1. Open Studio
Open Studio meets on Thursday, November 8th, and on November 22nd.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
At St. Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio.
525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Open Studio provides opportunity for members to meet and work
on their artworks in a casual setting. (Bring a lunch)
Register/Sign up by email to openstudio@arteastottawa.com. (Space is limited!)
2. North Gloucester Library
It's time to change the Arteast exhibit at North Gloucester Library
On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.
The coordinators will be at the Library between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m. For those who are dropping off art work, please arrive between 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. so that your work can be documented and hung before 11:30 a.m.. For those who are picking up only, please arrive no later than 11:15 a.m.
These new pieces will hang for two months. The next change-over will be on Tuesday, January 15, 2019. If you are interested in exhibiting, an advance email, on or before
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 to Christine Gendron, christinegendron@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes, would be helpful. Or, just show up at the date, but risk being turned away.
Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted. North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form. Blank contracts will be available at the library.
Fifteen percent (15%) of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget.
When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. If you must remove your work prior to the next change-over, please notify the appropriate coordinator, so the Librarian can be advised and take note of the authorized removal. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security. Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans, St. Laurent Complex, and Blackburn Hamlet Libraries, where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.
We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, November 13, 2018.
The North Gloucester Coordinators
Christine Gendron christinegendron@sympatico.ca
Pari Zati pari.nz@gmail.com
3. Preliminary Call for Artwork for Arteast’s “Mosaic”
A juried exhibition to be presented in the Trinity gallery, Shenkman Arts Centre from February 14 to Mach 19, 2019
Coming up in February 2019 is the next Arteast juried show. Arteast members are encouraged to submit their best two and three dimensional work to this annual exhibition. We are looking for insightful, creative, visual art in all media.
There is no theme for this show.
There is an entry fee of $10 for one artwork submitted or $15 for two artworks.
Entrants must be or will become members of Arteast.
Pre–registration for this exhibition is required.
Registration opens Nov 20th and closes Dec 15th, 2018.
Pre-registration is online only at https://goo.gl/forms/MZpWgrIlCdRSe1Ik1
The rules are available to download at the Arteast website- http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms.php under Trinity Gallery: Arteast's 'Mosaic-Mosaïque' at the Shenkman Art Centre.
Dates To Remember:
- Pre-registration online Nov 20th – Dec 15th: https://goo.gl/forms/MZpWgrIlCdRSe1Ik1
- Drop off of artwork(s) for jury selection at Studio A, 3rd floor Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd, Ottawa: Saturday, January 5th, 10:00 a.m. to Noon
- Pick-up artworks: Saturday, January 5th, 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.
- Drop off selected artworks for exhibition: Wednesday, February 13th, 11:00 a.m. to noon
Trinity Art Gallery, Shenkman Arts Centre
For information contact:
Maureen Rooney Mitchell
Appel pour œuvres d’Art pour « Mosaïque » - Arteast
Une exposition-concours qui sera présentée à la galerie Trinity du Centre des Arts Shenkman du 14 février au 19 mars 2019.
En février 2019 aura lieu la prochaine exposition-concours d’Arteast. Les membres d'Arteast sont encouragés à soumettre leurs meilleurs œuvres en deux et trois dimensions à cette exposition annuelle. Nous recherchons des arts visuel perspicace, créatif et créatif.
Il n'y a pas de thème pour cet exhibition.
Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ pour une œuvre d'art ou de 15 $ pour deux œuvres d'art.
Les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.
Une pré-inscription pour cette exposition est requise.
L'inscription débute le 20 novembre et se terminera le 15 décembre 2018.
La pré-inscription est en ligne uniquement sur https://goo.gl/forms/MZpWgrIlCdRSe1Ik1
Les règlements peuvent être téléchargées à partir du site web d'Arteast à l'adresse suivante: http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms.php sous la rubrique Trinity Gallery: Mosaic-Mosaïque d'Arteast au Centre d'art Shenkman.
Dates à retenir
- Pré-inscription en ligne du 20 novembre au 15 décembre : https://goo.gl/forms/MZpWgrIlCdRSe1Ik1
- Remise des œuvres pour la sélection du jury, Studio A, 3e étage du Centre des arts Shenkman, 245, boul. Centrum, Ottawa : Samedi le 5 janvier de 10h00 à midi
- Reprise des œuvres : Samedi 5 janvier, de 16h00 à 16h30
- Déposez les œuvres sélectionnées pour l'exposition: Mercredi le 13 février, de 11 h à midi, Galerie d'art Trinity, Centre des arts Shenkman
Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec: Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com
3. Workshop
4. Members' News
Bright studio space will be available in Canotek Business Park as of January 1, 2019. The Old Stick Cooperative Studio consists of 5 visual artists who share this second-floor facility in east Ottawa. In addition to individual workstations, Old Stick Cooperative Studio members share a large work table, small kitchenette, toilet facilities and occasional Open House Shows/Sales. Monthly rent of $139 includes heat, air conditioning, and hydro. To view the space and for any additional information, please contact Mary Ann at 613-745-2996 or varleymaryann1@bell.net.
Arteast member Jessie Parker is giving a talk with slide show on “Frontiers of Photography” covering what led up to her current Lightscapes as shown at Shenkman Centre Art Gallery last year at this time, and featuring the images in that show. This will take place 7:30 to 9:30pm at the RA Centre on Riverside Drive, sponsored by the RA Centre Photo Club. All are welcome to attend.
Arteast member Jessie Parker is giving a talk with slide show on “Frontiers of Photography” covering what led up to her current Lightscapes as shown at Shenkman Centre Art Gallery last year at this time, and featuring the images in that show. This will take place 7:30 to 9:30pm at the RA Centre on Riverside Drive, sponsored by the RA Centre Photo Club. All are welcome to attend.
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