

Arteast Digest: Calls for Art

1. Call for Art - Promenade Arteast

Winter Inspiration, 2020
Exhibition dates - February 13 to April 20, 2020

Coming up in February 2020 is the next unjuried Promenade Arteast exhibition.
One artwork per member may be submitted. (Maximum size including frame: 38 inches wide x 72 inches tall or one three dimensional work:- size limit-12” x 12” x 36” h).

Members who wish to participate must read the rules and fill out an application form: 

with all the details of the artwork they wish to submit and send it to promenade@arteastottawa.com .

Application deadline - December 30, 2019.

There is no theme for this show.

If a large selection of work is submitted the applicants will be added to the list for subsequent shows providing applications are received by the posted deadline. Members will be informed if they are accepted in the posted exhibition or a subsequent show.

Drop off day for selected artwork is February 12, 2020 from10am – 11am

Exhibitors must bring the completed, signed form with their work on drop off day.

Entrants must be members or will become members of Arteast. There is a $5 hanging fee.

For information contact: Maureen Rooney Mitchell at promenade@arteastottawa.com


Appel d’œuvres d’art: Promenade Arteast

Inspiration d’hiver, 2020
Exposition du 13 février au 20 avril, 2020

Février 2020, est la prochaine exposition sans jury de la Promenade Arteast. Une œuvre par artiste peut être présentée (grandeur maximum y compris le cadre : 38 pouces pour la largeur et 72 pouces de haut. Les œuvres à trois dimensions sont limités à une grandeur de 12” x 12” x 36’’h).

Les membres qui désirent participer doivent lire les règlements et compléter le formulaire :
avec tous les détails de l’œuvre qu’ils présentent et le faire parvenir à promenade@arteastottawa.com.

La date butoir d’application : le 30 décembre, 2019.

Cette exposition n’a pas de thème.

Si trop de tableaux sont soumis pour une seule exposition, les noms sont retenus selon la date de réception du libellé postal, pour une exposition subséquente. Les membres sont informés s’ils participent à l’exposition affichée ou à une subséquente.

Le dépôt de l’œuvre sélectionnée, au Centre Shenkman, est le 12 février, entre 10h et 11h.

Les participants doivent apporter leur formulaire dûment complété, signé, avec leur œuvre, le jour du dépôt.

Les participants doivent être membres ou doivent s’inscrire.

Les frais d’accrochage sont de $5 pièce.

Pour information contactez : promenade@arteastottawa.com

2. Call for art - North Gloucester Library - January 14, 2020

Time to hang our artworks at the North Gloucester Library again.

Please bring your paintings on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 to the North Gloucester Library , 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The artwork will be exhibited for two months till March 10, 2020.

The 2020 Library Contract and the wall cards are provided at the time of hanging of the art at the library.

Please come between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM.

3. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover Reminder: January 7, 2020

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks on Tuesday, January 7, 2020, between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

New artworks will be on exhibition until March 3, 2020.

Please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). 

Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire)
Info: https://arteastottawa.com/hanging-guidelines/

Information and Library Exhibition Contract Form see: https://arteastottawa.com/orleans-library-2/

This type of exhibition is an ideal opportunity for new Arteast members to show their work.


Arteast Digest: Annual General Meeting; Avis des membres

1. Important Notice:  Annual General Meeting will be held on 28 January 2020 - Please mark this important date in you calendar

Arteast will hold its Annual General Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, in Room 340 at 255 Centrum Blvd. in Orleans. Arteast urges all members to attend this important annual meeting. The agenda and all items will be distributed to you by e-mail in early January. The AGM will be followed by the Grow With Art presentation (more details will follow later).

Avis Important : Veuillez inscrire à votre calendrier que l’Assemblée Générale Annuelle aura lieu le 28 janvier 2020

L’Assemblée Générale Annuelle d’Arteast aura lieu le mardi 28 janvier 2020 à 19h au 255 Boul. Centrum (Orléans) local 340. Arteast encourage tous les membres à venir à cette importante assemblée annuelle. L’agenda et tous les items seront distribués à tous les membres au début de janvier. L’Assemblée Générale Annuelle sera suivie de la présentation de Grandir avec l’Art (plus de détails suivront sous peu).

