

Arteast Digest: Budding Artist Exhibition; Workshops

1. Call for Artwork for Arteast’s Budding Artist exhibition

This exhibition is designed to encourage amateur and beginner artists by providing them the opportunity to exhibit their best work in a juried setting. Juror’s ribbons will be awarded for artistic potential. The exhibition will run from Thursday, May 23 through to Sunday, July 15, 2019, at the Shenkman Arts Centre

There is an entry fee of $10 and entrants must be, or will become, members of Arteast.

Registration for this exhibition is required and registration is April 4 to April 30, 2019.

The rules and registration form are available to download at the Arteast website http://arteastottawa.com/budding-artist/

Dates to Remember:

Drop off of work: Saturday, May 11, 2:00 to 3:00 PM at 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orleans
Jurying of work: Saturday, May 18, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Hanging of work: Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Reception: Sunday, May 26, 1:00 to 3:00 PM (awards ceremony at 2:00 PM)
Pick up of work: Tuesday, July 16, 10:00 to 11:00 AM at Shenkman Arts Centre

Contact person for this exhibition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
or 613-322-9986.


Appel pour les artistes l’exposition des artistes débutants

Cette exposition est conçue pour encourager les artistes amateurs et débutants en leur offrant la possibilité d’exposer leur meilleur travail dans un cadre avec jury. Les rubans du juré seront récompensés pour leur potentiel artistique. L'exposition se déroulera à partir de jeudi, 23 mai au dimanche 15 juillet 2019 au Centre des Arts Shenkman.

Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ et les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.

Une inscription pour cette exposition est requise et le date d’inscription est de 4 au 30 avril 2019. Le règlement et le formulaire d’inscription sont disponibles sur le site Web d’Arteast

Dates à retenir :

Dépot des travaux: samedi 11 mai, de 14h00 à 15h00 à 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orléans
Jury des travaux: samedi 18 mai, de 9h00 à 00h00
Accrochage des travaux: mercredi 22 mai, de 13h00 à 16h00
Réception: dimanche 26 mai, de 13h00 à 15h00 (cérémonie des prix à 14h:00)
Récupération des travaux: mardi 16 juillet, de 10h00 à 11h00 au Centre des arts de Shenkman

Personne contact pour cette exposition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
ou 613-322-9968.

2. Arteast Workshops

Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner

When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner

The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting

Skills to be covered in the workshop include:

Basic washes
Masking techniques

Registration closing date is Friday April 26.

For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $60
Non-member $90

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150

3. Misc. News

One Day Workshop/Demonstration “Watercolour on Hard Surface”
with Alan Bain – April 8th, 2019 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

This one day workshop will be held at the City Archive Facilities, Room 115, 100 Tallwood Ave. with Alan Bain. This workshop is for artists who want to learn how to prepare hard surfaces, such as Masonite or Birch panels, so that the panels will accept standard watercolour paints.

During the day you will apply a sequence of paints to two 10 X 12 panels – One of Masonite, a second of birch-faced hardboard. While you are waiting for each coat on the panels to dry, you will paint a watercolour on a prepared 10 X 12 masonite panel. Participants should bring their own watercolour paints and a subject or photo for inspiration.

The workshop is open to 14 participants and the cost is $45.00 per participant which includes three panels; one prepared and two that will be prepared during the workshop.

If you are interested in participating please register at workshops@manotickart.ca and issue payment at treasurer@manotickart.ca. Payments can be made via Pay Pal or e transfer.


Arteast Digest: Open Studio

1. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on April 11 and 25, 2019
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.

Register by email: openstudio@arteastottawa.com (space is limited).

2. Blackburn Library Exhibit

Who Mike Phillips
What “My Digital World”
When March 23, 2019 to May 25, 2019, Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday.
Where: Blackburn Hamlet Library 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of photo-based and digital art by Mike Phillips. This collection is a mix of resurrected images, using a combination of Lightroom and Photoshop tools to digitally create composite images, ranging from whimsical to surrealistic scenes to images containing purely colourful, abstract compositions.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.

