

Arteast Digest: Open Studio, Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa

1. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on March 12, and the 26th.
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Coté Street, Ottawa.
See website for details. https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre/
(Space is limited)

2. Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa

Arteast Ottawa is holding its first upcycling event where members can pick up some gently used or new art supplies and art books.

Upcycling at Arteast Ottawa will be held Saturday April 25, 2020, between 11:15am – 2pm at the Queenswood Heights Community Centre, 1485 Duford Dr, Orleans ON K1E 1G1

This event provides an opportunity to:
  • Facilitate exchange (donations encouraged) to mitigate waste and preserve the environment while helping by redirecting unwanted and unused art supplies out of closets and boxes from garbage bins and into the hands of new creative owners;
  • Create a casual event to bring members together, especially new members; and
  • Foster a climate where members learn about other Arteast events, including exhibition opportunities.

Cash donations are strongly encouraged for the art supplies. We also encourage all participants to bring a snack to share with others for the social aspect of this event.

How can you participate if you have unused supplies? Here are the options:
  • Manage your own space on a table with your extra supplies, at no cost. This entails setting up at 10:45 am and exchanging or accepting donations for your unused supplies. At the end of the day, your remaining supplies are yours to take away or donate; or
  • Donate your supplies preferably between 10:40am and 11am and have a volunteer accept cash donations that will be directed to Arteast Ottawa.
In addition, we are recruiting volunteers for this event to:
  • Set up and take down tables and chairs;
  • Manage the tables for the exchanges and accept donations;
  • Write article for the Communiqué; and
  • Set up the table of snacks.
If interested in bringing or donating supplies or volunteering, please contact Danielle Beaulieu before Monday April 20, 2019.

Supplies remaining at the end of the event will be donated to local schools with art programs.

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