

Arteast Exhibition - Members Announcements - Painting Workshop Program - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Exhibition

Blackburn Hamlet Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition
of drawings by Erika Farkas.

This solo show is titled Figurative Mix and runs from Apr 4th to May 30th.
This show draws from Erika’s extensive collection of figurative drawings mostly worked in her preferred medium of graphite and charcoal pencils. Her style is heavily influenced by a love of the human figure and her own emotions. Thus, the works range from hyper-realistic to surrealistic, depending on how Erika might feel at a given moment. Erika Farkas’ artistic goal is to express complex human emotions and concepts in the human form. Upon viewing her artwork it becomes obvious that she has met this objective.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support artists in their local community as well as the Blackburn Hamlet Library.

Location: Blackburn Hamlet branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark, Ottawa K1B 5B8
Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10 - 8:30, Friday: 1:00 - 6:00, Saturday: 10:00- 5:00, Sunday: closed.

2. Members' Announcements

Exhibition of recent watercolours by Alain J. Godbout fows
at the Linart Galery in Cantley Qc
183 Montée de la Source(on the way to Mont Cascades)
From April 1st to April 30 2015

Vernissage April 8th at 17h00

3. The Spring Break-a-Brush! Painting Workshop Program

This spring we're looking forward to hosting another great workshop
series: Over 6 workshops, we cover key painting subjects and walk with some
incredible master painters.

Saturday 18 April: The Magic of Colour!

Saturday 25 April: Expressive Portrait Masters - featuring Lucian Freud

Saturday 02 May: The Joys of Spring!

Saturday 09 May: Andrew Wyeth's world

Saturday 23 May: Through Thin and Thick - washes, glazes and more!

Saturday 30 May: Mesmerizing Chagall

Additional details are found on the website: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e.htm.

These workshops appeal to a wide range of skill levels: from relative beginners to practiced artists wanting to pursue a new style. Together we will dispel myths and develop sound practices, creativity and expression!

Reserve by email to france@davidkearn.com
or via Paypal: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e_paypal.htm

4. AOE Announcements



Arteast is asking for some very special help for one of our valued volunteers - Margaret Cape. As some of you may know, Margaret's mother has terminal cancer and may pass in the very near future. In preparing for this imminent event, Margaret and her family would like to have her mother's urn (a wooden box) painted on two sides in the traditional Norwegian Rosemaling style. Should any of you have this expertise and be willing to undertake this project right away or, if you know someone who is accomplished in this style of painting but who is not necessarily a member of Arteast, please contact Margaret at 613-841-0742. The Capes would be pleased to pay for this work. Your immediate consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Our thoughts are with Margaret and her family.

Arteast demande une aide spéciale pour une dévouée bénévole – Margaret Cape. Comme certaines d’entre vous le savez, la mère de Margaret souffre d’un cancer en phase terminale. En préparation de ce départ imminent, Margaret et sa famille aimerait que l’urne en bois de sa mère soit peint de deux côtés dans le style traditionnel ‘Norwegian Rosemaling’. Parmi vous, y aurait-il une personne connaissant ce style et prête à faire le projet dès maintenant ou connaissez-vous une personne pouvant le faire même si la personne n’est pas membre d’Arteast. S.V.P. contactez Margaret au 613-841-0742. La famille paierait pour le travail. Votre réponse empressée pour cette demande serait bien appréciée. Nos pensées accompagnent Margaret et sa famille.


Digest: Important Announcement with regard to the Digest - Grow with Art/L’art en herbe - Arteast Exhibition - Members Announcements - AOE Announcements

1. Important Announcement with regard to the Digest

I am pleased to announce a very important development in Arteast e-mail communications that will soon take effect. The Digest announcements that Arteast delivers by e-mail have served us well in the past. Now Arteast is moving forward and is updating the way it provides you with the Digest. The organization also needs to make this change to ensure it conforms to Canada's new anti-spam legislation.