3. Kate Daller Memorial Exhibition

Location:  Upper Lobby Reception Space, Shenkman Arts Centre (in front of Arts Network offices)
Saturday, March 30th, 1-3pm

The Daller family will be holding a commemorative exhibition and sale for long time Arteast member and volunteer Kate Daller on Saturday March 30th from 1-3pm.

Kate's family invites all Arteast members to attend, dress is casual.

There will be a short, informal memorial starting at 1:30pm. Any Arteast member who has any remembrances of Kate they wish to pass on please email them to: promenade@arteastottawa.com

The proceeds of any sales will go to Child Haven, a charity Kate and her husband supported. There will also be a hard copy art book of Kate’s work available at a later date. Proceeds from these will also go to Child Haven.

4. Workshops

Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner

When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner

The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting

Skills to be covered in the workshop include:

Basic washes
Masking techniques

Registration closing date is Friday April 26.

For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $60
Non-member $90

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150

5. Call for Volunteers

Ottawa Tulip Festival and St. Brother Andre School

Outreach project for April 2nd, 3rd and 5th, 2019
16 volunteer artists are needed for 2 days to paint 8 “5 ft Tulips” with a group of children at St. Brother Andre Elementary School. We will paint in a theme (selected by the class) on to the Tulip. The tulips will be on display at the Ottawa Tulip Festival each year.

Who: You and/ or other artists will draw the assigned theme on the tulip
Where: St. Brother Andre School- 1923 Elmridge Drive (Close to Ogilvie Road and
Montreal Road.)

This school has limited funding for extra activities. Arteast will provide supplies and art lessons with an artist. Volunteers will teach children drawing and painting techniques; mixing colours and how to paint using a palette and brushes.

April 2: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Draw in the picture (assigned) on to the tulip.
Outline it in paint. (no children)
April 3- 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.: Show the children drawing and painting tips
(i.e. palette and brush, various brush techniques). Photos with children and
April 5 -11:00 to 3:00 p.m.: Touch ups and varnish (no children)
Please contact lindycousineau@rogers.com to sign up.

6. Member's News

Exposition de Marie Léger au centre MIFO

Venez rencontrer l’artiste lors du vernissage le vendredi 05 avril 2019 de 19h à 21h à la Galerie d’art Eugène-Racette du MIFO à Orléans.

Exposition: mardi 2 avril au lundi 29 avril 2019
Adresse: 6600, rue Carrière, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1J4

7. Misc. News

Art on the Farm 2019 - Exhibitor information

When: Saturday, August 17th, 2019, with a rain date of Sunday, August 18th, 2019, 10 am to 4 pm.

Cancellation on Saturday, August 17th, 2019: If it calls for rain on Saturday, August 17th, the event will be cancelled and held on the next day, Sunday, August 18th. Each artist will receive a telephone call and/or an email from tan FCEF Representative letting them know the event has been cancelled by no later than Friday night, August 16th at 8 pm. Please check our website at www.friendsofthefarm.ca for updates. On Sunday, August 18th, please come prepared to protect yourself and your art in case of light rain during the event.

Cancellation of the Event: Should the event be cancelled, each artist will receive a phone call and or email as soon as the decision has been made. Please check our website at www.friendsofthefarm.ca for updates. A full refund of registration fees will be made.

Location: The exhibition will be held on the grounds of the Arboretum behind Building #72 on the Central Experimental Farm.

How do I register: www.friendsofthefarm.ca

Registration Fees:
Standard Fee: $80.00
Youth Fee: $50 (must be under 18 by December 31, 2019. Proof of age is required.)

When do I set up: Check in begins at 8 am at the registration desk and must be completed before 9:30 am. After checking in, you may choose any place on the grounds of the Arboretum behind Building #72. Please respect other artists’ placement when choosing your site.


