

Workshop; Misc News

1. Workshop / Atelier

Arteast Grow with Art presents/ Arteast l’Art en herbe présente

Love Yourself Workshop with Suzanne Valois

Embrace the face that greets you in the mirror each morning and dispel your self-critic through positive reinforcements while drawing it out! This workshop was developed to improve observational skills but perhaps more importantly to become mindful of the messages that we often feed ourselves about ourselves. Draw your own self portrait (with a lot of guidelines to help you get there) while enjoying soothing positive, meditative affirmations. See the difference that it makes in the lines and expression of your face which is indeed mirrored in your soul. No experience is necessary – just an open mind!

Saturday, October 20, 1:30 – 5:30 a.m.
Dance Studio, Shenkman Arts Centre, Orleans
$50/members; $60/non-members (All materials are included)

Suzanne Valois is a certified Expressive Arts practitioner, teacher, artist and founder of the Art of Being Human, who has been committed to helping individuals uncover and value their authentic voice through Creative Expression, for personal and global wellbeing. Suzanne currently works with the City of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa, and the Ottawa School of Art, offering workshops on Creative Expression for groups and individuals, creating and promoting programs using VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) and Art for Health.

Chaque matin, embrasse le visage qui te salue dans le miroir et dissipe ton autocritique par un renforcement positif pendant que tu le dessines. Cet atelier a été développé pour améliorer des habiletés mais surtout pour devenir attentif aux messages qui souvent nous nourrissent nous-mêmes à notre sujet. Dessine ton portrait (avec plusieurs points de repères pour t’aider) jusqu’à un apaisement positif, méditatif. Regarde la différence que font les lignes et expressions de ton visage qui est le reflet de ton âme.

Samedi, 20 octobre : 13h30 – 17h 30
Dance Studio, Centre des arts Shenkman
$50/membre $60/non-membre

Suzanne Valois est certifiée Expressive Arts praticienne, enseignante, artiste et fondatrice de Art of Being Human dont le but est d’aider les individus à découvrir et à apprécier leur voix authentique par l’expression créatrice, pour leur bien-être personnel et global.

Suzanne travaille couramment avec la Ville d’Ottawa, l’Université d’Ottawa, et l’École d’art d’Ottawa offrant des ateliers d’expression artistique autant pour des groupes qu’individuels, créant des programmes utilisant les VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) et l’Art pour la santé.
Register early – space is limited!

Complete the following and return with your cheque ($50.00 members $60.00 non-members) payable to ARTEAST

To: Treasurer, Suite 260, Box 5, Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. Orléans, ON, K1E 0A1

Complétez et retournez ce formulaire avec votre chèque (50$ membres, 60 $ non-membres) libellé à ARTEAST à, trésorière,, suite 260, C.P. 5, Centre des arts Shenkman, 245, boul., Orléans, (ON) K1E 0A1

Name (NOM) :_________________________________________ Tel :
Email: ________________________________________o Member (MEMBRE) o Non- member
Amount enclosed (MONTANT INCLUS) _______

Complete a form for each person attending/ completez la formulaire pour chaque personne.

Other payment options are e-transfer or credit card. Please contact the Treasurer at treasurer.arteast@gmail.com for further details.

Le paiement peut se faire par e-transfert et par carte de crédit. S.V.P. contactez la Trésorière pour plus de détails.


Workshop for Arteast Members at Da Artisti Studio & Gallery
Learn how to create color, depth, and translucency in fused glass paintings. This two day (3 hours each day) workshop is ideal for those who have knowledge of colour theory, design and have experience painting and want to try a new original medium.

During this workshop, each participant will create a 5” X 11” three layer fused glass art work using special enamel paints.  Participants will be able to create a totally original work from their own source material or use templates that will still produce work unique to the individual.

Painting experience is required. All materials are included. $85+HST/person.
Friday October 26 and November 2nd from 1-3pm
For registration, contact Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com

2. Misc News

City of Ottawa - Artist Studio Program

Applications to the Artist Studio Program will be reviewed for the upcoming 2019 term

The Artist Studio Program is intended to foster professional development in the arts and expose the public to visual art through studio visits, exhibitions and events.

Soumissions et occasions

Les propositions du programme de temps libre sont ouvertes ! Pour plus d’informations cliquez ici. La date limite de présentation des propositions est vendredi le 9 novembre, 2018.