In the coming days, you will receive a message inviting you to subscribe to the Blogspot version of Digest and providing you with a link so that you may do so. The invitation will contain all instructions and a contact name for help, if you need it. There are a number of advantages to Blogspot, notably that members who subscribe to it will be able to unsubscribe at any time. For the first four weeks, Arteast will deliver the Digest by both e-mail and through Blogspot, allowing members time to subscribe. During this transition period, therefore, members who subscribe will receive duplicates of Digest. Then Arteast will cease completely to deliver Digest by e-mail. I strongly encourage you to subscribe to the Blogspot version of Digest to continue receiving notices about Arteast events and other visual arts news. If you do not subscribe, you will stop receiving the Digest four weeks after you receive the initial invitation.

Joyce Buckley
President Arteast

2. Grow with Art/L’art en herbe

Stone Carving
Through my bears, I want people to see themselves strongly connected with life, family and nature"
Patrick Imai, Stone Sculptor

Patrick Imai will give a presentation on the methodology he uses in the creation of his carved stone bears. He will discuss the selection of stone, cutting and shaping stone, sanding and polishing stone, and finishing. As stone carving is a tactile experience, the presentation will be supported by samples of different stone in various stages of the process and the tools used.

If there is time at the end of the presentation there will be an opportunity to experience stone carving. Wear clothing which can get dusty.

Sculpture sur pierre
"Par mes ours, je vois des gens profondément attachés à la vie, famille et nature’’
Patrick Imai, Stone Sculptor
Patrick Imai fera une présentation de sa méthode de création de la sculpture de l’ours. Il parlera de la sélection de la pierre, coupe et forme de la pierre, sablage, platine de la pierre et finition. Parce que sculpter la pierre est une expérience tactile, il aura des exemples de différentes pierres, à différents stages du développement de la pièce avec des outils qu’il utilise.

S’il reste du temps, à la fin de la présentation, vous pourrez essayer ce médium. Mais portez des vêtements d’atelier.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Meet and Greet at 7:00, Presentation follows
Le mardi, 24 mars 2015, rencontre à 19 h; suivie de la présentation à 19h30

at our regular location, 255 Centrum Blvd.  Room 340, Orléans 255, boul. Centrum, local 340, Orléans (ON)

3. Arteast Exhibition

Spring Awakenings” Art Exhibition
The show runs from Mar. 16th to May 19th 2015 at François Dupuis Recreation Centre, 2263 Portobello Boulevard, Ottawa, Ontario

The show’s pieces bring out scenes of many spring locations. Plans for spring and summer travel come with Josie DeMeo’s “Venice”. Kerstin Peters takes into the rolling hills of eastern Canada with landscapes reminiscent of the Charlevoix region. Lynne Alsford brings us photos from places we may have walked but viewed with an eye for the often overlooked. All the pieces bring the new awakenings with the arrival of spring.

Exposition d'art "L’Éveil du Printemps"
L’exposition d'art se déroule du 16 mars au 19 mai, 2015 au Centre récréatif François-Dupuis, 2263 boulevard Portobello, Ottawa, Ontario.L'exposition présente le travail de trois membres Arteast Ottawa.
Les pièces exposées mettent en évidence diverses scènes printanières. Le tableau "Venise". de Josie DeMeo, évoque les projets de voyage de printemps et d’été. Kerstin Peters nous projette dans les collines de l'est du Canada, dont les paysages rappellent la région de Charlevoix. Lynne Alsford nous présent des photos d’endroits que nous avons sans doute déjà visités, mais sans y avoir vraiment prêté attention. . Dans leur ensemble, ces pièces rappellent l’éveil du printemps.

4. Members Announcements

Kerstin Peters offers the following courses through the City of Ottawa this spring.

Courses for adults:

François Dupuis – 613-580-8080

Painting like Famous Artists Adults - 963994 
Tue, 7 pm-8:30 pm, Apr 7-May 5, $51.00, 16 yrs+, 4 classes

Acrylics - 960508
Wed, 7 pm-9 pm, Apr 8-Jun 17, $170.00, 16 yrs+, 10 classes

Bob MacQuarrie-Orléans – 613-824-0819

Intro to Colour Mixing & Painting Techniques - 962981
Mon, 6 pm-7:30 pm, Apr 20 - Jun 22 , 120.00, 16 yrs+, 8 classes
The course will start a week later than advertised in the Recreation Guide. NO classes May 11 and May 18.