2. Avis des membres / Members' Notice

L'exposition des Jeanne Vaillancourt gravures au centre Richelieu Vanier se termine le23 décembre.
Sur l'invitation c'est marqué jusqu'au 4 janvier mais le centre'est fermé tout le temps de fêtes.


Danielle Beaulieu is pleased to announce that she has an upcoming solo exhibit at Shenkman Arts Centre, Ottawa, from January 9 to February 11, 2020. The exhibit is entitled “Blast from the Past” .

This exhibition, composed of more than 25 watercolours, will serve to remind viewers of a time without cellphones, WiF, etc. The common items we find in antique shops are often overlooked by many people. These hold mysterious knowledge waiting patiently to be revealed.

Danielle Beaulieu gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the ARTicipate Endowment Fund for this exhibit.

3. Misc News

New York Art Trip 2020 March 19-22 Bus tour from Ottawa

Join us for New York Art Trip 2020 (March 19-22)! Three nights and four days visiting the newly expanded MoMa, the Met, the Guggenheim, the Frick, the Whitney and the Chelsea Galleries. A great opportunity to break the winter and recharge your creative batteries with a group of like-minded adults and an art historian on board. Among many other special exhibits, we will visit a retrospective of Gerard Richter, considered one of the world’s greatest living artists. We offer a flexible schedule, accommodations in Midtown Manhattan and reasonable prices. Our annual art bus tour to NYC offered since 1993 is so popular that we have participants who have joined us more than six times already. We have two pick-up locations in the Ottawa region and one in the Kingston area.

Price per person of New York Art Trip 2020 varies depending on the type of accommodation as follows:

Quad: CAD 645 |Triple: CAD 725 | Double: CAD 880 |Single CAD 1270

More details and testimonials on our website at: https://www.walkthearts.com/art-workshops-tours/new-york-bus-tour/

To register (800) 611-4789 & info@walkthearts.com


Arteast Summer/Fall 2019 Communiqué

1. Summer/Fall 2019 Communiqué

The Summer/Fall 2019 Communiqué is now available online at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter/

We wish to remind you that Arteast is no longer sending the newsletter to members by regular mail.  All issues will continue to be posted on Arteast’s website and a very limited number of printed copies will be available at Grow With Art meetings.  The newsletter Editor – Lynne Alsford – can be reached by e-mail at: editor.arteastottawa@gmail.com

2. Mosaic - Mosaïque: Final Days to Register

Registration for "Mosaic" (https://forms.gle/LitNtjAPBZq73wQz5), our highly anticipated annual juried exhibition showcasing the best works of art in a variety of media from Arteast members, ends on December 15th, 2019. Three jurors awards and an Award of Excellence are made possible due to our sponsor Wallack's Art Supplies
Check out the rules: https://arteastottawa.com/forms/


L'inscription pour Mosaïque (https://forms.gle/LitNtjAPBZq73wQz5), notre exposition par jury annuelle très attendue, présentant les meilleures œuvres d'art de différents médiums des membres d'Arteast, se terminera le 15 décembre 2019. Trois prix de jurés et un prix d'excellence seront disponible grâce à notre commanditaire Wallack's Art Supplies
Consultez les règlements: https://arteastottawa.com/forms/


Arteast Digest: Open Studio

1. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on December 12th (& end of year potluck lunch!) and will return in the new year on January 9, 2020.

Location is at the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.

Open Studio is an opportunity for members to meet and work on their own projects.

See website for details. https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre/

(Space is limited) Sign up form: https://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre-sign-up-form/

2. Arts Network Ottawa

eNews Issue No. 012 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 012

3. Misc News

January 12 Vic Dohar
One Day Workshop “Watercolour Landscape Workshop” with Vic Dohar – Sunday, January 12, 2020, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

This one-day workshop with Vic Dohar is for artists working in watercolour media.

In this one-day workshop you will create two watercolour landscape paintings. The first one will be instructor-led, beginning with distilling and simplifying a landscape scene with an emphasis on shapes and creating a strong composition, then painting the subject matter using a limited watercolour palette, layering, texturing, and achieving a strong value contrast to support the composition and subject matter. The second painting that you will create in the afternoon will follow the same process and steps learned in the morning, but the subject matter will be a landscape of your choice. The instructor will provide guidance and examples throughout the processes, as well as a constructive critique session. At the end of the workshop you will have acquired a greater appreciation of the versatility of watercolour while keeping the approach simple, and a different perspective on making a landscape composition more eye-catching.