Salvador Dali: In Search of Immortality

Scotiabank Theatre Gloucester (formerly Silver City Gloucester) is presenting documentary entitled SALVADOR DALÍ: IN SEARCH OF IMMORTALITY. This documentary is being screened on Wednesday October 3, and we encourage you to find a fellow Arteast member for an evening out.

The documentary proposes an exhaustive journey through the life and work of Salvador Dalí, and also of Gala, his muse and collaborator. It starts in 1929, a crucial year in Dalí's career and life, as he joined the surrealist group and met Gala, and advances until the year of the artist's death in 1989. In all this vital and artistic journey, Dalí's geographies, especially Portlligat, stand out as the only stable home-workshop he possesses; Figueres, his hometown, where he creates his Dalí Theater-Museum, and Púbol, where the Castle is, exponent of courtly love, which Dalí gives to Gala. But naturally other cities, especially Paris and New York are also central.

Le documentaire transporte les spectateurs dans un voyage exhaustif à la découverte de la vie et des œuvres de Salvador Dalí et de Gala, sa muse et collaboratrice. L’histoire commence en 1929, une année marquante de la carrière et de la vie de Dalí, puisque c’est à ce moment précis qu’il s’est joint au mouvement surréaliste et a rencontré Gala, et se termine en 1989, l’année de la mort de l’artiste. Tout au long de ce documentaire, les trois points du Triangle dalinien servent de fil conducteur à la découverte de sa vie et de ses œuvres : Portlligat, le seul atelier et résidence stable du peintre; Figueres, sa ville natale, où il a créé son théâtre-musée Dalí; et Púbol, où se situe le château Dalí, symbole de l’amour courtois et cadeau que Dalí a offert à Gala. Bien sûr, d’autres villes, notamment Paris et New York, constituent également des thèmes centraux du film.

WHEN: Wednesday October 3 @ 7:30pm at Scotiabank Theatre (formerly Silver City).

Tickets are available online at https://www.cineplex.com/Movie/salvador-dali-in-search-of-immortality and general admission is $11.99.

3. Arts Network Ottawa


Open Studio; Call for volunteers; Workshop

1.  Open Studio

The next OPEN STUDIO is Thursday, September 27, 2018.

Open Studio days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
At St. Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio.
525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Open Studio provides opportunity for members to meet and work
on their artworks in a casual setting. (Bring a lunch, tea provided)
Sign up by email to openstudio@arteastottawa.com. (Space is limited)
Info: http://www.arteastottawa.com/openstudio.php

2. Call for Volunteers

Maker Faire
This year, Arteast will be participating in Maker Faire to promote Arteast. We are seeking volunteers to attend a portion of this event. Arteast members will be able to paint in addition to speak to attendees about Arteast. When volunteering during this event, you will have the opportunity to help Arteast and the arts community while meeting like-minded, arts-loving individuals.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and connect with the local arts scene. Dynamic and dedicated volunteers are an essential part of Arteast. You can be part of it.

Event Date: Sep 29, 2018 - Sep 30, 2018 9AM – 5PM, each day
Location: Canada Science and Technology Museum

Please contact Danielle Beaulieu to volunteer for this event or seek additional information
Email: dbeaul0155@rogers.com
Telephone: 613-833-0155


Arteast Ottawa will be participating in two Outreach Projects in October and
we need volunteers!

#1 Project:  We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who:  14 Adult Developmentally Delayed Adults at Variety East
What: One watercolour painting of Autumn
When: Oct 2, 2018 at 11:15 a.m.
Where: Bob McQuarrie Recreation Centre Hall D.
Why: This group does not have any funding for art classes. Arteast volunteer
artists will l teach them how to paint  an Autumn landscape  in watercolour.
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist /Spécialiste des loisirs récréatifs

#2 Project:  We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who: Adult Brain Injury  15 Clients
What: One watercolour painting- Landscape of Autumn
When: Oct 10 at 11:15 A.M. .You will have 45min-1hour.
Where: 1490 Youville Drive, Hall A (first door on the left when you enter by
the front entrance)

Why: A paint nite for the client. They have done that in the past and enjoy
it. In the past we were able to have a free workshop.
The clients really enjoy mixed media projects so we could do that. But we
are happy to try anything. Please bear in mind we will need more time to
complete the steps so a painting with fewer steps would work better for us.
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
Acquired Brain Injury Day Program
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services City Wide Inclusive Recreation
Please email Lindy at lindycousineau@rogers.com to volunteer.

