

Arteast Digest: Closuress & Cancellations

1. Notices of Closures and Cancellations

The health and safety of our members and community is of paramount importance. Due to the unprecedented pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus, many events - federal, provincial and municipal - have been cancelled and facilities are closing. Arteast events are held in City of Ottawa facilities which are closed from Monday, March 16 to April 5, 2020. These include libraries, recreation and cultural complexes and the Shenkman Arts Centre. Consequently, all Arteast events scheduled for this period are cancelled. This includes:
  • March 24, 2020: Grow with Art Speaker - Vicky Palmer
  • March 26, 2020: Open Studio
  • April 25, 2020:  Upcyling for Arteast  is postponed.
Please consult Arteast's online event calendar for additional cancellations.

Arteast is taking action consistent with the guidelines from Government of Canada, as well as provincial and local authorities. We will monitor the evolving situation closely and post updates on the website.

Please take precautions to stay safe. For guidance about COVID-19, visit ottawapublichealth.ca/coronavirus.

2. St Laurent Complex Exhibit

3. Member's News

Carve out a painting day for YOURSELF!
Looking for a way to dedicate a special time and space to your art?
The Manor Park painting group is in the rare position of recruiting a few new members.

We are an enthusiastic, committed group of painters who have been enjoying a full day of painting together in the St. Columba Church hall for many years. The hall is located at 24 Sandridge Rd. near the RCMP stables. It is well-lit and spacious, with access to a full kitchen, with coffee, tea and treats. Lots of free parking close to the building, too.

We bring our own supplies and work in the medium of our choice. We follow best practices with our materials. NOTE: This is not an art class, but an opportunity for independent work in a group of like-minded creative individuals.

We open the hall at 9:00 a.m. After greeting each other on arrival, we like to work quietly on our own projects until noon. We bring lunches, and dine together. We resume our projects after lunch, and close the building around 4:00 p.m.

During lunch, we enjoy art-related discussions, show-and-tell from members’ travels, or intelligent and helpful critiques. We are a friendly group; we love to paint and we are happy to help each other.

4 places available—$53 for four sessions
Thursday, April 30
Thursday, May 7
Thursday, May 21
Thursday, June 4

Our fees cover room rental and required insurance.
For more information, please email:
John Archer: johnarcher@rogers.com
Leslie Lambert: leslielambert0@gmail.com
or Marion Hall: marionjeanhall@rogers.com

4. Arts Network Ottawa

ArtNews Issue no. 008 | Bulletin des arts l'édition no. 008

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