Arteast Digest: Grow with Art, St Laurent Exhibit, Communiqué

1. Arteast Grow with Art Speakers’ Series

"Engaging a Community with Art" with Mark Stephenson

Mark Stephenson will talk about his experiences creating art that includes participants in the final outcome of the projects. Mark will talk about building and engaging an online community as he explores online personas in his Social Portraits series, creating an interactive installation titled M for the CSArt subscribers and Firefly, a wearable electronic interactive installation intended for large social settings.

Tuesday March 26, 2019
Orleans Client Services Centre
255 Centrum Blvd.
Meet and Greet – 7:00 p.m.
Announcements and Presentation – 7:30 p.m.
Free admission
For more information: 613 833 0155

2. Winter/Spring 2019 Communiqué

The Winter/Spring 2019 Communiqué is now available online at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php Please note that this is the last issue that will be sent to members by regular mail. Subsequent issues will continue to be posted on Arteast’s website and a very limited number of printed copies will be available at Grow With Art meetings. The newsletter Editor – Lynne Alsford – can be reached by e-mail at: editor.arteastottawa@gmail.com

3. St Laurent Complex Exhibit

4. Misc. News

Tulip Festival

This year, since we will only be having one location in Commissioner's Park, we will not be having an artist gallery like previous years. However, we will be having a designated artist area for artists to produce works. If you are interested in participating you will find the application at this link: https://tulipfestival.ca/create-art-in-the-park/

This year we will not be having the wide scale 5ft tulip program that we had last year, however due to interest from artists, we can offer 5ft tulips to be painted on site during the festival time. This would happen at a designated location different from the one stated above. Due to space constraints we would only be able to accommodate a handful of artists for this. If you are interested in painting (or using another medium) on a 5ft tulip on site please reach out to me for more information.

Daniella Donati
Arts and Operations Manager
Office: (613) 567-5757 Ext. 103


Michael Wilcox Returns to Ottawa!

Michael Wilcox, author of the book "Blue & Yellow Don't Make Green", inventor of the Split Primary System, Colour Bias Wheel and Head of the School of Colour is visiting from the UK to present a series of talks and Workshops here in Ottawa.

From the Cave to the Gallery
A Free Presentation
This illustrated talk will be about the artist's search for colourants over the centuries. Although we can obtain a wide range of paints, inks and pastels with absolute ease, this has been very recent development. Follow the journey of artists adapting some truly bizarre materials as pigments in their work.

Date: Thurs, March 28, 2019
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 PM
Location: Memorial Hall, MacKay United Church
39 Dufferin Street, Ottawa
Fee: Free! (Pre-registration is required)

Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

Practical Colour Mixing
In this hands-on workshop Michael will impart a full understanding of the various aspects of colour mixing. Visual and mixing complimentary colours will be examined and their use by the Impressionist fully explored. Topics will include the mixing of greens, mixing grays, employing the colours of nature, paints, pigments, additives and making full use of the complimentaries in all forms of colour work. A materials list will be provided at registration.

Date: Sat, March 30, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: John Stewart Hall, Church of St Columba
25 Sandridge Road, Ottawa
Fee: $150 ($125 each for two or more workshops)
Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

Revitalizing Your Paint Box
Does your paint collection deserve a good dig out?
Did you know that a high number of "Artist" quality paints will fade, darken or otherwise deteriorate? That some "Student" grade colourants are superior to their "Artist" quality equivalents and that many are better value. Many painters carry far more colours than they can ever get to know... some of which will alter over time.

At the end of this workshop you will have reduced your selection of colours that you require to 12 or 14. You will almost certainly save the cost of this workshop on your next purchase of artist paints and you will be assured of the longevity of your work. Attendees are encouraged to bring all their paints to the workshop.

Date: March 31, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Da Artisti Studio & Gallery
2565 Old Montreal Rd
Cumberland, ON K4C 1A1
Fee: $150 ($125 each for two or more workshops)
Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

The Colours of Shadows

In order to depict shadows accurately you need to know what is actually going on.