3. Workshop / Atelier

Arteast Grow with Art presents/ Arteast l’Art en herbe présente
Love Yourself Workshop with Suzanne Valois

Embrace the face that greets you in the mirror each morning and dispel your self-critic through positive reinforcements while drawing it out! This workshop was developed to improve observational skills but perhaps more importantly to become mindful of the messages that we often feed ourselves about ourselves. Draw your own self portrait (with a lot of guidelines to help you get there) while enjoying soothing positive, meditative affirmations. See the difference that it makes in the lines and expression of your face which is indeed mirrored in your soul. No experience is necessary – just an open mind!

Saturday, October 20, 1:30 – 5:30 a.m.
Dance Studio, Shenkman Arts Centre, Orleans
$50/members; $60/non-members (All materials are included)

Suzanne Valois is a certified Expressive Arts practitioner, teacher, artist and founder of the Art of Being Human, who has been committed to helping individuals uncover and value their authentic voice through Creative Expression, for personal and global wellbeing. Suzanne currently works with the City of Ottawa, the University of Ottawa, and the Ottawa School of Art, offering workshops on Creative Expression for groups and individuals, creating and promoting programs using VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) and Art for Health.

Chaque matin, embrasse le visage qui te salue dans le miroir et dissipe ton autocritique par un renforcement positif pendant que tu le dessines. Cet atelier a été développé pour améliorer des habiletés mais surtout pour devenir attentif aux messages qui souvent nous nourrissent nous-mêmes à notre sujet. Dessine ton portrait (avec plusieurs points de repères pour t’aider) jusqu’à un apaisement positif, méditatif. Regarde la différence que font les lignes et expressions de ton visage qui est le reflet de ton âme.

Samedi, 20 octobre : 13h30 – 17h 30
Dance Studio, Centre des arts Shenkman
$50/membre $60/non-membre

Suzanne Valois est certifiée Expressive Arts praticienne, enseignante, artiste et fondatrice de Art of Being Human dont le but est d’aider les individus à découvrir et à apprécier leur voix authentique par l’expression créatrice, pour leur bien-être personnel et global.

Suzanne travaille couramment avec la Ville d’Ottawa, l’Université d’Ottawa, et l’École d’art d’Ottawa offrant des ateliers d’expression artistique autant pour des groupes qu’individuels, créant des programmes utilisant les VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) et l’Art pour la santé.
Register early – space is limited!

Complete the following and return with your cheque ($50.00 members $60.00 non-members) payable to ARTEAST

To: Treasurer, Suite 260, Box 5, Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. Orléans, ON, K1E 0A1

Complétez et retournez ce formulaire avec votre chèque (50$ membres, 60 $ non-membres) libellé à ARTEAST à, trésorière,, suite 260, C.P. 5, Centre des arts Shenkman, 245, boul., Orléans, (ON) K1E 0A1

Name (NOM) :_________________________________________ Tel :
Email: ________________________________________o Member (MEMBRE) o Non- member
Amount enclosed (MONTANT INCLUS) _______

Complete a form for each person attending/ completez la formulaire pour chaque personne.

Other payment options are e-transfer or credit card. Please contact the Treasurer at treasurer.arteast@gmail.com for further details.

Le paiement peut se faire par e-transfert et par carte de crédit. S.V.P. contactez la Trésorière pour plus de détails.

4. Misc News

This is an invitation to participate in Ottawa’s newest, affordable and unique art event for visual artists.

Wall Candy: Sweetly Affordable Art Sale.

This is a 1 day event on Thursday, November 8th in the Horticulture building at the resurgent Lansdowne Live, Ottawa.

Registration is on now. Spaces will go fast so do not delay.

Why is this affordable you ask? Registration for each participant has been kept to a minimum of only, $150. We are simply covering our costs. Other trade events of this caliber start at over $1000 per day.

This is your chance to get in on the ground floor. It is our mission to get local art to local people while being fair to the artists.

No commission is taken so you get to keep your entire sale.

