Arteast Ottawa Board of Directors invites all members to join us to thank our volunteers at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on November 26,2019 at 7:00 p.m. It will take place at the Resto-Bar on 210 Centrum Blvd. Orleans. Enjoy food, fun, and prizes as we celebrate our volunteers. RSVP
Arteast Digest: Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover
1. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: November 5, 2019
It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.
On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire).
These new pieces will be hung until January 7, 2020.
The changeover at the Orleans Library branch is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
It is an ideal opportunity especially for new Arteast members to exhibit their work.
2. Arts Network Ottawa | Réseau des arts d'Ottawa
Two opportunities for our Members / Deux opportunités pour nos membres
It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.
On Tuesday, November 5, 2019, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire).
These new pieces will be hung until January 7, 2020.
The changeover at the Orleans Library branch is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
It is an ideal opportunity especially for new Arteast members to exhibit their work.
2. Arts Network Ottawa | Réseau des arts d'Ottawa
Two opportunities for our Members / Deux opportunités pour nos membres
Arteast Digest:: Grow with Art, Workshop (cancelled)
1. Grow with Art - Grandir avec L’art
October Speaker – Suzanne Warren Powell
Tuesday October 22 – mardi le 22 octobre
7:00 “Meet and Greet” à 19h
7:30 Announcements / Annonces à 19h30
7 :45 Présentation à 19h45
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / boul Centrum
In all things creative, what gets overlooked is the absolute uniqueness of every individual. Suzanne Warren Powell will provide an overview of some of the paths, people and ideas that affected her artistic journey.
Suzanne has been teaching Fine Art and mentoring in Creativity since 1985, through the City of Ottawa, regional School Boards, Art Associations and her own studio. Previously, she earned degrees in the Arts, Education and has Master’s degree in Educational Technology. As a result, she is well-known for creating and designing new and exciting classes in the fine arts.
Originally destined to be a performance musician, Suzanne learned to play musical instruments and sang in professional groups. However, she resumed a keen interest in painting and soon won several awards. Teaching offers quickly followed.
In 2001, Suzanne co-founded OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) with two of her students to further the awareness of, and showcase Mixed Media painting which she had been teaching for several years. OMMA currently exhibits throughout the capital region. On its inception, Suzanne was honoured with the title of permanent artist/mentor for OMMA.
Her love of nature and a Zen approach to life and creativity has led Suzanne into the arts and culture of the Far East. She practices Miksang photography, a form of meditative Tibetan Dharma art and writes Haiku poetry. Suzanne lives on a large rural property which features trails through meadows, woods and wetlands. This untamed landscape renews her artistic vision every day.
Recently, Suzanne has been teaching Wabi Sabi art (the Japanese aesthetic branch of Zen philosophy), Japonisme and Expressive Drawing. This presentation will be in English.
Ce qui est négligé dans la créativité est l'unicité absolue de chaque individu. Suzanne Warren Powell donnera un aperçu de son cheminement, des personnes et des idées qui ont influencé son parcours artistique.
Depuis 1985, Suzanne enseigne les beaux-arts, le mentorat en créativité auprès du Cité d’Ottawa, des conseils scolaires, des associations artistiques de la région et de son studio. Suzanne a obtenu plusieurs diplômes universitaires notamment en beaux-arts, en éducation ainsi qu’une maîtrise en technologie éducative. Elle est bien connue pour sa passion, sa création et sa conception de nouvelles classes stimulantes dans le domaine des beaux-arts.
Á l’origine destinée à être musicienne, Suzanne a appris à jouer des instruments de musique. Elle a chanté dans divers groupes professionnels. Cependant, son intérêt marqué pour la peinture lui a permis de remporter plusieurs prix d’excellence. Par la suite, des offres d'enseignement s’en sont suivies.
En 2001, Suzanne a cofondé OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) avec deux de ses élèves afin de sensibiliser et valoriser la peinture mixte qu'elle enseigne depuis plusieurs années. Les artistes de OMMA exposent actuellement au sein de la capitale. Lors de la création de OMMA, Suzanne obtint le titre honorifique de mentor et d’artiste permanent.