Courses for Kids:

François Dupuis – 613-580-8080

Animal Drawing and Cartooning -  960489
Wed, 6 pm-6:55 pm, Apr 8-Jun 17, $85.00, 7 yrs-12 yrs, 10 classes

5. AOE Announcements

March 19/19 Mars – April 22/22Avril

The AOE Arts Council is inviting you to discover the work of emerging artist from the Outaouais region Mélanie Tessier. Mélanie is the first artist to exhibit her artworks as a part of the 2015-16 AOE Gallery season, presented by Caisse populaire Trillium Desjardins. Entitled FeatHER, this solo exhibit brings together a variety of figurative portraits in acrylic in which women, as the main theme, are shown in many shapes and colours.

Le Conseil des Arts AOE vous invite à découvrir les oeuvres de Mélanie Tessier, artiste visuelle émergente de la région de l’Outaouais. Mélanie sera la première artiste à dévoiler ses toiles dans le cadre de la saison 2015-2016 de la Galerie AOE présentée par la Caisse populaire Trillium Desjardins. Intitulée Plume d’Elle, l’exposition solo ayant comme thème principal la femme, regroupe une variété de peintures figuratives à l’acrylique à l’intérieur desquelles le sujet se décline sous de multiples formes et couleurs. 

Executive Director’s March 2015 message | Mot de la directrice générale – mars 2015
Spring is right around the corner and Ottawa’s new City Council has passed its first budget. We are proud to have a Mayor that recognizes and speaks out on the powerful social and economic benefits that accrue to cities with vibrant arts communities. Over the past month as part of the budget discussions, AOE Arts Council, along with other cultural service organizations, met with members of City Council and presented to two committees of Council concerned with arts community priorities.

As you know, we have just conducted a survey of the Ottawa arts community to identify their priority needs for the future as part of our organization’s strategic planning process. These priorities remain largely consistent with those developed by the City through extensive consultation with the community in 2012 and that were approved unanimously by City Council with the 2013-18 Renewed Action Plan for Arts, Heritage and Culture. We are now in Year-3 of this Plan and much has begun, especially key capital infrastructure for Arts Court and La Nouvelle Scène. However, much remains to be accomplished and we need to be sure that completion of the Plan remains among the Strategic Priorities of the term of this new Council. The celebrations in 2017 also offer a unique opportunity to implement some of the elements in the Plan related to promotion of the local arts scene.

What can you do to help move this agenda forward? Please contact your City Councillor to let them know that you wish to see completion of the City’s 6-year Action Plan for Arts, Heritage and Culture among the strategic priorities for the term of this new Council.

Our website has a copy of the Action Plan as well as the presentations that we made to the City Committees on these issues. Please feel free to refer to them.

Best wishes on your current creative endeavours and as always, please keep us informed of your events, ideas and concerns by reaching me at victoria@artsoe.ca or 613‐580‐2767, ext.4

Victoria Steele, Executive Director

Le printemps est à nos portes et le nouveau conseil municipal de la Ville d’Ottawa a adopté son premier budget. Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir compter sur un maire qui sache reconnaître et souligner les importants bénéfices socioéconomiques d’une ville lorsque celle-ci mise sur le dynamisme de sa communauté artistique. Depuis un mois, dans le cadre des échanges sur l’établissement du budget, les représentants du Conseil des arts AOE ainsi que d’autres organismes de services culturels ont rencontré les élus du conseil municipal en plus d’exposer les priorités de la communauté artistique devant deux comités du conseil.