Lastly we ask that no paintings be priced over $999 and that you have some offerings under $50; Affordable for the customer as well.

We have 80- 8’ x 6’ pipe and draped booths for you to choose from. Wifi will be provided for your point of sale device.

The day and evening will be a great kick off to the upcoming festive season filled with music and beautiful displays.

Sign up now for this juried event. All the details are in the link below.


Look forward to seeing your name on our participant list.

In creativity,
Hello Studios team

5. Arts Network Ottawa


Grow with Art Speakers’ Series; AJAE Exhibit; Call for art - St. Laurent Complex Gallery; Call for Volunteers; etc

1. Arteast Grow with Art Speakers’ Series presents

Plein Air Painting in Nunavut with John Archer

One year ago, John Archer and a group of painters embarked on a challenging trip to capture the remarkable landscape of Canada’s North and the impact it can have on a painter. The particular location was the shores of Ennadai Lake, a long lake running north south and spanning the tree line – black spruce to the south and tundra to the north. It is a landscape remarkable for its simple forms and strong colour and a challenge to paint because of those qualities.

This presentation will cover, firstly, the plein air painting experience and the materials and techniques that were used. Secondly, it will cover the impact that this experience had on the subsequent six months (and more) of studio painting back in Ottawa.

What are the lessons to be taken from this presentation? The first is the importance of plein air painting because of its ability to “inform” your painter’s eye. The second is the importance of reworking a subject (series painting) so that you can automatically deal with form and composition leaving your painter’s brain to focus on pushing the boundaries of your work.

September 25, 2018
Orleans Client Services Centre
255 Centrum Blvd.
Meet and Greet – 7:00 p.m.
Announcements and Presentation – 7:30 p.m.
Free admission
For more information: 613 842 9649


Peindre sur le vif au Nunavut avec John Archer

Cette présentation concerne le remarquable paysage du nord canadien et de son impact sur les peintres. La région observée est la grève du lac Ennadai qui s’étend du nord au sud - avec les épinettes noires au sud et la toundra au nord. Par la simplicité de ses formes et la force de ses couleurs, c’est un paysage remarquable.

Cette présentation couvre tout d’abord, l’expérience de peindre sur le vif et des matériaux requis. Puis, de l’impact de cette expérience à peindre six mois (ou plus), au retour, dans le studio d’Ottawa.

Quelles sont les leçons à retenir de cette présentation? La première démontre l’importance de peindre à l’extérieur pour exercer l’habileté visuelle de l’artiste. La seconde est l’importance de retravailler le sujet (série de peintures) où vous pouvez jouer avec les formes et la composition laissant votre esprit ouvert au résultat inédit de l’œuvre

Le 25 Septembre 2018
Centre de services à la clientele d’Orléans
255 blvd. Centrum
Rencontre à 19h 00
Annonces et presentation à 19h 30
Entrée gratuite
Pour plus d’informations : 613 833 0155

2. Arteast Juried Award Exhibit

Arteast showcases the work of its general membership in the latest Exhibition and Sale at the St Laurent Complex

The public is invited to an opening reception for its latest show, the 37th Arteast Juried Award Exhibition. The reception will take place on Thursday, September 20 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the St. Laurent Complex.

Arteast is pleased to present the work of its general membership. These members form the core of Arteast and due to their numbers enable us to present work in our many venues including the St Laurent Complex,.

The works on view encompass many different media and vary, just like the members themselves, from the amateur to the professional. The recipients of the awards in each category have been selected by an independent jury.

This is an excellent opportunity to support local artists in their creative endeavors and acquire unique art at affordable prices.

3.  Call for Art -  St. Laurent Complex Gallery (Don-Gamble Community Centre)

Call for Artists For 2019

The Arteast Team at the St. Laurent Complex Gallery is excited to issue a call for artists for the 5 upcoming exhibits in 2019.

1. Colorful Impressions:  January 10th - March 14th
2. Emotions and moods:  March 14th - May 9th
3. Limitless Imagination:  May 9th - July 11th
4. Visual Dreams: July 11th - September 12th
5. Festival:  November 14th - January 9th, 2020

Each exhibit space can accommodate 4 artists at a time.

Please email stlaurent@arteastottawa.com as soon as possible if you are interested in showing your art work. Changeovers take place on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.