Son amour pour la nature et son approche zen de la vie et de la créativité l’a conduite vers les arts et la culture de l'Extrême-Orient. Elle pratique la photographie de Miksang, une forme d'art Dharma tibétain méditatif et elle écrit de la poésie Haïku.
Suzanne vit dans une zone rurale qui lui offre divers sentiers boisés et de terres humides. Ce paysage sauvage renouvelle chaque jour sa vision artistique.
Récemment, Suzanne enseigne l'esthétique japonaise ‘wabi-sabi’ (branche esthétique japonaise imprégnée de la philosophie zen), le dessin d’expression et le japonisme. Cette présentation sera faite en anglais seulement.

2. Workshop - Cancelled
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the palette knife workshop scheduled for Saturday October 26 with Hamid Ayoub , has been cancelled. Arteast hopes to reschedule this workshop at a later date.
3. Members' News
One Day Soapstone Carving Workshop
Learn how to carve Soapstone using hand tools. This course is for adults only. No previous experience is necessary. Students will be guided by the instructor through the carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing Soapstone to produce a sitting bear. Tools and materials are provided. Students are responsible for personal protection: safety glasses, gloves (optional), closed toe shoes. Dust masks are provided. Coffee and water will be provide as well but participants are responsible for their own lunches. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information.
Course fee – $120.00 plus tax.
Experience level – Adult beginner to intermediate, no experience required.
Instructor – Patrick Imai
Course date – November 30, 2019
Time – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Spots remaining – 9
Location – 1520 Lagan Way, Ottawa, On. K1B 3S9
Registration for the course is at

Arteast member Kerstin Peters offers the following events this November at 1270 Kinsella Drive, Cumberland, ON, K4C 1A9:
- Sunday, November 3, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Cafe, $10/person
- Friday, November 8, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm: Crafters Evening, $5/person
- Saturday, November 23, 4 pm to 6 pm: Angel Painting Party, $35/person
- Sunday, November 24, 3 pm to 5 pm: Art Circle, $5/person
Kerstin would also like to invite you to her 6th Annual Open House and Customer Appreciation Day on November 9, 2019, from 10 am to 3 pm, where you can see her latest artworks as well as some of her favourites from previous years.
4. Arts Network Ottawa | Réseau des arts d'Ottawa
eNews Issue No. 010 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 010
Arteast Digest: Final Days to register for workshop
You only have a couple of days left to register for the Arteast Workshop with Hamid Ayoub
Loose and Free - Unleash the Power of Your Creativity with Palette Knives
The deadline for registration is Monday, October 21, 2019.
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: Church of St. Columba, 25 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park
Cost: $45/members $50/non-members)
for more information see -
You only have a couple of days left to register for the Arteast Workshop with Hamid Ayoub
Loose and Free - Unleash the Power of Your Creativity with Palette Knives
The deadline for registration is Monday, October 21, 2019.
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: Church of St. Columba, 25 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park
Cost: $45/members $50/non-members)
for more information see -
Arteast Digest: Grow with Art, Call of Artists
1. Grow with Art - Grandir avec L’art
October Speaker – Suzanne Warren Powell
Tuesday October 22 – mardi le 22 octobre
7:00 “Meet and Greet” à 19h
7:30 Announcements / Annonces à 19h30
7 :45 Présentation à 19h45
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / boul Centrum
In all things creative, what gets overlooked is the absolute uniqueness of every individual. Suzanne Warren Powell will provide an overview of some of the paths, people and ideas that affected her artistic journey.
Suzanne has been teaching Fine Art and mentoring in Creativity since 1985, through the City of Ottawa, regional School Boards, Art Associations and her own studio. Previously, she earned degrees in the Arts, Education and has Master’s degree in Educational Technology. As a result, she is well-known for creating and designing new and exciting classes in the fine arts.
