

Arteast Members Invited to Exhibit at Luna Sole Restaurant in 2016 - Arteast Juried Award Exhibition - Members Announcements - Communiqué - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Members Invited to Exhibit at Luna Sole Restaurant in 2016

There are EIGHT opportunities for member artists to exhibit at Luna Sole Restaurant in 2016. There is also an end-of-year group exhibit in December.
This is the fourth year of exhibiting in this location. Displays are mounted on one wall of the restaurant for six week periods beginning January 5; a tentative schedule is appended to this notice.
Luna Sole is located in the mall at the corner of Youville Drive and Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard.
There is no charge to participate but sales are subject to a 15% commission paid to Art East. The usual Arteast conditions apply, including being currently a member of Arteast and items for exhibit are prepared ready for hanging. Exhibitors should visit the site to familiarize themselves with the exhibition space – which is one wall, dominated by an operating television set. Depending on the size of works, up to eight pieces can be shown. Photographs of 2015 exhibits can be found on the Arteast website (www.arteastottawa.com).
Exhibitors accept responsibility for any penalties incurred and abide by the Arteast Coordinator’s decisions. Arteast and Luna Sole are released from any responsibility for loss or damages to any of the artworks. It is also agreed that Arteast has the right to use work entered in the exhibition for promotional purposes without this infringing on any copyright.
Please respond to the Coordinator – Ted Johnston - at your earliest convenience with your selected first and second choice of dates.
For more information, please feel free to call or e-mail Ted Johnston at
613-748-0346 or ej407@ncf.ca.


Arteast Members are now invited to submit applications to exhibit at Luna Sole Resto-Bar located in the mall at Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard and Youville Drive. Exhibition periods are approximately six weeks on the following dates:

January 5 to February 16

February 16 to March 29

March 29to May 10

May 10 to June 21

June 21 to August 2

August 2 to September 13

September 13 to October 27

October 27 to November 29

November 29 to January 3 END-OF-YEAR GROUP SHOW

Artists wishing to exhibit should select two dates as their preference and submit their names to Ted Johnston, Coordinator, at ej407@ncf.ca . Applications should be made by no later than November 22.

2. Arteast Juried Award Exhibition

Here is the link to the video made by Liana Voia during the opening of the Arteast Juried Award Exhibition

3. Members Announcements

Julia Naurzalijeva has a solo exhibtion at the Ottawa Bagelshop and Deli, 1321 Wellington St.,  Ottawa, Ontario,  Phone: 722-8753

Vernissage/Opening:  Wednesday, October 21, 2015, 6 – 8 p.m.

The exhibition runs from October 21 - December 2, 2015

 "Living Elements" presents paintings inspired by nature,  the people in
Julia's life and moments  when she contemplates her surroundings.

4. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).
Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).
Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

5 . AOE Announcements

Please follow the links:

Artpreneur Ottawa:

ARTinis Soirée Oct 29 |Soirée ARTinis le 29 oct :

ArtsVote 2015 | #Votezarts 2015 :

Building A New Website Survey! | Sondage pour un nouveau site Web:
