

Arteast Digest: Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover, Open Studio, North Gloucester Library

1. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: May 7, 2019

It's time to change the exhibition of members' artworks at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art). Artworks need to be D-ringed/wired (not single ply wire).

These new pieces will be hung until July 2, 2019.

The changeover at the Orleans Library branch is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

It is an ideal opportunity especially for new Arteast members to exhibit their work.

2. Open Studio

Open Studio meets on May 9 and on May 23, 2019.
At the St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Location: 525 Coté Street, Ottawa.

Register by email: openstudio@arteastottawa.com (space is limited).

3. Call for art at the North Gloucester Library

It's time to change the Arteast exhibit
At North Gloucester Library
On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 :

Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The coordinators will be at the Library between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m. For those who are dropping off art work, please arrive between 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. so that your work can be documented and hung before 11:30 a.m.. For those who are picking up only, please arrive no later than 11:15 a.m

These new pieces will hang for two months.

The next change-over will be on Tuesday, July 9, 2019.
If you are interested in exhibiting, an advance email, on or before Wednesday, May 7, 2019 to Darina Boldizar, dboldizar@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes, would be helpful. Or, just show up at the date, but risk being turned away.

Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted. North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form. Blank contracts will be available at the library.

Fifteen percent (15%) of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget.

When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. If you must remove your work prior to the next change-over, please notify the appropriate coordinator, so the Librarian can be advised and take note of the authorized removal. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security. Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans, St. Laurent Complex, and Blackburn Hamlet Libraries, where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

The North Gloucester Coordinator
Christine Gendron: christinegendron@sympatico.ca
Pari Zati: pari.nz@gmail.com
Donna Sivyer: donnasivyer17@gmail.com
Roxanne Decelles: roxy_may13@hotmail.com
Darina Boldizar: dboldizar@sympatico.ca

4. Workshop for Members

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150

5. Call for Artists

Shenkman 10th Anniversary June 14th 2019

The Shenkman, 10th anniversary celebrations will take place in front of the Shenkman building and the upper lobby. There will be variety of activities going on.

We need 6 Arteast artists to demo and exhibit their work for a couple of hours in the upper lobby. Your names will be added to the City’s announcements.

If you are interested , please email lindycousineau@rogers.com.

6. Misc News

ARTPRENEUR Conference 2019 Registration Now Open!


Arteast Digest: Passing away of two memorable members

It is with deepest sorrow that we inform you of the death of two of our beloved members who were generous volunteers and valuable members of the Arteast Management and Planning Committee. 

Bernard Poirier

Bernard Poirier was often seen volunteering for the Promenade and Trinity teams and other activities and was awarded an Arteast Lifetime Membership. His contribution to the Arteat By-Laws will be long-lasting. He was a kind, gracious and compassionate person who always respected others.

Bernard was also a long time volunteer at the General Hospital who devoting his time visiting patients to make their stay most pleasant

The funeral mass will be held at Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Roman Catholic Church, 435 Montreal Road, Ottawa, Ontario on Thursday, April 25, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. The family will receive condolences at the church from 10 a.m.


Ted Johnston

Ted also volunteered on different teams and was key in obtaining Arteast's incorporation.

Ted once said that "Creating something with my own hands from start to finish and being totally responsible for it – a far cry from working in a bureaucracy as I did for 32 years – is satisfying and rewarding."

Ted was a lon
g-time donor to the arts community, including the Shenkman Center.

A service will be held in a few weeks at Beechwood. More details will be communicated once available.

Our sincerest sympathies to the families of Bernard Poirier and Ted Johnston.


Arteast Digest: Speaker Series, Budding Artist, workshops

1. Grow with Art /Grandir avec l’Art Speakers Series presents:

Rosalie Favell: A lifetime of art
Tuesday, April 23, le mardi 23 avril, 2019
7:00: Meet and Greet
7:30: Announcements
7:40: Presentation

Room 340 , 255 Centrum Blvd. (beside the Shenkman Arts Centre)
255 boul. Centrum, salle 340, Orléans (ON)

Rosalie Favell

Edited bio:
Rosalie Favell is a photo-based visual artist, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Drawing inspiration from her family history and Métis (Cree/English) heritage, she uses a variety of sources, from family albums to popular culture, to present a complex self-portrait of her experiences as a contemporary aboriginal woman. To date Rosalie’s work has explored the relation of photography to issues of identity. A major body of recent work, Facing the Camera (2008-ongoing), is a large document of 500 Aboriginal artists.