Originally destined to be a performance musician, Suzanne learned to play musical instruments and sang in professional groups. However, she resumed a keen interest in painting and soon won several awards. Teaching offers quickly followed.
In 2001, Suzanne co-founded OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) with two of her students to further the awareness of, and showcase Mixed Media painting which she had been teaching for several years. OMMA currently exhibits throughout the capital region. On its inception, Suzanne was honoured with the title of permanent artist/mentor for OMMA.
Her love of nature and a Zen approach to life and creativity has led Suzanne into the arts and culture of the Far East. She practices Miksang photography, a form of meditative Tibetan Dharma art and writes Haiku poetry. Suzanne lives on a large rural property which features trails through meadows, woods and wetlands. This untamed landscape renews her artistic vision every day.
Recently, Suzanne has been teaching Wabi Sabi art (the Japanese aesthetic branch of Zen philosophy), Japonisme and Expressive Drawing. This presentation will be in English.
Ce qui est négligé dans la créativité est l'unicité absolue de chaque individu. Suzanne Warren Powell donnera un aperçu de son cheminement, des personnes et des idées qui ont influencé son parcours artistique.
Depuis 1985, Suzanne enseigne les beaux-arts, le mentorat en créativité auprès du Cité d’Ottawa, des conseils scolaires, des associations artistiques de la région et de son studio. Suzanne a obtenu plusieurs diplômes universitaires notamment en beaux-arts, en éducation ainsi qu’une maîtrise en technologie éducative. Elle est bien connue pour sa passion, sa création et sa conception de nouvelles classes stimulantes dans le domaine des beaux-arts.
Á l’origine destinée à être musicienne, Suzanne a appris à jouer des instruments de musique. Elle a chanté dans divers groupes professionnels. Cependant, son intérêt marqué pour la peinture lui a permis de remporter plusieurs prix d’excellence. Par la suite, des offres d'enseignement s’en sont suivies.
En 2001, Suzanne a cofondé OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) avec deux de ses élèves afin de sensibiliser et valoriser la peinture mixte qu'elle enseigne depuis plusieurs années. Les artistes de OMMA exposent actuellement au sein de la capitale. Lors de la création de OMMA, Suzanne obtint le titre honorifique de mentor et d’artiste permanent.
Son amour pour la nature et son approche zen de la vie et de la créativité l’a conduite vers les arts et la culture de l'Extrême-Orient. Elle pratique la photographie de Miksang, une forme d'art Dharma tibétain méditatif et elle écrit de la poésie Haïku.
Suzanne vit dans une zone rurale qui lui offre divers sentiers boisés et de terres humides. Ce paysage sauvage renouvelle chaque jour sa vision artistique.
Récemment, Suzanne enseigne l'esthétique japonaise ‘wabi-sabi’ (branche esthétique japonaise imprégnée de la philosophie zen), le dessin d’expression et le japonisme. Cette présentation sera faite en anglais seulement.

2.Call for Artists - BAZ Art November 2019
This year’s Baz’Art festival will be November 23 and 24, 2019 in the Shenkman Center in front of Promenade Arteast. Arteast artists will demo and display one or two small works. Artists are encouraged to show and tell regarding your art and to encourage interested audience members discover our Arteast membership and activities.
Arteast will have 3 6ft. long tables set up in front of the Arteast Promenade. We will needs 24 artists to demo their skills an the various times listed below; 2 artists will share one long table: Table top easels only and one or 2 small works to display. You may bring your business cards and flyers.
Saturday November 23rd:
- 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 6 artists needed
- 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6 artists needed
Sunday November 24th:
- 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 6 artists needed
- 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6 artists needed
If you are interested in signing up, please contact me at and let me know what time you are interested in.