Comme vous le savez, nous avons récemment mené un sondage auprès de la communauté artistique d’Ottawa dans le cadre de notre processus de planification stratégique, et ce, afin de cerner les besoins prioritaires pour l’avenir. Essentiellement, ces priorités sont dans le droit fil de celles établies par la Ville au terme des consultations élargies auprès de la collectivité en 2012, lesquelles ont par la suite été entérinées à l’unanimité par le conseil municipal dans son Plan d’action renouvelé pour les arts, le patrimoine et la culture à Ottawa (2013-2018). Nous voilà déjà à la troisième année de ce processus, et plusieurs initiatives sont déjà en cours, notamment la concrétisation des projets d’immobilisations culturelles associées à la Cour des arts et à La Nouvelle Scène. Toutefois, il reste encore beaucoup de pain sur la planche, et nous devrons nous assurer que la mise en œuvre de ce plan d’action figure encore et toujours parmi les priorités stratégiques tout au long du mandat de ce nouveau conseil municipal. Par ailleurs, les célébrations de 2017 représenteront une occasion unique de concrétiser certains volets de ce plan en vue de promouvoir les arts à l’échelle locale.

Quel sera votre rôle dans cette perspective? Nous vous invitons à communiquer avec votre conseiller municipal pour lui faire valoir que la concrétisation du plan d’action pour les arts, le patrimoine et la culture de la Ville, échelonné sur six ans, devra nécessairement figurer parmi les priorités stratégiques de ce nouveau conseil municipal.

Vous trouverez un exemplaire du plan d’action sur notre site Web, ainsi que les détails des présentations que nous avons faites auprès des comités de la Ville sur ces questions. N’hésitez pas à vous en servir.

Meilleurs vœux de succès dans vos projets artistiques. Comme toujours, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec moi pour m’informer de vos activités ou me faire part de vos idées et commentaires, à l’adresse victoria@artsoe.ca ou au 613‐580‐2767, poste 4.

Victoria Steele, directrice générale


Digest: Arteast Exhibition - Call for Artists - Request for Proposals - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Exhibition

The public is invited to the opening reception of 'More Mosaic' on Sunday, March 22, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the ground floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard, Orleans.
More Mosaic showcases the talent of Arteast members in its latest exhibition at the Shenkman Arts Centre. The show is an extension of the Mosaic exhibition previously at the Trinity Gallery and offers more exceptional works presented in a variety of mediums and styles, featuring many subjects.

Le public est invité au Vernissage de l’exposition « Mosaïque Plus » présenté par les membres d’Arteast. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 22 mars 2015, de 13h à 15h au niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 Boulevard Centrum, à Orléans.
Vu la quantité et la qualité exceptionnelle de plusieurs œuvres qui ont été enregistrées cette année lors de l’exposition Mosaïque à la galerie Trinity et qui n’ont pas pu être présentées, Arteast offre la possibilité à plusieurs membres d’exposer leurs œuvres dans cette nouvelle exposition Mosaïque Plus à la Promenade Arteast du Centre des Arts Shenkman.

2. Call for Artists

Hi Bean Town Ranch is looking for artist to expose their work in their little chapel during the sugar bush season is from March 14 to April 12.  The space is free and it’s from 9 to 7 Saturdays and 9 to 3 on Sundays.  There will be between 6 and 8 thousand visitors so this is a great opportunity for exposure!  Please contact Geneviève Desjardins at 613-673-5894 orinfo@beantownranch.com
Bonjour, le Bean Town Ranch est en recherche d’exposants pour la saison de sucre dans leur petite chapelle, c’est pour 5 semaines, de 9 à 7 le samedi et de 9 à 3 le dimanche,  du 14 mars au 12 avril.  Il aura 6 à 8 milles visiteurs dans les semaines à suivre et ce sera une excellente opportunité de vous faire voir.  Ceci est un service gratuit. Svp contacter Geneviève Desjardins au Bean Town Ranch au 613-673-5894 ou info@beantownranch.com

3. Request for Proposals: cARTe blanche

The complete call is available at: http://ottawa.ca/en/liveculture/carteblanche-project
La version française suit
The City of Ottawa Public Art Program is proud to celebrate 30 years of providing public art opportunities for artists in Ottawa. As part of our celebration, the Public Art Program is partnering with PATTISON Outdoor Advertising’s Art in Transit on the cARTe blanche project to display original artworks on two-dimensional billboards throughout the city.
Artists/artist teams are asked to submit proposals that present concepts for future public art projects within Ottawa. Concept drawings for projects may deal with a specific community, site or span the entire city and beyond. Ideas are not limited by reality as they are concepts only. Concept drawings may be hand or digitally rendered and, if selected, will be reproduced and displayed on a billboard in the city for a period of four weeks.
The design fee for each individual billboard project is $500.00.
Submissions must be received by mail or by hand no later than Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 8 p.m.
For more information, please review Request for Proposals: cARTe blanche or contactpublicartprogram@ottawa.ca

