

Member News

1. Member News

Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the following courses and workshops in September:

Painting a Symbol of the Canadian Autumn
September 28, 2018, 2 PM - 4 PM
1270 Kinsella Drive, Cumberland, ON, K4C 1A9

We will study A. Y. Jackson’s painting “Red Maple” and create our own 16" x 20" fall landscape painting inspired by his painting. No experience is necessary. All materials are included in the registration fee of $35. Please register by September 24, 2018 at 6pm by sending an e-transfer to kpeters@domingoinformatics.ca.

Kerstin also offers the following courses at François Dupuis Recreation Centre, 2263 Portobello Bvld, Orleans:

Drawing Level 1 for 50+
Monday, 10-11:30 am. Sep 17 - Nov 19, $136.75, code 1321287

Cartooning and Comics for Children
8-12 years, Tuesday, 6-7 pm, Sep 18 - Dec 11, $178, code 1400072
5-7 years, Wednesday, 6-7 pm, Sep 19 - Dec 12, $178, code 1400076
8-12 years, Wednesday, 7-8 pm, Sep 19 - Dec 12, $178, code 1400080

2. Misc News

Figureworks is calling artists to submit for the 9th annual juried Figureworks Prize and award show. The submission deadline is September 30, 2018. Figureworks is an annual juried art prize and celebration of the art of the human form held in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. We believe in being inclusive and accept figurative works in all media from Canada and internationally. The show is open to all living artists working in all mediums who wish to submit recent works that represent the human form or parts thereof.

Our 2018 all-women jury is deeply connected to their local community while also making an impact on a national level. The jury is composed of Danuta Sierhuis, M.A., artist and Curatorial Assistant, Canadian Art at the National Gallery of Canada; Jennifer Macklem, multidisciplinary artist and Associate Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Ottawa; and Joanne Rycaj Guillemette, photographer and responsible for the Indigenous Portfolio in Private Archives acquisitions at Library & Archives Canada.

Our mission at Figureworks is to cultivate and exhibit art of the human form. We do this by providing an excellent opportunity to exhibit artwork of the human form and receive a significant cash prize. We are a volunteer-based not-for-profit organization. Entry fees and sponsorship go directly to operational costs and prize money. We don’t take any commissions on sales at the Figureworks exhibition — all the money goes directly to the artists.

Artists may submit online through the Figureworks website www.figureworks.org

Submission deadline is September 30, 2018.

Please note that we do have a reduced submission fee for students.

We are proud to acknowledge Wallack’s as the Figureworks 2018 presenting sponsor. Wallack’s has a strong tradition of supporting the arts, supplying professional art supplies through their stores, and representing artists through their gallery.

What is in it for the artists

Figureworks is more than an annual prize; it is a community of artists passionate about the human figure. Each year we come together to celebrate the figure through the Figureworks Prize. Artists will have their work reviewed by our professional jury and the opportunity to win cash prizes — $5000 was awarded last year. Those in the show will have their work displayed in Ottawa, Canada’s capital and be published on the Figureworks website. Artists may also sell their works at the show should they choose. Note that Figureworks takes no commission on sales.


Figureworks appelle les artistes à se présenter pour le 9ème concours annuel et décernement du prix Figureworks. La date limite de soumission est le 30 septembre 2018. Figureworks est un prix d'art annuel avec jury et une célébration de l'art de la forme humaine ayant lieu dans la capitale du Canada, Ottawa. Nous croyons en l'inclusion et acceptons les œuvres figuratives dans tous les médias des artistes au Canada et ailleurs. La présentation est ouverte à tous les artistes vivants travaillant dans tous les médias qui souhaitent soumettre des œuvres récentes qui représentent la forme humaine ou des parties de celui-ci.

Notre jury, composé exclusivement de femmes, pour 2018 est profondément connecté à leur communauté locale tout en ayant un impact au niveau national. Le jury est composé de Danuta Sierhuis, M.A., artiste et conservatrice adjointe, art canadien au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada; Jennifer Macklem, artiste multidisciplinaire et professeure agrégée au Département des arts visuels de l'Université d'Ottawa; et Joanne Rycaj Guillemette, photographe et responsable des acquisitions du portfolio autochtone dans les archives privées à Bibliothèque et Archives Canada.

Notre mission chez Figureworks est de cultiver et d'exposer l'art de la forme humaine. Nous le faisons en offrant une excellente occasion d'exposer des œuvres d'art de la forme humaine et de recevoir un prix important en argent. Nous sommes une organisation à but non lucratif basée sur le bénévolat. Les frais d'inscription et des commandites vont directement aux coûts opérationnels et aux prix. Nous ne prenons aucune commission sur les ventes à l'exposition Figureworks - tout l'argent va directement aux artistes.

Les artistes peuvent soumettre en ligne via le site Web de Figureworks : www.figureworks.org

La date limite de soumission est le 30 septembre 2018.

Veuillez noter que les étudiant(e)s paient des frais de soumission réduits.

Nous sommes fiers de reconnaître Wallack’s en tant que sponsor principal de Figureworks 2018. Wallack’s a une longue tradition de soutien aux arts, fournissant des fournitures artistiques professionnelles dans ses magasins et représentant des artistes à travers leur galerie.

Qu'y a-t-il dedans pour les artistes

Figureworks est plus qu'un prix annuel; c'est une communauté d'artistes passionnés par la forme humaine. Chaque année, nous nous réunissons pour célébrer la forme humaine par le biais du prix Figureworks. Notre jury de professionnelles examinera le travail des artistes et ces derniers auront la possibilité de gagner des prix en argent - 5000 $ ont été décernés l'an dernier. Les œuvres présentées seront exposées à Ottawa, la capitale du Canada, et seront publiées sur le site Web de Figureworks. Les artistes peuvent également vendre leurs œuvres au cours de la présentation s'ils le souhaitent. Notez que Figureworks ne prend aucune commission sur les ventes.

Mark Stephenson
mark.b.stephenson@gmail.com | m: 613-797-7192 | t: @mste
http://www.markbstephenson.com | http://ca.linkedin.com/in/markstephenson


ModBox Developments is excited to announce the Top the Tower Art Contest. We will be engaging the local Community in a $25,000 Art Contest. Submissions are welcome for an art installation within the St. Charles Market landmark bell tower. The contest opens today, September 5th, 2018, and we will be accepting submissions until October 31st, 2018! We are delighted to be installing a new art fixture to symbolize another chapter for this space and to have the community be involved throughout the process.

We thought that this might be of interest to you and to your network and would greatly appreciate it if you helped us spread the word through social media, bulletin boards, word of mouth or any way you know how!

If you are interested in sharing the post via social media - please use this link and share our facebook post.

Further information is available online at stcharlesmarket.ca/art-contest. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me at any time!

3. Arts Network Ottawa

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