3. Arts Network Ottawa
ArtNews Issue no. 004 | Bulletin des arts l'édition no. 004
October Speaker – Suzanne Warren Powell
Tuesday October 22 – mardi le 22 octobre
7:00 “Meet and Greet” à 19h
7:30 Announcements / Annonces à 19h30
7 :45 Présentation à 19h45
Room 340 - salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd / boul Centrum
In all things creative, what gets overlooked is the absolute uniqueness of every individual. Suzanne Warren Powell will provide an overview of some of the paths, people and ideas that affected her artistic journey.
Suzanne has been teaching Fine Art and mentoring in Creativity since 1985, through the City of Ottawa, regional School Boards, Art Associations and her own studio. Previously, she earned degrees in the Arts, Education and has Master’s degree in Educational Technology. As a result, she is well-known for creating and designing new and exciting classes in the fine arts.
Originally destined to be a performance musician, Suzanne learned to play musical instruments and sang in professional groups. However, she resumed a keen interest in painting and soon won several awards. Teaching offers quickly followed.
In 2001, Suzanne co-founded OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) with two of her students to further the awareness of, and showcase Mixed Media painting which she had been teaching for several years. OMMA currently exhibits throughout the capital region. On its inception, Suzanne was honoured with the title of permanent artist/mentor for OMMA.
Her love of nature and a Zen approach to life and creativity has led Suzanne into the arts and culture of the Far East. She practices Miksang photography, a form of meditative Tibetan Dharma art and writes Haiku poetry. Suzanne lives on a large rural property which features trails through meadows, woods and wetlands. This untamed landscape renews her artistic vision every day.
Recently, Suzanne has been teaching Wabi Sabi art (the Japanese aesthetic branch of Zen philosophy), Japonisme and Expressive Drawing. This presentation will be in English.
Ce qui est négligé dans la créativité est l'unicité absolue de chaque individu. Suzanne Warren Powell donnera un aperçu de son cheminement, des personnes et des idées qui ont influencé son parcours artistique.
Depuis 1985, Suzanne enseigne les beaux-arts, le mentorat en créativité auprès du Cité d’Ottawa, des conseils scolaires, des associations artistiques de la région et de son studio. Suzanne a obtenu plusieurs diplômes universitaires notamment en beaux-arts, en éducation ainsi qu’une maîtrise en technologie éducative. Elle est bien connue pour sa passion, sa création et sa conception de nouvelles classes stimulantes dans le domaine des beaux-arts.
Á l’origine destinée à être musicienne, Suzanne a appris à jouer des instruments de musique. Elle a chanté dans divers groupes professionnels. Cependant, son intérêt marqué pour la peinture lui a permis de remporter plusieurs prix d’excellence. Par la suite, des offres d'enseignement s’en sont suivies.
En 2001, Suzanne a cofondé OMMA (Ottawa Mixed Media Artists) avec deux de ses élèves afin de sensibiliser et valoriser la peinture mixte qu'elle enseigne depuis plusieurs années. Les artistes de OMMA exposent actuellement au sein de la capitale. Lors de la création de OMMA, Suzanne obtint le titre honorifique de mentor et d’artiste permanent.
Son amour pour la nature et son approche zen de la vie et de la créativité l’a conduite vers les arts et la culture de l'Extrême-Orient. Elle pratique la photographie de Miksang, une forme d'art Dharma tibétain méditatif et elle écrit de la poésie Haïku.
Suzanne vit dans une zone rurale qui lui offre divers sentiers boisés et de terres humides. Ce paysage sauvage renouvelle chaque jour sa vision artistique.
Récemment, Suzanne enseigne l'esthétique japonaise ‘wabi-sabi’ (branche esthétique japonaise imprégnée de la philosophie zen), le dessin d’expression et le japonisme. Cette présentation sera faite en anglais seulement.

2.Call for Artists - BAZ Art November 2019
This year’s Baz’Art festival will be November 23 and 24, 2019 in the Shenkman Center in front of Promenade Arteast. Arteast artists will demo and display one or two small works. Artists are encouraged to show and tell regarding your art and to encourage interested audience members discover our Arteast membership and activities.