Favell has had a distinguished career in Canada and internationally. She has taught at various universities. Numerous institutions have acquired her artwork including: National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa), Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (Ottawa), Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (Washington, D.C.), and Global Affairs, Canada. She has received numerous grants, and won prestigious awards such as the Ontario Arts Foundation – Paul DeHuek/Norman Walford Career Achievement Award, the Chalmers Fellowship, the Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunten Award and the Karsh Award

2. Call for Artwork for Arteast’s Budding Artist exhibition

Last week to register!

This exhibition is designed to encourage amateur and beginner artists by providing them the opportunity to exhibit their best work in a juried setting. Juror’s ribbons will be awarded for artistic potential. The exhibition will run from Thursday, May 23 through to Sunday, July 15, 2019, at the Shenkman Arts Centre

There is an entry fee of $10 and entrants must be, or will become, members of Arteast.

Registration for this exhibition is required and registration is April 4 to April 30, 2019.

The rules and registration form are available to download at the Arteast website http://arteastottawa.com/budding-artist/

Dates to Remember:

Drop off of work: Saturday, May 11, 2:00 to 3:00 PM at 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orleans
Jurying of work: Saturday, May 18, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Hanging of work: Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Reception: Sunday, May 26, 1:00 to 3:00 PM (awards ceremony at 2:00 PM)
Pick up of work: Tuesday, July 16, 10:00 to 11:00 AM at Shenkman Arts Centre

Contact person for this exhibition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
or 613-322-9986.


Appel pour les artistes l’exposition des artistes débutants

Cette exposition est conçue pour encourager les artistes amateurs et débutants en leur offrant la possibilité d’exposer leur meilleur travail dans un cadre avec jury. Les rubans du juré seront récompensés pour leur potentiel artistique. L'exposition se déroulera à partir de jeudi, 23 mai au dimanche 15 juillet 2019 au Centre des Arts Shenkman.

Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ et les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.

Une inscription pour cette exposition est requise et le date d’inscription est de 4 au 30 avril 2019. Le règlement et le formulaire d’inscription sont disponibles sur le site Web d’Arteast

Dates à retenir :

Dépot des travaux: samedi 11 mai, de 14h00 à 15h00 à 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orléans
Jury des travaux: samedi 18 mai, de 9h00 à 00h00
Accrochage des travaux: mercredi 22 mai, de 13h00 à 16h00
Réception: dimanche 26 mai, de 13h00 à 15h00 (cérémonie des prix à 14h:00)
Récupération des travaux: mardi 16 juillet, de 10h00 à 11h00 au Centre des arts de Shenkman

Personne contact pour cette exposition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
ou 613-322-9968.

3. Arteast Workshops

Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner

Last week to register!

When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner

The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting

Skills to be covered in the workshop include:

Basic washes
Masking techniques

Registration closing date is Friday April 26.

For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $60
Non-member $90

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150


Arteast Digest: Speaker Series, Member's Notice

1. Grow with Art /Grandir avec l’Art Speakers Series presents:

Rosalie Favell: A lifetime of art
Tuesday, April 23, le mardi 23 avril, 2019
7:00: Meet and Greet
7:30: Announcements
7:40: Presentation

Room 340 , 255 Centrum Blvd. (beside the Shenkman Arts Centre)
255 boul. Centrum, salle 340, Orléans (ON)

Rosalie Favell

Edited bio:
Rosalie Favell is a photo-based visual artist, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Drawing inspiration from her family history and Métis (Cree/English) heritage, she uses a variety of sources, from family albums to popular culture, to present a complex self-portrait of her experiences as a contemporary aboriginal woman. To date Rosalie’s work has explored the relation of photography to issues of identity. A major body of recent work, Facing the Camera (2008-ongoing), is a large document of 500 Aboriginal artists.

Favell has had a distinguished career in Canada and internationally. She has taught at various universities. Numerous institutions have acquired her artwork including: National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa), Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (Ottawa), Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian (Washington, D.C.), and Global Affairs, Canada. She has received numerous grants, and won prestigious awards such as the Ontario Arts Foundation – Paul DeHuek/Norman Walford Career Achievement Award, the Chalmers Fellowship, the Victor Martyn Lynch-Staunten Award and the Karsh Award

2. Member's Notice

For sale, One “French” portable easel (Conda) with paint tray.
Hardly used  - $100

If interested contact promenade@arteastottawa.com

3. Arts Network Ottawa


Arteast Digest: Call for Budding Arteast; Workshops

1. Call for Artwork for Arteast’s Budding Artist exhibition

This exhibition is designed to encourage amateur and beginner artists by providing them the opportunity to exhibit their best work in a juried setting. Juror’s ribbons will be awarded for artistic potential. The exhibition will run from Thursday, May 23 through to Sunday, July 15, 2019, at the Shenkman Arts Centre

There is an entry fee of $10 and entrants must be, or will become, members of Arteast.