We are told variously that shadows are black - that they are not black - that they are always blue or always brown - that they are the complementary of the object, a red apple giving a green shadow for example - that on a bright day the complementary should be mixed with the local color to desaturate (gray or dull) the shadow color - that we could use ‘shadow’ color out of a tube - that the mid-value of the object should be used and that we can learn all we need by referring to photographs.

This one-day workshop, which also discusses the depiction of distance and reflections, will guide the artist to producing realistic shadows. It will change the way that you work and think about some of the ‘hidden’ colors of the world around us. A list of materials will be provided on registration.

Date: Mon, April 1, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Monart Art School,
2445 St. Laurent Blvd, Suite B244, Ottawa
Fee: $150 ($125 each for two or more workshops)
Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

Colour Harmony & Contrast
Colour Harmony... a third of blue and two thirds of orange, this or that balance of "warm" and "cool" colours, follow this or that diagram... the artist seeking colour harmony has a vast range of differing advice to choose from. Yet the often presented "rules" do not have a scientific or mathematical basis.

There are a myriad of colour wheel recipes that the artist is told will harmonize, however, there are clear lessons to be learned by the artist wishing to explore the subtleties of natural colour harmony. These combinations are all around us.

Date: Sat, April 6, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: John Stewart Hall, Church of St Columba
25 Sandridge Road, Ottawa
Fee: $150 ($125 each for two or more workshops)
Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

The Techniques of Glazing
Early Masters, such as Vermeer and Rembrandt applied multiple layers of transparent paint to produce the glowing hues and rich darks just seething with hidden colour, creating depth and intensity. This workshop will equip today's artist with the technique of glazing, developed by the Masters... lessons from the past brought fully up to date!

While oils are the original medium of the masters, for this workshop we recommend the use of acrylic paints, to take advantage of their drying time. If you don't have acrylics there will be some available for your exercises during the workshop. A materials list will be provided at registration.

Date: Mon, April 8, 2019
Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: Monart Art School,
2445 St. Laurent Blvd, Suite B244, Ottawa
Fee: $150 ($125 each for two or more workshops)
Registration and Information: ashbrookcreative@gmail.com, susanashbrook.com or 613-833-8312

When sending notices to be published in the weekly Digest, please review the following guidelines: 

  • remove all formatting (bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization, etc...)
  • include a short description (written in the 3rd person) of event or activity, in addition to dates, times, location, contact, etc.)
  • send photos in jpg format as a separate attachment (do no embed in document)
  • send your notice this email address (arteastottawa@gmail.com
  • send your notice two weeks prior to date of posting. Digests are prepared each Sunday.


Arteast Digest: Misc. News, etc

1. Misc. News

Presentation by David Lidbetter - Wednesday, March 13th, at 1:00 pm

Everyone is invited to the Kanata Art Club presentation

2. Arts Network Ottawa

3. News from Sponsors


Arteast Digest : North Gloucester Library; Member's news, etc

1. North Gloucester Library

It's time to change the Arteast exhibit
At North Gloucester Library

On Tuesday, MARCH 12, 2019 :
Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The coordinators will be at the Library between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m. For those who are dropping off art work, please arrive between 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. so that your work can be documented and hung before 11:30 a.m.. For those who are picking up only, please arrive no later than 11:15 a.m

These new pieces will hang for two months.

The next change-over will be on Tuesday, MAY 14, 2019.

If you are interested in exhibiting, an advance email, on or before Wednesday, March 6, 2019 to Christine Gendron, christinegendron@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes, would be helpful. Or, just show up at the date, but risk being turned away.

Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted. North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form. Blank contracts will be available at the library.

Fifteen percent (15%) of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget.

When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. If you must remove your work prior to the next change-over, please notify the appropriate coordinator, so the Librarian can be advised and take note of the authorized removal. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security. Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans, St. Laurent Complex, and Blackburn Hamlet Libraries, where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, MARCH 12, 2019.

