 216B

$230 / month (includes HST)
173 SF each
Studio 215A; 215B

$255 / month (includes HST)
193 SF each
Studio 205A; Studio 205B; Studio 205C; Studio 205D

-Available Sept 15/19; Oct 1/19
-2477 Kaladar Ave.
-2nd Floor
-Heat and AC included
-24hr Building Access
-Large Water Station
-Free Parking
-Private Artist Studios

Showings available upon request. Contact: studiospaceottawa@gmail.com


Arts Network Ottawa
eNews Issue No. 007 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 007


Arteast Survey

In the Spring of 2014 and Fall of 2017, Arteast Ottawa reached out to its members to take a look at our organization and provide a quick check-up on how things are coming along. We are now conducting a third survey to determine if you believe that Arteast is meeting your expectations. 

All members are invited and encouraged to complete the Arteast members’ online survey. This survey is being conducted to give you the opportunity to share your perspective on how our organization is doing and what your interests are.

The survey should take about 10-12 minutes to complete and can be accessed online through the link below. All responses will be anonymous and treated as confidential – no individuals will be identified in any way and all data will be treated in aggregate form only. Although your participation is voluntary, we value any feedback you can provide. You have until September 18, 2019 to complete the survey.

Complete your survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Questions about the survey can be directed to Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make Arteast a dynamic organization.

Au printemps 2014 et l’automne 2017, Arteast Ottawa a mené un exercice de consultation auprès de ses membres afin d’examiner notre organisation et de vérifier où en sont les choses. Nous faisons maintenant un suivi avec un deuxième sondage pour voir si Arteast rencontre vos attentes.

Nous invitons et encourageons tous les membres à répondre au sondage en ligne d’Arteast. Ce sondage est réalisé pour vous permettre de donner votre opinion sur la façon dont notre organisation progresse et vos intérêts.

Il vous faudra environ 10-12 minutes pour répondre au sondage, qui est accessible en ligne à partir du lien ci-dessous. Le caractère anonyme et confidentiel de toutes les réponses sera préservé. Les répondants ne pourront être identifiés d’aucune manière et les données seront traitées uniquement de façon globale. Votre participation est volontaire, mais nous accordons de l’importance à vos commentaires. Vous avez jusqu’au 18 septembre, 2019 pour répondre au sondage.

Participez au sondage ici: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Pour toute question au sujet du sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de prendre le temps de nous aider à faire d’Arteast un organisation dynamique.


Artreast Digest: North Gloucester Library, Orleans Library Exhibition, Open Studio, etc.

1.  North Gloucester Library

As the walls of the library are still being painted, we cannot hang our artwork on Sep 10th. The good news is that the work is scheduled to be complete by the end of September and the completion was confirmed by the manager of the library branch.
Therefore our next exchange will be October 8, 2019 to keep it consistent with the second Tuesday of the month. and the next art exchange after that will be Jan 13, 2020. That way we "catch up" and bring our exchange dates to the regular scheduled times.
Please come between 10:30 and 11:30 on October 8, 2019.

There will be a reminder at the end of September.

2. Orleans Library Exhibition

Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: September 3, 2019

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2019, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire).

These new pieces will be hung until November 5, 2019.

The changeover at the Orleans Library branch is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

It is an ideal opportunity especially for new Arteast members to exhibit their work. 

3. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on September 12, and on 26th.

At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
See website for details.
Register by email: openstudio@arteastottawa.com (space is limited).

4. Member's News

Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the following events during September and October at 1270 Kinsella Drive, Cumberland, ON, K4C 1A9 (All materials are included except if otherwise noted.):
  • Sunday, September 15, 10:30 am to 12 pm : Drawing at the Humanics Institute, $5/person
  • Sunday, September 15, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Cafe: Fall Mandala, $10/person
  • Sunday, September 29, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Circle, $5/person (own materials)
  • Friday, October 11, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm: Pumpkin Painting Party, $35/person
  • Friday, October 18, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm: Crafters Evening, $5/person (own materials)
  • Sunday, October 20, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Cafe $10/person
  • Saturday, October 26, 3 pm to 5 pm: Poppy Felting Workshop, $35/person
  • Sunday, October 27, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Circle, $5/person (own materials)
  • Thursdays, 6 pm to 8 pm from October 10 – November 28, 2019: Introduction to Painting with Watercolours, Acrylic and Oil Paints $300 (4 – 8 students)
  • Fridays, 10:30 to 12:00 pm from October 11 – November 29, 2019 (8 weeks): Drawing for Beginners, $250 (4 – 8 students)

For more information and to register please go to her website www.KerstinPeters.ca. Please do not hesitate to contact Kerstin at info@KerstinPeters.ca if you have any questions.

Kerstin also offers a Mixed Media course as well as three Cartooning & Comics courses for children at the François Dupuis Recreation Centre. For more information please go to http://join.ottawa.ca/fac/247/winter/all/. To register please go online or directly to any of the City of Ottawa recreation facilities or client service centres.

5. Arts Network

ARTicipate Press Release 


When sending notices to be published in the weekly Digest, please review the following guidelines:

  • remove all formatting (bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization, etc...)
  • include a short description (written in the 3rd person) of event or activity, in addition to dates, times, location, contact, etc. 
  • send photos in jpg format as a separate attachment (do no embed in document) 
  • send your notice to this email address (arteastottawa@gmail.com
  • send your notice one week prior to date of posting. Digests are prepared each Sunday