The St. Laurent Complex is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works. Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang following the Arteast guide lines.

The centre is very accessible. It is open seven days a week, Monday to Friday from 5:30 am to 10 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 6 pm.

Artists are responsible for all handling and hanging of their artwork. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to the Arteast website for forms, regulations and more details. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted.

Reserve your space today!

The St. Laurent Complex team.


L’équipe Arteast du Centre St-Laurent recherche des artistes pour ses prochaines expositions:

1. Un monde de couleurs: du 10 janvier au 14 mars
2. Émotions et états d’âme: du 14 mars au 9 mai
3. Imagination sans limite: du 9 au 11 juillet
4.  Évasion artistique: du 11 juillet au 12 septembre
5. Festival: du 14 Novembre au 9 Janvier 2020

Le Centre St-Laurent est un lieu convivial et agréable où les artistes membres d’Arteast peuvent présenter leurs œuvres au public. Le Centre est facile d’accès. Il est ouvert 7 jours sur 7, du lundi au vendredi de 5h00 à 22h00, et les samedis et dimanches, de 7h00 à 18h00.

Le Centre peut accommoder quatre artistes par expo.

Prière de contacter par courriel stlaurent@arteastottawa.com le plus tôt possible si vous êtes intéressé à exposer vos œuvres.

Les accrochages auront lieu le jeudi soir à partir de 17:30.

Chaque exposant disposera d’un espace de 10 pieds pour accrocher ses tableaux disponibles pour la vente. Les oeuvres doivent être sèches et prêtes à être accrochées.

Les artistes ont l’entière responsabilité d’accrocher eux-mêmes leurs œuvres. De plus, ils devront s’acquitter des frais d’exposition de 20$ payables à Arteast.

Pour obtenir les formulaires et règlements, prière de vous référer au site web d’Arteast.

Les œuvres dont le système d’accrochage ne sera pas conforme seront malheureusement écartées.

Réservez votre espace dès aujourd’hui.

L’équipe du Centre St-Laurent.

4. Call for Volunteers

Maker Faire
This year, Arteast will be participating in Maker Faire to promote Arteast. We are seeking volunteers to attend a portion of this event. Arteast members will be able to paint in addition to speak to attendees about Arteast. When volunteering during this event, you will have the opportunity to help Arteast and the arts community while meeting like-minded, arts-loving individuals.

Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and connect with the local arts scene. Dynamic and dedicated volunteers are an essential part of Arteast. You can be part of it.

Event Date: Sep 29, 2018 - Sep 30, 2018 9AM – 5PM, each day
Location: Canada Science and Technology Museum

Please contact Danielle Beaulieu to volunteer for this event or seek additional information
Email: dbeaul0155@rogers.com
Telephone: 613-833-0155


Arteast Ottawa will be participating in two Outreach Projects in October and
we need volunteers!

#1 Project:  We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who:  14 Adult Developmentally Delayed Adults at Variety East
What: One watercolour painting of Autumn
When: Oct 2, 2018 at 11:15 a.m.
Where: Bob McQuarrie Recreation Centre Hall D.
Why: This group does not have any funding for art classes. Arteast volunteer
artists will l teach them how to paint  an Autumn landscape  in watercolour.
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist /Spécialiste des loisirs récréatifs

#2 Project:  We need 4-6 volunteers for 1 hour project at Bob McQuarrie
Complex in Youville.
Who: Adult Brain Injury  15 Clients
What: One watercolour painting- Landscape of Autumn
When: Oct 10 at 11:15 A.M. .You will have 45min-1hour.
Where: 1490 Youville Drive, Hall A (first door on the left when you enter by
the front entrance)

Why: A paint nite for the client. They have done that in the past and enjoy
it. In the past we were able to have a free workshop.
The clients really enjoy mixed media projects so we could do that. But we
are happy to try anything. Please bear in mind we will need more time to
complete the steps so a painting with fewer steps would work better for us.
Therapeutic Recreation Specialist
Acquired Brain Injury Day Program
Recreation, Cultural and Facility Services City Wide Inclusive Recreation
Please email Lindy at lindycousineau@rogers.com to volunteer.

5. Member's Announcement

Arteast member Maryse Legault will be hosting a mixed media painting evening in French at MIFO.