L’appel aux artistes intégral est sur le site Web : http://ottawa.ca/fr/culturevive/projet-cARTeblanche
Demande de proposition : cARTe blanche

La Ville d’Ottawa est fière de souligner les 30 années d’existence du Programme d’art public qui offre une vitrine aux artistes de la ville. Dans le cadre des festivités organisées pour souligner cet anniversaire, le Programme d’art public s’associe au projet Art in Transit, de l’entreprise d’affichage extérieur PATTISON Outdoor Advertising
 pour la réalisation du projet cARTe blanche visant à exposer des œuvres d’art originales sur des panneaux d’affichage bidimensionnels disposés à travers la ville.  
Les artistes ou des équipes d’artistes sont priés de soumettre leurs idées de concepts pour des projets d’art publics futurs à Ottawa. Les dessins conceptuels liés aux projets peuvent se rapporter à une communauté ou à un site précis, ou encore à toute la ville et au-delà. Les idées ne sont pas limitées par la réalité puisqu’il ne s’agit que de concepts. Les schémas de concepts peuvent être réalisés à la main ou numériquement et les concepts choisis seront reproduits sur un panneau d’affichage dans la ville pendant une période de quatre semaines.
La rémunération accordée pour la conception de chaque projet de panneau d’affichage s’élève à 500 $.
Les candidatures devront être reçus par la poste ou livrés en main propre au plus tard le jeudi 2 avril 2015 à 20 h.
Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, consultez la page Demande de proposition : cARTe blancheou envoyez un courriel à l’adresse programmedartpublic@ottawa.ca.

4. AOE Announcements


Arteast Open studio / Studio Libre –St. Laurent Complex

Here are the next dates for ‘Arteast ‘open studio’:  Thursday March 12th and March 26th.  At 10:00 am-3:00 pm.
Note: for April/May studios will be on Wednesdays. April 8, April 22 and May 13th, May 27th.
Please pre-register for the next ‘open studio’. We need 6 members per session for the studio to run.
The registration form is available on the Arteast website http://www.arteastottawa.com.
Please confirm with one of the following Arteast volunteers:
Corinne Feasey: c_feasey@hotmail.com
Dorothy Zorn: dzorn1624@rogers.com
Josie De Meo: josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627

Voici les prochaines dates du studio-libre d’Arteast : les jeudis 12 mars et 26 mars, de 10.00 am. à 3.00 pm.
Prenez note que le studio des mois d’avril et mai sera les mercredis : 8 avril, 22 avril, 13 mai et 27 mai.

S’il-vous-plaît veuillez-vous préinscrire pour cette nouvelle session. Nous avons besoin d’au moins six membres pour que cette activité ait lieu!
Le formulaire d'inscription est disponible sur le site Web d’Arteast
Merci de confirmer votre présence avec un des bénévoles suivants:
Corinne Feasey: c_feasey@hotmail.com
Dorothy Zorn: dzorn1624@rogers.com
Josie De Meo: josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627


Digest: Arteast Announcements - Arteast Exhibitions - Members Announcements - Call for Artists

1. Arteast Announcements

Arteast Volunteer Needed

Hi everyone,

A volunteer is needed to take on the role of lead coordinator for our exhibitions at the François Dupuis Recreation Complex. I urge members to consider taking on this task. Arteast provides its members with the benefits of having access to exhibition spaces. Our volunteers are the people who make this happen.

