1. Open Studio
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
Register by email: openstudio@arteastottawa.com (space is limited).
2. Blackburn Library Exhibit
What “My Digital World”
When March 23, 2019 to May 25, 2019, Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday.
Where: Blackburn Hamlet Library 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com
The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of photo-based and digital art by Mike Phillips. This collection is a mix of resurrected images, using a combination of Lightroom and Photoshop tools to digitally create composite images, ranging from whimsical to surrealistic scenes to images containing purely colourful, abstract compositions.
This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.

3. Kate Daller Memorial Exhibition
Saturday, March 30th, 1-3pm
The Daller family will be holding a commemorative exhibition and sale for long time Arteast member and volunteer Kate Daller on Saturday March 30th from 1-3pm.
Kate's family invites all Arteast members to attend, dress is casual.
There will be a short, informal memorial starting at 1:30pm. Any Arteast member who has any remembrances of Kate they wish to pass on please email them to: promenade@arteastottawa.com
The proceeds of any sales will go to Child Haven, a charity Kate and her husband supported. There will also be a hard copy art book of Kate’s work available at a later date. Proceeds from these will also go to Child Haven.
4. Workshops
Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner
When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner
The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting
Skills to be covered in the workshop include:
Basic washes
Masking techniques
Registration closing date is Friday April 26.
For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.
Member cost $60
Non-member $90
By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.
When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai
Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.
Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.
Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.
Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.
To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.
Member cost $120
Non members $150
5. Call for Volunteers
Ottawa Tulip Festival and St. Brother Andre School
Outreach project for April 2nd, 3rd and 5th, 2019
16 volunteer artists are needed for 2 days to paint 8 “5 ft Tulips” with a group of children at St. Brother Andre Elementary School. We will paint in a theme (selected by the class) on to the Tulip. The tulips will be on display at the Ottawa Tulip Festival each year.
Who: You and/ or other artists will draw the assigned theme on the tulip
Where: St. Brother Andre School- 1923 Elmridge Drive (Close to Ogilvie Road and
Montreal Road.)
April 2: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Draw in the picture (assigned) on to the tulip.
Outline it in paint. (no children)
April 3- 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Show the children drawing and painting tips
(i.e. palette and brush, various brush techniques). Photos with children and
April 5 -11:00 to 3:00 p.m.: Touch ups and varnish (no children)
Please contact lindycousineau@rogers.com to sign up.
6. Member's News
Exposition de Marie Léger au centre MIFO
Venez rencontrer l’artiste lors du vernissage le vendredi 05 avril 2019 de 19h à 21h à la Galerie d’art Eugène-Racette du MIFO à Orléans.
Exposition: mardi 2 avril au lundi 29 avril 2019
Adresse: 6600, rue Carrière, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1J4
7. Misc. News
When: Saturday, August 17th, 2019, with a rain date of Sunday, August 18th, 2019, 10 am to 4 pm.
Cancellation on Saturday, August 17th, 2019: If it calls for rain on Saturday, August 17th, the event will be cancelled and held on the next day, Sunday, August 18th. Each artist will receive a telephone call and/or an email from tan FCEF Representative letting them know the event has been cancelled by no later than Friday night, August 16th at 8 pm. Please check our website at www.friendsofthefarm.ca for updates. On Sunday, August 18th, please come prepared to protect yourself and your art in case of light rain during the event.
Cancellation of the Event: Should the event be cancelled, each artist will receive a phone call and or email as soon as the decision has been made. Please check our website at www.friendsofthefarm.ca for updates. A full refund of registration fees will be made.
Location: The exhibition will be held on the grounds of the Arboretum behind Building #72 on the Central Experimental Farm.
How do I register: www.friendsofthefarm.ca
Registration Fees:
Standard Fee: $80.00
Youth Fee: $50 (must be under 18 by December 31, 2019. Proof of age is required.)
When do I set up: Check in begins at 8 am at the registration desk and must be completed before 9:30 am. After checking in, you may choose any place on the grounds of the Arboretum behind Building #72. Please respect other artists’ placement when choosing your site.
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