1. Call for Volunteer
Arteast’s Francois Dupuis team needs you!
The Francois Dupuis team is looking for a new team member. Your commitment would only be four hours every second month, two of which would be at our Monday evening hanging at the Francois Dupuis recreation complex. Having a comfort level with using jpegs to create artist invitations (via Word, photoshop, etc.) is also required.
If this sounds like a way you could contribute to Arteast or you would like more details, please contact Cheryl Mattice at francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com
L’équipe François Dupuis d’Arteast a besoin de vous!
L'équipe de François Dupuis est à la recherche d'un nouveau membre. Votre engagement ne serait que de quatre heures tous les deux mois, dont deux le lundi soir, pendant que nous accrochons les oeuvres au complexe de loisirs François Dupuis. Avoir un niveau de confort avec l'utilisation de fichiers JPEG pour créer des invitations d'artistes est également nécessaire.
Si cela vous semble une manière de contribuer à Arteast, veuillez contacter Cheryl Mattice à l'adresse suivante: francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com
2. Member's Announcement
Lynne Alsford and Mike Phillips invite fellow members of Arteast to their 8th annual studio open house on the following dates:
- Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August, noon - 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August, noon - 4:00 p.m.
- Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August, noon – 4:00 p.m.
- Monday 5 to Thursday 8 August and Monday 12 to Thursday 15 August - 10 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., by appointment only.
Lynne and Mike will be showing paintings, photography, photo-based art and junk-art sculpture.
The studio is located at 914 Lawnsberry Drive in Orleans (area bounded by Highway 174, Champlain and 10th Line). For further information, call 613-830-1829 or e-mail alsford-phillips@hotmail.com.
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