

Workshop; Misc News

1. Workshop / Atelier

Arteast Grow with Art presents/ Arteast l’Art en herbe présente

Love Yourself Workshop with Suzanne Valois

Embrace the face that greets you in the mirror each morning and dispel your self-critic through positive reinforcements while drawing it out! This workshop was developed to improve observational skills but perhaps more importantly to become mindful of the messages that we often feed ourselves about ourselves. Draw your own self portrait (with a lot of guidelines to help you get there) while enjoying soothing positive, meditative affirmations. See the difference that it makes in the lines and expression of your face which is indeed mirrored in your soul. No experience is necessary – just an open mind!

Saturday, October 20, 1:30 – 5:30 a.m.
Dance Studio, Shenkman Arts Centre, Orleans
$50/members; $60/non-members (All materials are included)

Suzanne Valois is a certified Expressive Arts practitioner, teacher, artist and founder of the Art of Being Human, who has been committed to helping individuals uncover and value their authentic voice through Creative Expression, for personal and global wellbeing. Suzanne currently works with the City of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa, and the Ottawa School of Art, offering workshops on Creative Expression for groups and individuals, creating and promoting programs using VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) and Art for Health.

Chaque matin, embrasse le visage qui te salue dans le miroir et dissipe ton autocritique par un renforcement positif pendant que tu le dessines. Cet atelier a été développé pour améliorer des habiletés mais surtout pour devenir attentif aux messages qui souvent nous nourrissent nous-mêmes à notre sujet. Dessine ton portrait (avec plusieurs points de repères pour t’aider) jusqu’à un apaisement positif, méditatif. Regarde la différence que font les lignes et expressions de ton visage qui est le reflet de ton âme.

Samedi, 20 octobre : 13h30 – 17h 30
Dance Studio, Centre des arts Shenkman
$50/membre $60/non-membre

Suzanne Valois est certifiée Expressive Arts praticienne, enseignante, artiste et fondatrice de Art of Being Human dont le but est d’aider les individus à découvrir et à apprécier leur voix authentique par l’expression créatrice, pour leur bien-être personnel et global.

Suzanne travaille couramment avec la Ville d’Ottawa, l’Université d’Ottawa, et l’École d’art d’Ottawa offrant des ateliers d’expression artistique autant pour des groupes qu’individuels, créant des programmes utilisant les VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) et l’Art pour la santé.
Register early – space is limited!

Complete the following and return with your cheque ($50.00 members $60.00 non-members) payable to ARTEAST

To: Treasurer, Suite 260, Box 5, Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. Orléans, ON, K1E 0A1

Complétez et retournez ce formulaire avec votre chèque (50$ membres, 60 $ non-membres) libellé à ARTEAST à, trésorière,, suite 260, C.P. 5, Centre des arts Shenkman, 245, boul., Orléans, (ON) K1E 0A1

Name (NOM) :_________________________________________ Tel :
Email: ________________________________________o Member (MEMBRE) o Non- member
Amount enclosed (MONTANT INCLUS) _______

Complete a form for each person attending/ completez la formulaire pour chaque personne.

Other payment options are e-transfer or credit card. Please contact the Treasurer at treasurer.arteast@gmail.com for further details.

Le paiement peut se faire par e-transfert et par carte de crédit. S.V.P. contactez la Trésorière pour plus de détails.


Workshop for Arteast Members at Da Artisti Studio & Gallery
Learn how to create color, depth, and translucency in fused glass paintings. This two day (3 hours each day) workshop is ideal for those who have knowledge of colour theory, design and have experience painting and want to try a new original medium.

During this workshop, each participant will create a 5” X 11” three layer fused glass art work using special enamel paints.  Participants will be able to create a totally original work from their own source material or use templates that will still produce work unique to the individual.

Painting experience is required. All materials are included. $85+HST/person.
Friday October 26 and November 2nd from 1-3pm
For registration, contact Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com

2. Misc News

City of Ottawa - Artist Studio Program

Applications to the Artist Studio Program will be reviewed for the upcoming 2019 term

The Artist Studio Program is intended to foster professional development in the arts and expose the public to visual art through studio visits, exhibitions and events.

Soumissions et occasions

Les propositions du programme de temps libre sont ouvertes ! Pour plus d’informations cliquez ici. La date limite de présentation des propositions est vendredi le 9 novembre, 2018.

Salvador Dali: In Search of Immortality

Scotiabank Theatre Gloucester (formerly Silver City Gloucester) is presenting documentary entitled SALVADOR DALÍ: IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY. This documentary is being screened on Wednesday October 3, and we encourage you to find a fellow Arteast member for an evening out.

The documentary proposes an exhaustive journey through the life and work of Salvador Dalí, and also of Gala, his muse and collaborator. It starts in 1929, a crucial year in Dalí's career and life, as he joined the surrealist group and met Gala, and advances until the year of the artist's death in 1989. In all this vital and artistic journey, Dalí's geographies, especially Portlligat, stand out as the only stable home-workshop he possesses; Figueres, his hometown, where he creates his Dalí Theater-Museum, and Púbol, where the Castle is, exponent of courtly love, which Dalí gives to Gala. But naturally other cities, especially Paris and New York are also central.

Le documentaire transporte les spectateurs dans un voyage exhaustif à la découverte de la vie et des œuvres de Salvador Dalí et de Gala, sa muse et collaboratrice. L’histoire commence en 1929, une année marquante de la carrière et de la vie de Dalí, puisque c’est à ce moment précis qu’il s’est joint au mouvement surréaliste et a rencontré Gala, et se termine en 1989, l’année de la mort de l’artiste. Tout au long de ce documentaire, les trois points du Triangle dalinien servent de fil conducteur à la découverte de sa vie et de ses œuvres : Portlligat, le seul atelier et résidence stable du peintre; Figueres, sa ville natale, où il a créé son théâtre-musée Dalí; et Púbol, où se situe le château Dalí, symbole de l’amour courtois et cadeau que Dalí a offert à Gala. Bien sûr, d’autres villes, notamment Paris et New York, constituent également des thèmes centraux du film.

WHEN: Wednesday October 3 @ 7:30pm at Scotiabank Theatre (formerly Silver City).

Tickets are available online at https://www.cineplex.com/Movie/salvador-dali-in-search-of-immortality and general admission is $11.99.

3. Arts Network Ottawa

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