

Arteast Digest: Annual General Meeting; Avis des membres

1. Important Notice:  Annual General Meeting will be held on 28 January 2020 - Please mark this important date in you calendar

Arteast will hold its Annual General Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, in Room 340 at 255 Centrum Blvd. in Orleans. Arteast urges all members to attend this important annual meeting. The agenda and all items will be distributed to you by e-mail in early January. The AGM will be followed by the Grow With Art presentation (more details will follow later).

Avis Important : Veuillez inscrire à votre calendrier que l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle aura lieu le 28 janvier 2020

L’Assemblée Générale Annuelle d’Arteast aura lieu le mardi 28 janvier 2020 à 19h au 255 Boul. Centrum (Orléans) local 340. Arteast encourage tous les membres à venir à cette importante assemblée annuelle. L’agenda et tous les items seront distribués à tous les membres au début de janvier. L’Assemblée Générale Annuelle sera suivie de la présentation de Grandir avec l’Art (plus de détails suivront sous peu).

2. Avis des membres / Members' Notice

L'exposition des Jeanne Vaillancourt gravures au centre Richelieu Vanier se termine le23 décembre.
Sur l'invitation c'est marqué jusqu'au 4 janvier mais le centre'est fermé tout le temps de fêtes.


Danielle Beaulieu is pleased to announce that she has an upcoming solo exhibit at Shenkman Arts Centre, Ottawa, from January 9 to February 11, 2020. The exhibit is entitled “Blast from the Past” .

This exhibition, composed of more than 25 watercolours, will serve to remind viewers of a time without cellphones, WiF, etc. The common items we find in antique shops are often overlooked by many people. These hold mysterious knowledge waiting patiently to be revealed.

Danielle Beaulieu gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the ARTicipate Endowment Fund for this exhibit.

3. Misc News

New York Art Trip 2020 March 19-22 Bus tour from Ottawa

Join us for New York Art Trip 2020 (March 19-22)! Three nights and four days visiting the newly expanded MoMa, the Met, the Guggenheim, the Frick, the Whitney and the Chelsea Galleries. A great opportunity to break the winter and recharge your creative batteries with a group of like-minded adults and an art historian on board. Among many other special exhibits, we will visit a retrospective of Gerard Richter, considered one of the world’s greatest living artists. We offer a flexible schedule, accommodations in Midtown Manhattan and reasonable prices. Our annual art bus tour to NYC offered since 1993 is so popular that we have participants who have joined us more than six times already. We have two pick-up locations in the Ottawa region and one in the Kingston area.

Price per person of New York Art Trip 2020 varies depending on the type of accommodation as follows:

Quad: CAD 645 |Triple: CAD 725 | Double: CAD 880 |Single CAD 1270

More details and testimonials on our website at: https://www.walkthearts.com/art-workshops-tours/new-york-bus-tour/

To register (800) 611-4789 & info@walkthearts.com

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