1. Arteast Grow with Art Speakers’ Series presents
"Principles That Govern Great Art" with Brian Turner
A successful piece of art begins long before we put the
paint on our brushes
As we plan our masterpiece do we know and have we considered
and incorporated fundamental principles that govern great art?
Among other things these include composition, shape,
contrast and color.
In our evening together we will look at each of these 4
principles with an emphasis on composition.
The presentation itself will be an interactive conversation using
power point examples to illustrate and test our knowledge of these
Bring your questions and insights and we'll see you then.
Tuesday October 23, 2018
Orleans Client Services Centre
255 Centrum Blvd.
Meet and Greet – 7:00 p.m.
Announcements and Presentation – 7:30 p.m.
Free admission
For more information: 613 842 9649
Une œuvre d'art réussie commence bien avant que nous appliquions la peinture sur nos pinceaux. En planifiant notre chef-d’œuvre, connaissons-nous et avons-nous pris en compte et incorporé les principes fondamentaux qui régissent l'art? Ceux-ci incluent, entre autres, la composition, la forme, le contraste et la couleur.
Au cours de notre soirée ensemble, nous examinerons chacun de ces 4 principes en mettant l’accent sur la composition. La présentation elle-même sera une conversation interactive utilisant des exemples PowerPoint pour illustrer et tester notre connaissance de ces principes fondamentaux.
Apportez vos questions et idées et nous nous verrons ensuite.
Le mardi 23 octobre 2018
Centre de services à la clientele d’Orléans
255 blvd. Centrum
Rencontre à 19h 00
Annonces et presentation à 19h 30
Entrée gratuite
Pour plus d’informations : 613 833 0155
2. Blackburn Library Exhibit
Who: Bolgheyss (Pari) Nikbakhsh Zati
What: Memories
When October 20 to November 24, 2018
Where: Blackburn Hamlet Library
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com
The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of paintings by Pari Zati. This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.
Pari Zati moved to Canada from Tehran where she specialized in fashion. Since moving to Ottawa she has taken many courses at the Ottawa School of Art and is an active volunteer with Arteast.In this exhibition, Pari explores her wide ranging creative spirit presenting works of realistic and abstract subject matter. Many works are memories of places in Canada, her new home. The balance of the exhibition shows a new direction with abstract compositions which explore colour and pattern.
Location: Blackburn Hamlet Library branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.
Hours: Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday.
3. Workshop / Atelier
The Love Yourself Workshop with Suzanne Valois has been cancelled.
4. Members Announcements
The participants will discover and play with different mediums such as watercolors, pottery, acrylics and drawing.
This event will take place in French only and is opened to all ( all materials included), tickets $15 available at https://app193.digibotservices.ca/dbo/event.php?org=5190&event=13015981
Le jeudi 25 octobre 2018 à 19:00 au Centre MIFO | 6600, rue Carrière, Orléans
Nous vous annonçons que quelques artistes membre Arteast participerons à une évènement «Cercle découverte avec Josée De Meo, Clarisse Cheseaux, Kina Forney et Odette Gaudet-Fee.
Peinture acrylique, Façonnage d’argile, Aquarelle et Dessin
Matériel inclus!
Le matériel requis pour cet atelier est inclus avec votre inscription et vous sera fourni lors de l'activité. Billet $ 15 via https://app193.digibotservices.ca/dbo/event.php?org=5190&event=13015981
5. Misc. News
Arts Night is held on the last Friday of each month from September to June at The First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, located at 30 Cleary Ave. in the west end of Ottawa, off Richmond Rd. and one stop-light block east of Woodroffe Ave. These popular events which started in 2003 begin at 7:30 pm with an "open mike" a time when members of the audience are encouraged to give up to a five-minute presentation of any art form. We then present three guest artists, one each in the literary, visual, and musical arts, who share their particular art form for approximately 20 minutes, and after all the presentations, converse with, and answer questions from the audience. This event is a show and tell, the when and why of their artistic creations.
If you are interested in speaking, please contact Joycelyn @ joycelynloeffelholzrea@gmail.com
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