The North Gloucester Coordinator
Christine Gendron christinegendron@sympatico.ca
Pari Zati pari.nz@gmail.com
Donna Sivyer donnasivyer17@gmail.com
Darina Boldizar dboldizar@sympatico.ca

2. Member's News 

March 12- March 31
Margaret Chwialkowska, Terry Cowan, Ron De Vries, Katrin Smith
Meet the artists Sunday March 17th 1-4pm
Foyer Gallery, Nepean Sportsplex

3. Misc. News

SCHMINCKE representative is Anke Marie Heintz.

Information session for SCHMINCKE ink and watercolour products, preregistration is required, limited space.

Great opportunity to see new product or ask questions on SCHMINCKE art products .

DeSerres art store want to invite Arteast Ottawa members to this free demo with SCHMINCKE products with Anke Marie Heintz

Where: St. Laurent Mall in the DeSerres art store
Date: Thursday March28th 2019
Time: 1pm to 2:30pm
Cost: Free,
preregistration via email to josiedemeo@bell.net

Josie De Meo
Visual artists, Art instructor and Art party host

When sending notices to be published in the weekly Digest, please review the following guidelines: 

  • remove all formatting (bold, colour, font size, italic, capitalization, etc...)
  • include a short description (written in the 3rd person) of event or activity, in addition to dates, times, location, contact, etc.)
  • send photos in jpg format as a separate attachment (do no embed in document)
  • send your notice this email address (arteastottawa@gmail.com) 
  • send your notice two weeks prior to date of posting. Digests are prepared each Sunday.

Arteast Digest: Open Studio, Exposition au centre MIFO

1. Open Studio

Open Studio will meet on March 7th (as the room is not available our usual week due to March Break programming) and on March 28th.

Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
At St. Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio.

525 Côté Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Register/Sign up by email to openstudio@arteastottawa.com. (Space is limited!)

2. Exposition au centre MIFO

Exposition: 5 au 28 mars 2018
Adresse: 6600, rue Carrière, Orleans, Ontario K1C 1J4 
Vernissage: 8 mars de 19h à 21h

La Galerie d’art Eugène-Racette du MIFO s’associe à Arteast, une association artistique de la région de l’est de l’Ontario, le temps d’un mois d’exposition.

Découvrez les talents de:
  • Carole Renaud – Peinture acrylique
  • Clarisse Cheseaux – Aquarelle
  • Diane Bertrand – Laine, soie, écorce
  • Lise Rochon – Peinture à l’huile
  • Patrick Nantel – Photographie Rencontrez les artistes lors du vernissage gratuit

3. Member's News

Fellow Arteast member Kendall Riddell is vending at NCR Uncovered An art/food/music multimedia event held at Lansdown. The event is on March 29th starting at 5pm with regular ticket cost being $20 online, and Kendall selling physical tickets at $10.

The link for the Facebook page for the event is: https://www.facebook.com/events/1896075933854592/?ti=cl

For further information you can contact Kendall Riddell at jkridd@gmail.com


Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the following courses and workshops in the spring semester:

Art Circle
February March 6, 20, April 3, 17, May 1, 15, and June 5, 2019, 2pm to 4pm

Getting to the Point with Pointillism
Wednesday, March 13, 2019, from 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Art Cafe: Say it with Flowers
Sunday, March 17, 2019 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Tulips Painting Party – Bring Spring into Your House
Sunday, March 24, 2018 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

Easter Egg Felting Workshop
Saturday, March 30, 2018 from 2:00pm – 4:00pm

To register and for more information about the events, please go to www.KerstinPeters.ca. All workshops are held at 1270 Kinsella Dr, Cumberland, ON K4C 1A9, Canada.

4. Misc News

Information session for SCHMINCKE ink and watercolour products, preregistration is required, limited space.

Great opportunity to see new product or ask questions on SCHMINCKE art products .

DeSerres art store want to invite Arteast Ottawa members to this free demo with SCHMINCKE products with Andrea Warren.

