

Call for Art: Holiday Mix - Members Announcements - Communiqué - AOE Announcements - City Of Ottawa Artist Studio Program 2015

1. Call for Art: Holiday Mix
Deadline extended until Thursday Nov 12th,2015

Call for art for the “Holiday Mix” exhibition at the St Laurent Complex Gallery, you need to have your pre-registration sent in via email to josiedemeo@bell.net by no later than Friday November 6,2015.

And please note you’re allowed to register up to 2 art piece for the Holiday Mix and each piece max size cannot exceed 12” x 12” (this includes with frame). The form is on the Web site just follow the link: http://arteastottawa.com/forms.php and click on “Holiday Mix Exhibition / Exposition Couleurs des fêtes”. As you send in your pre-registration, please include a picture of your piece(s) so we can add them to the invitation for the exhibition.

Please note that we need all hands on deck to make this exhibition as successful as previous years, any time you can volunteer to help is highly appreciated. So please include your volunteer preference on the registration form/email.

If you have any questions regarding the Holiday Mix exhibition, please contact Josie De Meo either by email at josiedemeo@bell.netor by phone at 613-590-7627
Happy Painting and we look forward to seeing your work for the Holiday Mix exhibition.

2. Members Announcements

Christine Gendron will hold an "Open House" on the week-ends of November:  14-15, 21-22, and 28-29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day to sell her original (abstract) art as well as her hand-crafted jewellery (company name:  Colours Jewellery).  As Christine is retiring from her jewellery business, the jewellery is being sold at 50% off the original selling price.  There will be one daily draw for a breast cancer bracelet; all persons attending the "Open House" will be eligible to submit one ballot each day.  All Arteast members, as well as their family and friends, are invited to the "Open House".  Location: 1157 Medoc Court, Orleans.  For those who cannot attend on a Saturday or Sunday, Christine will accept appointments during the week.  If required, please call her at 613 - 824-4790 to arrange a daytime or evening appointment.

3. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).
Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).
Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

4 . AOE Announcements

Please follow the links:

Opportunities For Members: Nov 2 | Occasions Pour Les Membres : Le 2 Novembre

Wed Nov 18 Fall Mixer and Art Place Launch | Le 18 nov rencontre automnale et le lancement de Place d'Art

5. City Of Ottawa Artist Studio Program 2015/
Ville D'ottawa Programme De Temps Libre En Atelier Pour Artistes 2015
Gamman House
306 Cyr Avenue, Vanier
Gardener's House
104 Greenview Ave, Britannia Beach
Stafford Studios
35 Stafford Road (NCAC Bells Corners)
New! Fourth Artist Studio Program location!
Jockvale House
3131 Jockvale Rd, Barrhaven

Apply for the City of Ottawa's ARTIST STUDIO PROGRAM 2015.

Short-Term Studios – Total of ten studios available annually, with five or six month terms; a small liability insurance fee is required.  Short-Term Studios are project based studio spaces and are made available to graduate/emerging artists, environmental artists, community-based artists, First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists and artists participating in the Young at Art program.
Long-Term StudiosTwenty-one studios, each with three-year studio agreements; rental and liability insurance fees are required. Individual (not shared) studios are available to emerging or established artists.

Friday, November 13, 2015 at 4:30 p.m.

Application forms are available on the City website:  http://ottawa.ca/en/liveculture/artist-studio-program  

Maison Gamman 
306, avenue Cyr, Vanier
Gardener's House
104, avenue Greenview (Britannia Beach)
Ateliers Stafford
35, chemin Stafford (CACN, Bells Corners)
Nouveaux ateliers d’artistes! Disponibles en 1 mars 2016!
Maison Jockvale
3131, chemin  Jockvale (Barrhaven)

Faire une demande de la Ville de Location d’ateliers à court et long terme 2015 d'Ottawa 2015.

Ateliers à court terme – Dix ateliers disponibles chaque année, pour une durée de cinq ou six mois; des frais minimes d’assurance de responsabilité civile sont exigibles. Les ateliers à court terme sont disponibles aux artistes diplômés et émergents, aux artistes œuvrant dans le domaine de l'environnement, qui habitent dans la communauté, aux artistes inuits, métis et des Premières Nations, ainsi qu'aux artistes participant au programme d’Artistes en Herbe. Les ateliers individuels (non partagés) sont offerts à des artistes établis ou en début de carrière.

Ateliers à long termeVingt et un ateliers, chacun faisant l'objet d'un contrat de location de trois ans; des frais de location et d'assurance de responsabilité civile sont exigibles. Les ateliers individuels (non partagés) sont offerts à des artistes établis ou en début de carrière.

Le VENDREDI 13 novembre 2015, à 16 h 30

Les 2015 formulaires de demande sont maintenant disponibles sur le site de la ville:

Penelope Kokkinos
Arts Programmer / Programmatrice des arts
City of Ottawa / Ville d'Ottawa
35 Stafford Road / 35, chemin Stafford Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8V8
613-596-5783    MC 414 / CC 414   613-721-6139 fax /  613-721-6139 télécopieur