Arteast will have 3 6ft. long tables set up in front of the Arteast Promenade. We will needs 24 artists to demo their skills an the various times listed below; 2 artists will share one long table: Table top easels only and one or 2 small works to display. You may bring your business cards and flyers.
Saturday November 23rd:
- 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 6 artists needed
- 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6 artists needed
Sunday November 24th:
- 11:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 6 artists needed
- 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6 artists needed
If you are interested in signing up, please contact me at and let me know what time you are interested in.
3. Arts Network Ottawa
ArtNews Issue no. 004 | Bulletin des arts l'édition no. 004
Arteast Digest: The Transformation of Our Website
Important News for Arteast Members
The Arteast website coordinators, Kris Kennedy and Helen Rousseau have made changes to our website. There is still a LOT of work to be done but the goal is to provide an engaging, colourful, one-stop shop that will be easier to use and to find things. Transformation and tweaking will be ongoing for the next few months. Please bear with the website team as this is a huge task!
Our New Website Pages as of Today:
Home Page:
- Membership call-to-action buttons.
- Updated security
- Added a “Grow With Art” section
- Added a “Call For Art” section
- Still to be Added to the Home Page will be a “Current News” and New Footer menu
Some features to look forward to are:
- Member Portal: bylaws and minutes
- New Security features : Any unsafe external website links (i.e. members personal websites, speakers, other art associations/businesses, etc.) will be flagged on our new website through various warnings.
- About Us
- History section
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Still to be Converted is the Minutes page.
- Privacy Policy has now been updated per GDPR regulations to reflect, as of October 1st, 2019, our new host provider, HostGator.
- All remaining pages will be converted to our new design bit by bit.
If you have any questions or concerns let the website team Kris Kennedy or Helen Rousseau know by email:
Arteast Digest: Arteast workshop, Open Studio, Calls for Art
1. Arteast Workshop with Hamid Ayoub
Loose and Free - Unleash the Power of Your Creativity with Palette Knives
Art has always been used as a method of expressing beauty and unseen emotions. Art has also been used - in its various appearances from sculpture, creative writing to painting - to restore hope, maintain creativity and channel feelings that can be difficult to express.
In this workshop, Hamid will guide the participants through the journey of discovering the therapeutic aspect of art making. The journey will start with fundamental concepts of visual art, through the unleashing power of creativity. Participants will explore the magic of palette knife painting techniques, using acrylic, oil or watercolour. A list of supplies will be provided to all registrants.
Hamid is known for his use of bright colours to enhance and communicate joy and movement in his paintings. He is a graduate in Fine Arts and has exhibited his work internationally. For more info on Hamid see:
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: Church of St. Columba, 25 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park (Just off Sir George Etienne Cartier Pkway)
Cost: $45/members $50/non-members)
Limited registration. Deadline for registration is Saturday October 19, 2019
Supply list will follow upon registration.
To register, send an email to the Treasurer ( providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

2. Open Studio
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
See website for details.
Register by email: (space is limited).
3. Call for Art – Blackburn Library
The Arteast Team at the Blackburn Library would like to issue a call for art for a solo exhibit for the following dates in 2020/21.
Jan. 25 to March 28 2020
May 23 – July 25 2020
Sept. 26 to Nov. 26 2020
Nov. 26 2020 to Jan. 23 2021
This exhibit space can accommodate up to 12 artworks.
Contact: Josée Bourassa ( or Lore Organ (
Appel aux artistes – Bibliothèque Blackburn
L’équipe d’Arteast de la bibliothèque Blackburn lance un appel aux artistes pour exposition solo pour les dates suivantes en 2020/21.
Du 25 jan. au 28 mars 2020
Du 23 mai au 25 juillet 2020
Du 26 sept. au 26 nov. 2020
Du 26 nov. 2020 au 23 jan. 2021
L’espace peut accommoder jusqu’à 12 œuvres.