Where: St. Laurent Mall in the DeSerres art store
Date: Thursday March28th 2019
Time: 1pm to 2:30pm
Cost: Free
preregistration via email to josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627

Hope to see you!
Josie De Meo
Visual artists, Art instructor and Art party host

Death of Kate Daller

Long time Arteast member Kate Daller passed away suddenly on February 21, 2020.

Kate was a member of the Promenade and Mosaic/Trinity teams for as long as I can remember. At least since 2011. She didn’t take the limelight often, she worked away, helping organise, take in and hang almost every Promenade and Trinity show attending and organising the vernissage, looking after the vernissage table, being a backup photographer, organising the musicians (she was our Liaison between A’Chord East and the Shenkman)

She was dedicated and reliable. I never had to worry if a task was done. She was also one of the gentlest, humblest and thoughtful people I have ever met.

Her paintings reflected this, they have a muted sensitivity and poignancy that never failed to touch the viewer An example of this…her piece “Awaiting the Biscayne Belle” was given a Juror’s Choice Award at last year’s Mosaic.

Kate was a beautiful artist, a helpful team mate and a kind friend. She will be terribly missed by all especially her team mates on Promenade

Maureen Rooney Mitchel

Kate (Kathleen) Daller
June 16, 1948 - Feb 21, 2019

Born in Vancouver, Kate was the first child to Trevor and Eileen Horsley, followed by a brother (Mark) and sister (Susan). Trevor, being a mining engineer, later brought the family to live in Cassiar, northern BC—now a ghost town following the mine’s closure. Kate moved with her family to Toronto as a teenager, choosing to remain once her parents returned to Vancouver. She began working in the music and record industry as a secretary at RCA Records, and then as a public relations specialist for A & M Records. During this time she met her eventual husband Frank at a music industry function in Regina, SK.

After their marriage, Kate became a professional entertainment writer, publishing regularly in the Toronto Star and Starweek magazine among others, writing concert reviews, features and interviews with various prominent artists, entertainers, and public figures. Two children followed, Julian and Miguel, and the family eventually moved to the Ottawa area. While living near Moose Creek, ON, Kate decided to earn a Social Service Worker diploma from St. Lawrence College at age 50. This opened up a new career in the school system, reflecting her compassion for youth with special needs, and fostered some special friendships that survived her retirement.

After earning her diploma, Kate’s interest in and talent for painting and drawing began to blossom. Following the family’s move to Ottawa in 2002, she became a prolific artist and also joined Arteast, an art collective in which she found a deep sense of community and kinship. Her works have been sold, commissioned, and honoured with special recognition and awards at juried exhibits at the Shenkman Arts Centre. Her art style during her last years was inspired both by her deep love of nature, and the people closest to her.

Beloved by her grandchildren Senna and Noah, and her extended family and friends, Kate will be remembered for her humility, her endless compassion, and her late-life participation in ukulele jam sessions.

A remembrance event will be held on March 30, 2019. Any donations in remembrance, or proceeds of the sale of some remaining paintings, should go to Child Haven Int’l, a locally-based charity that she and the family support. www.childhaven.ca


Some Arteast members participate in this show each year and the organizers would like to give the opportunity to more artists

Art Lending of Ottawa (ALO)

Deadline for submission for jurying is Tuesday 16th of April, 2019

If you are an artist who wants to promote your work, ALO offers an exciting opportunity to lease and sell your original artwork.

ALO is a unique not-for-profit artists’ cooperative established in 1970. Four shows are held annually, featuring original artwork in a variety of styles and mediums by local artists. Artwork can be rented or purchased.

We facilitate rental of their art, lease-to-purchase opportunities, and sales, all at affordable prices.

Please check out our website for more information on Art Lending.

To be successfully juried into the organization, artists interested in participating must submit completed application (includes form, bio, 5 images and $25. jury fee)

See details on website under Artists/Jurying

If you would like further information on Art Lending of Ottawa or on applying to become an ALO artist, you can contact: Ann Gruchy at agruchy2@gmail.com

Completed applications are to be sent to: artlendingofottawa@gmail.com