You may contact me at 613-830-1829 or by e-mail at lynnealsford@gmail.com. You may also contact Josie De Meo, Past President, at 613-590-7627 or by e-mail at josiedemeo@bell.net.
Lynne Alsford
Vice President

2. Arteast Exhibitions

Spring Mix Show at St. Laurent Centre

3. Members Announcements

Exposition -solo- exhibition par/by Aline Joanis 
le 13 mars au 1 avril, 2015 / March 13 to April 1, 2015     
(huiles et acryliques / oil and acrylic)

Vernissage: Dimanche le 15 mars de 13 h  à 16 h / Sunday March 15, 1 pm to 4 pm, 2015 
Galerie Old Chelsea
783 route 105 (les Fougères)
Chelsea, QC
mercredi au dimanche, de 11 hrs à 17 hrs
Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 5pm

25 Years Plein Air Ensemble - A Retrospective
March 25 - April 6, 2015

21 artists are participating in the exhibition that celebrates the 25 years of the Plein Air Ensemble, among them two of the original founders, Pierrette Dulude-Bohay, and Charles Spratt, as well a many Arteast members.

Opening celebration: March 26, from 7-9pm
at WALL SPACE GALLERY, 2316 St Joseph Blvd, Orleans, ON K1C 1E8.

The o
pening hours are:
Mon-Wed  10 am – 6 pm
Thurs-Fri   10 am – 8 pm
Sat         9:30 am – 5 pm

For more information please contact kpeters@DomingoInformatics.ca or go to the Facebook event page at 

4. Call for Artists

- Saturday, August 15, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
- Rain date: August 16, 2015
- Artists working in various mediums will display and sell their original works under the trees of the Central Experimental Farm.
- Location: Arboretum, around building 72, east of the Prince of Wales roundabout.
- Free admission and parking.
- Information and Registration Forms for Exhibitors
- For information call (613)230-3276 or e-mail us at info@friendsofthefarm.ca


François Dupuis Recreation Centre: Call for Art /Appel aux artistes

French translation following further down.

The Arteast Team at the François Dupuis Recreation Centre would like to issue a call for art for the next 3 exhibits as described below. This exhibit space can only accommodate 4 artists at a time, showing 4 to 5 pieces depending on the artworks' size

1. “Spring Awakenings” March 16th to May 19th, 2015
2. New Members show information to come in the near future!
3. "Songs of Summer" July 20th to September 21st, 2015

Please email francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com no later than March 4th for "Spring Awakenings", and July 1st for "Songs of Summer". Changeovers take place in the evening, beginning at 6:30 pm. Artwork from the current show is to be picked up from 6:30 to 7:00 pm and new artwork is to be hung at 7 pm. ARTWORK BEING PICKED UP MUST BE SIGNED OUT WITH SOMEONE FROM THE FRANÇOIS DUPUIS TEAM: That would be either Doreen, Mark or Maryse.

The François Dupuis Centre is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works. Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang. The exhibit space is designed to accept works in a single horizontal line. *Clusters of paintings in vertical groupings cannot be accommodated.*

The centre is also very accessible. It is open seven days a week, specifically from 6:45 am to 9:45 pm, Monday to Friday, 7:45 am to 7:30 pm Saturday and 7:45 am to 6 pm Sunday.

Artists are responsible for all handling and hanging of their artwork. A small step stool is available for use or you may provide your own. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to Arteast’s website for forms and regulations. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted. Please refer to rule #4 for more details.

Reserve your space today!

The François Dupuis team

L’équipe d’Arteast du Centre récréatif François Dupuis lance un appel aux artistes pour les trois prochaines expositions décrites comme suit:

1. L’arrivée du printemps du 16 mars au 19 mai 2015
2. Expo pour les nouveaux membres information à venir
3. Chants de l’été du 20 juillet au 21 septembre 2015

N.B. L’espace ne peut accommoder que 4 artistes en même temps, avec 4 ou 5 tableaux par artiste, selon leurs dimensions.
Envoyez votre demande par courriel à : francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com avant le 4 mars pour l’expo ‘L’arrivée du printemps’ et avant le 1er juillet pour ‘Chants de l’été’.
Le décrochage des tableaux débute à 18h30. Les tableaux de l’expo en cours doivent être repris entre 18h30 et 19h en prenant soin de signer une feuille en présence de Doreen, Mark ou Maryse.

Le Centre récréatif François Dupuis fournit un espace intéressant pour exposer les tableaux du groupe Arteast. Chaque artiste dispose d’un espace de 10 pieds pour exposer des tableaux à vendre. Les items doivent être secs et prêts à accrocher. L’espace dispose d’une seule ligne horizontale pour les œuvres. (Les œuvres ne peuvent pas être superposées à la verticale).