4. Call for Art : St. Laurent Complex Gallery (Don-Gamble Community Centre)
Call for Artists For 2020
The Arteast Team at the St. Laurent Complex Gallery is excited to issue a call for artists for the 5 upcoming exhibits in 2020.
1. Colorful Impressions: January 9th - March 12th
2. Emotions & Moods: March 12th - May 14th
3. Limitless Imagination: May 14th- July 9th
4. Visual Dreams: July 9th- September 10th
5. Festival: November 12th - January 14th, 2021
Each exhibit space can accommodate 4 artists at a time.
Please email as soon as possible if you are interested in showing your art work. Changeovers take place on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.
The St. Laurent Complex is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works. Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang following the Arteast guide lines.
The centre is very accessible. It is open seven days a week, Monday to Friday from 5:30 am to 10 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 6 pm.
Artists are responsible for all handling and hanging of their artwork. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to the Arteast website for forms, regulations and more details. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted.
Reserve your space today!
The St. Laurent Complex team.
L’équipe Arteast du Centre St-Laurent recherche des artistes pour ses prochaines expositions:
Un monde de couleurs: du 9 janvier au 12 mars
Émotions et états d’âme: du 12 mars au 14 mai
Imagination sans limite: du 14 auot au 9 juillet
Évasion artistique: du 9 juillet au 10 septembre
Festival: du 12 Novembre au 14 Janvier 2021
Le Centre St-Laurent est un lieu convivial et agréable où les artistes membres d’Arteast peuvent présenter leurs œuvres au public. Le Centre est facile d’accès. Il est ouvert 7 jours sur 7, du lundi au vendredi de 5:00 à 22:00, et les samedis et dimanches, de 7:00 à 18:00.
Le Centre peut accommoder quatre artistes par expo.
Prière de contacter par courriel le plus tôt possible si vous êtes intéressé à exposer vos œuvres.
Les accrochages auront lieu le jeudi soir à partir de 17:30.
Chaque exposant disposera d’un espace de 10 pieds pour accrocher ses tableaux disponibles pour la vente. Les oeuvres doivent être sèches et prêtes à être accrochées.
Les artistes ont l’entière responsabilité d’accrocher eux-mêmes leurs œuvres. De plus, ils devront s’acquitter des frais d’exposition de 20$ payables à Arteast.
Pour obtenir les formulaires et règlements, prière de vous référer au site web d’Arteast.
Réservez votre espace dès aujourd’hui.
L’équipe du Centre St-Laurent.
5. Misc. News:
Defining Ottawa Together: Culture in the Official Plan
Hold the Date
Thursday, October 17th
2 to 6 pm.
Ottawa City Hall
(Andrew S. Haydon Hall, Council Chambers)
110 Laurier Ave W
6. Arts Network Ottawa
eNews Issue No. 009 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 009
Loose and Free - Unleash the Power of Your Creativity with Palette Knives
Art has always been used as a method of expressing beauty and unseen emotions. Art has also been used - in its various appearances from sculpture, creative writing to painting - to restore hope, maintain creativity and channel feelings that can be difficult to express.
In this workshop, Hamid will guide the participants through the journey of discovering the therapeutic aspect of art making. The journey will start with fundamental concepts of visual art, through the unleashing power of creativity. Participants will explore the magic of palette knife painting techniques, using acrylic, oil or watercolour. A list of supplies will be provided to all registrants.
Hamid is known for his use of bright colours to enhance and communicate joy and movement in his paintings. He is a graduate in Fine Arts and has exhibited his work internationally. For more info on Hamid see:
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Where: Church of St. Columba, 25 Sandridge Rd, Manor Park (Just off Sir George Etienne Cartier Pkway)
Cost: $45/members $50/non-members)
Limited registration. Deadline for registration is Saturday October 19, 2019
Supply list will follow upon registration.
To register, send an email to the Treasurer ( providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

2. Open Studio
Open Studio meets on October 10, and on 24th.
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
See website for details.
Register by email: (space is limited).
The Arteast Team at the Blackburn Library would like to issue a call for art for a solo exhibit for the following dates in 2020/21.
