

Arteast Digest: Survey, Members' News

1. Member's Survey

In the Spring of 2014 and Fall of 2017, Arteast Ottawa reached out to its members to take a look at our organization and provide a quick check-up on how things are coming along. We are now conducting a third survey to determine if you believe that Arteast is meeting your expectations. 

All members are invited and encouraged to complete the Arteast members’ online survey. This survey is being conducted to give you the opportunity to share your perspective on how our organization is doing and what your interests are.

The survey should take about 10-12 minutes to complete and can be accessed online through the link below. All responses will be anonymous and treated as confidential – no individuals will be identified in any way and all data will be treated in aggregate form only. Although your participation is voluntary, we value any feedback you can provide. You have until September 18, 2019 to complete the survey.

Complete your survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Questions about the survey can be directed to Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make Arteast a dynamic organization.

Au printemps 2014 et l’automne 2017, Arteast Ottawa a mené un exercice de consultation auprès de ses membres afin d’examiner notre organisation et de vérifier où en sont les choses. Nous faisons maintenant un suivi avec un deuxième sondage pour voir si Arteast rencontre vos attentes.

Nous invitons et encourageons tous les membres à répondre au sondage en ligne d’Arteast. Ce sondage est réalisé pour vous permettre de donner votre opinion sur la façon dont notre organisation progresse et vos intérêts.

Il vous faudra environ 10-12 minutes pour répondre au sondage, qui est accessible en ligne à partir du lien ci-dessous. Le caractère anonyme et confidentiel de toutes les réponses sera préservé. Les répondants ne pourront être identifiés d’aucune manière et les données seront traitées uniquement de façon globale. Votre participation est volontaire, mais nous accordons de l’importance à vos commentaires. Vous avez jusqu’au 18 septembre, 2019 pour répondre au sondage.

Participez au sondage ici: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D5K8SBH

Pour toute question au sujet du sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de prendre le temps de nous aider à faire d’Arteast un organisation dynamique.

2. Member's News

Christine Lenoir Godin has two upcoming exhibitions. She will show a group of her largest works selected from her studio collection through the months of September, October and November 2019. The show is called selections. The exhibition is at Primecorps vitrines on Somerset street around the corner from bank street in downtown ottwa. Dates of show are from Sept 10 to November 5 2019. This showcase is available to view 24 hours every day sales contacts are done through boutique@artottawa.ca

In addition, she will be showing two of her environmentally themed works in a group show with CAPRAC at the Chenail gallery and cultural centre all through the month of September in an exhibition called "Arts sur la rive".
dates from september 7 until september 29
hours of operation 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
seven days a week note that this coming Monday only will not be open
located at 2 john street Hawkesbury on k6a 2s2
phone 613 632 9555


The collective graphein was created in response to discussions among several visual artists. These artists wanted to share their knowledge and promote printmaking a traditional art form an exposition of its members will take place from September 12 to October 13 in la fab art centre Old Chelsea QC. The opening will be September 12 from 17h to 20h. / Le collectif graphein est né d’une réflexion entre des d’artistes professionnels en arts visuels qui désiraient unir leur savoir-faire en gravure et promouvoir cet art ancestral. Ses membres tiendront une exposition du 12 septembre au 13 octobre au centre d’art la fab Old Chelsea QC. Le vernissage aura lieu le 12 septembre de 17h à 20h

3. Misc. News:

The City of Ottawa Community Arts Program invites emerging and established artists, artist collectives and community arts organizations working in visual arts and fine craft to propose an exhibition. Please feel free to share with your membership/contacts. https://ottawa.ca/en/residents/arts-heritage-and-culture/calls-and-opportunities-culture#community-galleries-selection-2019.

Le programme Arts communautaires et engagement social de la Ville d’Ottawa invite les artistes, les collectifs d’artistes et les organismes communautaires voués aux arts visuels et aux métiers d’arts débutants ou reconnus à proposer une exposition. N'hésitez pas à partager avec vos membres / contacts. https://ottawa.ca/fr/residents/arts-culture-et-patrimoine/soumissions-et-occasions-dans-le-domaine-de-la-culture#selection-pour-les-galeries-dart-communautaires.


Studio Space Ottawa – Artist Spaces For Lease

Shared Spaces
Don’t miss your chance to rent a studio in the newly designed and renovated Studio Space Ottawa.

Here is a list of studio spaces available from Studio Space Ottawa. We are hosting an open house on Monday, September 9th from 6 to 8 pm.

$210 / month (includes HST)
159 SF each
Studio 211A; 211B; 212A; 212B

$220 / month (includes HST)
166 SF each
Studio 216A; 216B

$230 / month (includes HST)
173 SF each
Studio 215A; 215B

$255 / month (includes HST)
193 SF each
Studio 205A; Studio 205B; Studio 205C; Studio 205D

-Available Sept 15/19; Oct 1/19
-2477 Kaladar Ave.
-2nd Floor
-Heat and AC included
-24hr Building Access
-Large Water Station
-Free Parking
-Private Artist Studios

Showings available upon request. Contact: studiospaceottawa@gmail.com


Arts Network Ottawa
eNews Issue No. 007 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 007

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