Le Centre est très accessible: ouvert sept jours /semaine, du lundi au vendredi de 6h45 à 21h45; le samedi de 7h45 à 19h30; le dimanche de 7h45 à 18h.

Les artistes sont responsables de l’accrochage. Un marche-pied est disponible ou vous pouvez apporter le vôtre. Les frais par artiste sont de 20$. Référez au site web d’Arteast pour les règlements et le formulaire. Les tableaux doivent avoir les bons crochets pour l’accrochage ou ne seront pas acceptés. Référez-vous au règlement numéro 4.

Réservez votre espace dès maintenant!

L’équipe de François Dupuis


Digest: Arteast Exhibitions - Arteast Open studio / Studio Libre –St. Laurent Complex - AOE Announcements

1. Arteast Announcements

TV Interview at Trinity Gallery

Hello everyone,
Congratulations to our artists that were interviewed at the Trinity Gallery Mosaic's exhibition by RegArts TV crew.
Our stars are : Clarisse Cheseaux, Diane Bertrand, Danielle Blais Vermette, Yanie Porlier and Maureen Rooney Mitchell.
These ladies did a great job.
If you want to see their interview you can view on Rogers French channel 23
“RegArts”this Saturday at 10AM & 8:30PM, Monday at 1PM & 6PM and finally again Wednesday at 9pm.
Or check for more info on the following link:
Josie De Meo


The current issue of our newsletter, COMMUNIQUE Winter 2015 Vol. 21 No. 1, is now available online at http://arteastottawa.com/PDF_Files/Newsletters/NewsletterWinter2015Final.pdf. If you do not wish to receive a printed copy in the mail, please e-mail editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the mailing list for all future copies.

2. Arteast Open studio / Studio Libre –St. Laurent Complex

Here are the next dates for ‘Arteast ‘open studio’:

Thursday March 12th and March 26th, from 10:00 am-3:00pm.

Note: for April/May studios will be on Wednesdays. April 8, April 22 and May 13th, May 27th.

Please pre-register for the next ‘open studio’. We need 6 members per session for the studio to run.

The registration form is available on the Arteast website 

Please confirm with one of the following Arteast volunteers:

Corinne Feasey: c_feasey@hotmail.com

Dorothy Zorn: dzorn1624@rogers.com

Josie De Meo : josiedemeo@bell.net or tel 613-590-7627

3. AOE Announcements

Please follow the link: 

Call for Art at Orleans Library Changeover

It's time to change the exhibit at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd, Orleans, Ontario.
On Tuesday March 3rd, 2015, please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) to the Orleans Library.
These new pieces will be hung till Tuesday May 5th, 2015.
The Changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to 5 paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract form that must be signed.
Blank contracts will be available at the Library.
Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for it's operational budget.
When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsiblility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.
Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans and the Blackburn Hamlet Library branches where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.
We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday March 3rd at 10:30.a.m.
Orleans Library Temporary coordinator Josie De Meo and Corinne Feasey

Call for art at the North Gloucester Library

It's time to change the Arteast exhibit
At North Gloucester Library

On Tuesday, MARCH 10, 2015:

Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.
 The changeover is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m.

These new pieces will be hung for two months.
The next change-over will be on Tuesday, MAY 12, 2015. 

If you are interested in exhibiting, an advance email, on or before Wednesday, March 5, 2015, to Christine Gendron, christinegendron@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes, would be helpful. Or, just show up at the date, but risk being turned away.
Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail.  You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted.  North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form.  Blank contracts will be available at the library. 
Fifteen percent (15%) of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget.

When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction.  We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition.  If you must remove your work prior to the next change-over, please notify the appropriate coordinator, so the Librarian can be advised and take note of the authorized removal.  Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.  Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public.  Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans, Blackburn Hamlet, and Ray Friel branches where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.

The North Gloucester Coordinators
Christine Gendron  christinegendron@sympatico.ca 
Pari Zati    pari.nz@gmail.com
Marie Leger   legerma@rogers.com