Participants are required to provide their own paints, materials and supplies. A material list will be supplied in advance of the workshop.

The workshop is open to 12 participants at a cost of $75 per participant.

Workshop Lead: Pam Bixel (pam.bixel@gmail.com)
Workshop Name: Watercolour Landscape Workshop
Instructor: Vic Dohar
Preferred Timing: 9:00am – 4:00pm, 1-hour lunch
Workshop length: One day
Date: Sunday, January 12, 2020
Location: Moncion’s Your Independent Grocer, 685 River Rd, Gloucester, ON K1V 2G2

January 19 Rachel MacDonald
One Day Workshop “Watercolour Floral Workshop - Poppies” with Rachel MacDonald – Sunday, January 19, 2020, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

This one-day workshop with Rachel MacDonald is for artists working in watercolour media.

Rachel will teach about a variety of Poppy species familiar to us all. This will include wild, alpine and oriental poppies. We will study the different petals, buds, seed pods and greenery. Rachel will demonstrate painting various colours i.e. crimson, pink, white and yellow. We will learn to:
paint using lots of water, allowing colours to merge on the paper
create areas of shadow and areas of light
paint a simple background

Supplies needed:
140 lb cold press, good quality
Backboards to tape your paper on
Beige masking tape
#10, #6, #3 round brushes

Alizarin Crimson, Rose Madder, Magenta, Permanent Rose, New Gamboge, Cobalt Blue, Raw Umber (Cadmium Red for those who want to paint orange poppies)
Sheets of paper 16’’ by 20’’ taped to a board, ready to start painting
Med HB pencil and white or soft erasers

Poppies are fun to paint and one of the most loved flowers around the world.
Rachel will send out some suggested simple sketches a week before though she encourages everyone to create their own composition.

The workshop is open to 10 participants at a cost of $80 per participant.

Workshop Lead: Pam Bixel (pam.bixel@gmail.com)
Workshop Name: Watercolour Floral Workshop - Poppies
Instructor: Rachel MacDonald
Preferred Timing: 10:00am – 3:00pm, ½ hour lunch
Workshop length: One day
Date: Sunday, January 19, 2020
Location: Moncion’s Your Independent Grocer, 685 River Rd, Gloucester, ON K1V 2G2

To register for a workshop send an email to the registrar at: workshops@manotickart.ca
To pay for a workshop you can use PayPal or an e-Transfer to: treasurer@manotickart.ca
You can also mail a cheque to: Treasurer, 5602 Goddard St., Manotick, On, K4M 1C5


Call for Artists !

Art Works! Perth warmly invites painters, printmakers, potters, jewellers, sculptors, woodworkers, outdoor artists, etc. to apply to join us on our juried ART WORKS! PERTH Studio Tour on June 19-21, 2020. Information about Perth and the Tour is available on our website www.artworksperth.ca

Applicants must provide by e-mail:

A) 4 high resolution Jpeg. (300 dpi.) of recent work in your usual medium to richardjhutton@hotmail.com Please label each photo: Last name- title-medium -number.
B) A short bio or C.V. along with details of your web and social media sites.
C) A sentence completing one of the following statements:
  1. I have my own studio in the vicinity of Perth, (address), and would like it included in the tour
  2. I have a local studio and would like to host (x number) of juried guests
  3. I do not have a local studio but would be happy to be hosted by a commercial venue in the downtown core of Perth.
  4. I do not have a local studio and would prefer to be hosted in a core member’s studio.
  5. Section C is important to us, as we are seriously looking to increase the number of stops we can offer on the tour, and applicants with local studios will be looked upon very favourably.

D) Please make an e-transfer to artworksperthontario@gmail.com . It is auto-deposit, so no password needed. Alternatively, provide a cheque for the non-refundable jurying fee of $25 made out to “Art Works Perth” and mailed to Times Gone By Studio, 48 Craig Street, Perth, ON K7H 1Y3. We must receive this by the deadline of January 6th 2020. Please indicate in the email which method of payment you have used.


Each artist’s work will be juried with the goal of having a diversity of style and media at the event. Applicants will be notified of result of jurying in early February.

Successful applicants will then be asked to pay the Tour entry fee of $375 by February 17th 2020. Further information about Perth and the Tour is available on our website www.artworksperth.ca