Jan. 25 to March 28 2020
May 23 – July 25 2020
Sept. 26 to Nov. 26 2020
Nov. 26 2020 to Jan. 23 2021
This exhibit space can accommodate up to 12 artworks.
Contact: Josée Bourassa ( or Lore Organ (
Appel aux artistes – Bibliothèque Blackburn
L’équipe d’Arteast de la bibliothèque Blackburn lance un appel aux artistes pour exposition solo pour les dates suivantes en 2020/21.
Du 25 jan. au 28 mars 2020
Du 23 mai au 25 juillet 2020
Du 26 sept. au 26 nov. 2020
Du 26 nov. 2020 au 23 jan. 2021
L’espace peut accommoder jusqu’à 12 œuvres.
4. Call for Art : St. Laurent Complex Gallery (Don-Gamble Community Centre)
Call for Artists For 2020
The Arteast Team at the St. Laurent Complex Gallery is excited to issue a call for artists for the 5 upcoming exhibits in 2020.
1. Colorful Impressions: January 9th - March 12th
2. Emotions & Moods: March 12th - May 14th
3. Limitless Imagination: May 14th- July 9th
4. Visual Dreams: July 9th- September 10th
5. Festival: November 12th - January 14th, 2021
Each exhibit space can accommodate 4 artists at a time.
Please email as soon as possible if you are interested in showing your art work. Changeovers take place on Thursday evenings starting at 5:30 pm.
The St. Laurent Complex is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works. Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang following the Arteast guide lines.
The centre is very accessible. It is open seven days a week, Monday to Friday from 5:30 am to 10 pm, Saturday and Sunday from 7 am to 6 pm.
Artists are responsible for all handling and hanging of their artwork. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to the Arteast website for forms, regulations and more details. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted.
Reserve your space today!
The St. Laurent Complex team.
L’équipe Arteast du Centre St-Laurent recherche des artistes pour ses prochaines expositions:
Un monde de couleurs: du 9 janvier au 12 mars
Émotions et états d’âme: du 12 mars au 14 mai
Imagination sans limite: du 14 auot au 9 juillet
Évasion artistique: du 9 juillet au 10 septembre
Festival: du 12 Novembre au 14 Janvier 2021
Le Centre St-Laurent est un lieu convivial et agréable où les artistes membres d’Arteast peuvent présenter leurs œuvres au public. Le Centre est facile d’accès. Il est ouvert 7 jours sur 7, du lundi au vendredi de 5:00 à 22:00, et les samedis et dimanches, de 7:00 à 18:00.
Le Centre peut accommoder quatre artistes par expo.
Prière de contacter par courriel le plus tôt possible si vous êtes intéressé à exposer vos œuvres.
Les accrochages auront lieu le jeudi soir à partir de 17:30.
Chaque exposant disposera d’un espace de 10 pieds pour accrocher ses tableaux disponibles pour la vente. Les oeuvres doivent être sèches et prêtes à être accrochées.
Les artistes ont l’entière responsabilité d’accrocher eux-mêmes leurs œuvres. De plus, ils devront s’acquitter des frais d’exposition de 20$ payables à Arteast.
Pour obtenir les formulaires et règlements, prière de vous référer au site web d’Arteast.
Les œuvres dont le système d’accrochage ne sera pas conforme seront malheureusement écartées.
Réservez votre espace dès aujourd’hui.
L’équipe du Centre St-Laurent.
5. Misc. News:
Defining Ottawa Together: Culture in the Official Plan
Hold the Date
Thursday, October 17th
2 to 6 pm.
Ottawa City Hall
(Andrew S. Haydon Hall, Council Chambers)
110 Laurier Ave W
6. Arts Network Ottawa
eNews Issue No. 009 | Nouvelles l'édition no. 009
Arteast Digest: North Gloucester Library Changeover - Postponed
1. North Gloucester Library Changeover Oct 8th - Postponed
We will keep you posted.
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