Date :Vendredi le 28 septembre 2018 - 19 h 30
Lieu : MIFO Centre culturel d’Orléans – Salle Lyla-Côté
Tarif : 35 $ membre 40 $ invité
Billet via : http://mifo.ca/event/peinture-nocturne-18/

Sur une période d’environ deux heures, vous créerez une œuvre en suivant les directives, étape par étape, de l’artiste peintre Maryse Legault accompagnée de Josée De Meo. À la fin de l’atelier, vous serez surpris de VOS talents d’artiste! Nous fournissons tout le matériel nécessaire : toile, peinture et pinceaux.

Venez avec vos amis, détendez-vous et laissez-vous aller, nous réveillerons le Picasso en vous!

Ce mois-ci, le secteur des activités récréatives vous propose d’apprendre une nouvelle technique : le mix-media. Comme son nom l’indique, il s’agit d’une combinaison de techniques : collage et peinture.

Pour cet atelier, l’artiste fournira le masque fait de plâtre ainsi que tous les autres matériaux nécessaires. Vous pouvez apporter des boutons, des dentelles, des tissus clairs.

Questions you may contact me at 613-590-7627 or email me at josiedemeo@bell.


Workshop for Arteast Members at Da Artisti Studio & Gallery
Learn how to create color, depth, and translucency in fused glass paintings. This two day (3 hours each day) workshop is ideal for those who have knowledge of colour theory, design and have experience painting and want to try a new original medium.

During this workshop, each participant will create a 5” X 11” three layer fused glass art work using special enamel paints.  Participants will be able to create a totally original work from their own source material or use templates that will still produce work unique to the individual.

Painting experience is required. All materials are included. $85+HST/person.
Which days would you be interested in attending
- October 5: 6-9pm
- October 12: 6-9pm
- October 4: 6-9pm
- October 11: 6-9pm

6.  Misc News

Call to Artists, "Tones" is an art exhibit of Art Inspired by Music,
Most artist tend to create to with music playing in the studio, so why not take it to the next level.
Artists pick a song, create an original 2D work, inspired by said music and provide a YouTube link so we can display it with the art. Views can then use their phones via QR Code to listen to the music as they view the work with the use of their phones headphones. (Not provided)
Each work must be:
* no larger then 24x24,
* dry and ready to hang with wire and D rings.
* any work not ready to hang will be charged a $5.00 hanging fee.

*As Atomic Rooster is a restaurant we reserve the right to reject any works found to be inappropriate.

Important dates
*Drop off date/deadline
Tuesday November 20th 6-8pm
*Work will be on display
Tuesday, November 27th until December 18th, 2018.
*Official opening party on
Tuesday December 4th from 7-10pm

Should you any questions
Please contact Peter Purdy curator at Atomic Rooster


New York City Art Tour
Contemporary Art

Art Museums | Chelsea galleries from $645
March 21-24, 2019 (4 days-3 nights)

Bus Tour from Ottawa to New York City (and pick-up location for participants from Kingston and Toronto)

Every March since 1993, we have been offering New York City Art Tour or New York Art Trip, a bus tour from Ottawa to New York City devoted to art museums and galleries and open to everyone, from art students of all levels to art lovers and lifelong learners. We offer accommodations in Midtown Manhattan, a flexible schedule, the opportunity to travel with a group of like-minded adults and the services of an art historian on board. New York Art Trip is so popular that we have a return rate of 76%.

Our annual bus art trip to New York City from Ottawa takes place during the second or third week of March, when New York offers a marvelous array of exhibits ranging from classical art and modern art to the contemporary and the “very now”! Our trip lasts three nights and four days, leaving on Thursday early morning and returning on Sunday night. Our bus tour to New York City departs from Ottawa; and just before crossing the border, we stop at a parking lot located a few meters from the Thousand Islands Tax & Duty Free Store in Lansdowne, Ontario to pick-up our participants from Kingston and Toronto.

Price includes:

* three nights in a beautifully located hotel in
Midtown Manhattan (Hilton Garden Inn 53rd St.)
* transportation Ottawa-New York-Ottawa
* transportation to all museums and sites on schedule
* fully escorted by a qualified art historian
* meeting before departure with an art talk

For more information:  https://www.walkthearts.com/_art_tours/art_tour_new_york.shtml

7. Arts Network Ottawa