

Arteast Digest: Annual Critique Night, Plein Air Events

1. Annual Critique Night / Critique d'art annuelle

le français suit

Light snacks will be provided.

On Tuesday June 25, 2019, member artists are invited to bring one piece of unframed, unsigned work or a digital photo uploaded on a computer stick or disc in a jpeg format to the Annual Critique Night. We will have the computer and projector. We only have 70 minutes so it will be on first come basis.

Feeling shy….. come along and see what others are up to and join the fun anyway! See you Tuesday!

Donata Szafian will help members with suggestions on the work they present.

Donata Szafian is a classically-trained figurative artist. Her formal art education is rooted in Hungary. She obtained her BFA in Sculpture, followed by a BA in Industrial Design and MA in Jewellery Design.

Having her background in both fine art and design gives Donata a practical and problem solving mind-frame. This shows in her positive and constructive approach to critiquing artwork.

Her constant drive to learn and take her artwork to higher standards took her to New York to study under the guidance of Nelson Shanks, and recently to Florence to study with Michael John Angel.

7:00 pm - meet and greet
7:30 pm - announcements with critique to follow. Room 340, 255 Centrum Blvd.


Une légére collation sera servit.

Le mardi 25 juin 2019, les artistes membres sont invités à apporter une oeuvre sans cadre et non signé ou une photo numérique téléchargée sur un bâton mémoire ou un disque en format JPEG. Nous aurons un ordinateur et un projecteur sur place. Puisque nous avons seulement 70 minutes, premier arrive, premier servit.

Vous êtes timides..... pour le plaisir, joignez vous à nous pour voir ce que les autres font! On se voit mardi!

Donata Szafian commenteras les oeuvres des membres qui présenteront une oeuvre.

Donata Szafian est une artiste figurative. Elle a étudiée en Hongrie d’ou elle a obtenue son baccalauréat en beaux-arts en sculpture, suivie d’un baccalauréat en design industriel et d’une maîtrise en joaillerie.

Avoir son expérience dans les beaux-arts et le design donne à Donata un esprit pratique et de résolution de problems qui lui sont utile dans son approche positive et constructive de critiquer les œuvres d’art.

Son intérêt constant pour apprendre et rendre son œuvre d’art à des normes plus élevées l’emmena à New York pour étudier sous la direction de Nelson Shanks, et récemment à Florence pour étudier avec Michael John Angel.

19h - rencontre et accueil
19h30 - annonces avec critiques à suivre. Salle 340, 255, boul. Centrum

2. Plein Air Events

In 2020, one of the exhibitions on the Promenade wall, Shenkman Arts Center, will be dedicated to those who have participated in one of three (3) Arteast sponsored plein air events. Artists will be selected on a first come basis once the call is announced in the Digest and Website early in 2020. Art work will have to have been either created on site or derived from studies or photographs taken during the events. Artworks will also have to fit within the size parameters for a regular Promenade exhibition.

The dates for the sponsored plein air events are as follows: 

Note that for the July 4th event, we will be joining the Ottawa Plein Air Adventures group. There are no costs associated with the last two dates listed.

For each of the events, artists are responsible for bringing:
  • Painting / Drawing Supplies
  • Camera / Binoculars (if required)
  • A lunch and drinks
  • Hat / Sunscreen / Sunglasses
  • Bug Spray
  • Cushion / Chair / Camp Stool / Blanket
Please RSVP and for additional questions, please contact Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com or 613-833-0155

3. Members' Announcements

Display Panel for sale

Table top display panel suitable for artist public sale shows
Open size: 40”h x 84” wide, folds to 40”h x 28”. Will take art secured with Velcro or wire.
$100 + tax. Contact Jessie Parker at Jessie@photobasedart.com


Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the following workshops during July and August:

Butterfly felting workshop, Friday, July 19, 2019, from 6pm to 8pm

Flower felting workshop, Friday, August 16, 2019, from 6pm to 8pm

Acrylic Painting Workshops on July 17, 24, and 31, 2019, from 6pm to 8pm
July 17: White on White
July 24: Printing with acrylic paints
July 31: Knife painting with acrylic paints

Oil Painting Workshops on August 14, 21, and 28, 2019, from 6pm to 8pm
August 14: Create your own colourful dark mixes
August 21: Still life painting with primary colours and white

August 28: Knife painting

All workshops are held at 1270 Kinsella Dr, Cumberland, ON K4C 1A9. For more information and to register please go to www.KerstinPeters.ca. Please do not hesitate to contact Kerstin at info@KerstinPeters.ca if you have any questions.

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