Registration for this exhibition is required and registration is April 4 to April 30, 2019.

The rules and registration form are available to download at the Arteast website http://arteastottawa.com/budding-artist/

Dates to Remember:

Drop off of work: Saturday, May 11, 2:00 to 3:00 PM at 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orleans
Jurying of work: Saturday, May 18, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Hanging of work: Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Reception: Sunday, May 26, 1:00 to 3:00 PM (awards ceremony at 2:00 PM)
Pick up of work: Tuesday, July 16, 10:00 to 11:00 AM at Shenkman Arts Centre

Contact person for this exhibition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
or 613-322-9986.


Appel pour les artistes l’exposition des artistes débutants

Cette exposition est conçue pour encourager les artistes amateurs et débutants en leur offrant la possibilité d’exposer leur meilleur travail dans un cadre avec jury. Les rubans du juré seront récompensés pour leur potentiel artistique. L'exposition se déroulera à partir de jeudi, 23 mai au dimanche 15 juillet 2019 au Centre des Arts Shenkman.

Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ et les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.

Une inscription pour cette exposition est requise et le date d’inscription est de 4 au 30 avril 2019. Le règlement et le formulaire d’inscription sont disponibles sur le site Web d’Arteast

Dates à retenir :

Dépot des travaux: samedi 11 mai, de 14h00 à 15h00 à 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orléans
Jury des travaux: samedi 18 mai, de 9h00 à 00h00
Accrochage des travaux: mercredi 22 mai, de 13h00 à 16h00
Réception: dimanche 26 mai, de 13h00 à 15h00 (cérémonie des prix à 14h:00)
Récupération des travaux: mardi 16 juillet, de 10h00 à 11h00 au Centre des arts de Shenkman

Personne contact pour cette exposition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
ou 613-322-9968.

2. Arteast Workshops

Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner

When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner

The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting

Skills to be covered in the workshop include:

Basic washes
Masking techniques

Registration closing date is Friday April 26.

For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $60
Non-member $90

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150

3. Members' News

Arteast members André Breau, Jane Cass, Doreen Hardiman, Maryse Hatchard, Patrick Imai, Kerstin Peters and Anne Warburton will be some of the artists participating in this year's Navan Fine Arts Exhibition and Sale at the Navan Memorial Centre Arena, 1295 Colonial Road, Navan on April 27 and 28, 2019. For more information please visit the Navan Fine Arts Group website at www.navanarts.com.

4. Arts Network Ottawa

Exhibition Space at Arts Nework Ottawa: Laura Ajayi | Espace d'exposition du réseau des arts d'Ottawa : Laura Ajayi


Arteast Digest: Budding Artist, Workshops

1. Call for Artwork for Arteast’s Budding Artist exhibition

This exhibition is designed to encourage amateur and beginner artists by providing them the opportunity to exhibit their best work in a juried setting. Juror’s ribbons will be awarded for artistic potential. The exhibition will run from Thursday, May 23 through to Sunday, July 15, 2019, at the Shenkman Arts Centre

There is an entry fee of $10 and entrants must be, or will become, members of Arteast.

Registration for this exhibition is required and registration is April 4 to April 30, 2019.

The rules and registration form are available to download at the Arteast website http://arteastottawa.com/budding-artist/

Dates to Remember:

Drop off of work: Saturday, May 11, 2:00 to 3:00 PM at 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orleans
Jurying of work: Saturday, May 18, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Hanging of work: Wednesday, May 22, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Reception: Sunday, May 26, 1:00 to 3:00 PM (awards ceremony at 2:00 PM)
Pick up of work: Tuesday, July 16, 10:00 to 11:00 AM at Shenkman Arts Centre

Contact person for this exhibition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
or 613-322-9986.


Appel pour les artistes l’exposition des artistes débutants

Cette exposition est conçue pour encourager les artistes amateurs et débutants en leur offrant la possibilité d’exposer leur meilleur travail dans un cadre avec jury. Les rubans du juré seront récompensés pour leur potentiel artistique. L'exposition se déroulera à partir de jeudi, 23 mai au dimanche 15 juillet 2019 au Centre des Arts Shenkman.

Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ et les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.

Une inscription pour cette exposition est requise et le date d’inscription est de 4 au 30 avril 2019. Le règlement et le formulaire d’inscription sont disponibles sur le site Web d’Arteast

Dates à retenir :

Dépot des travaux: samedi 11 mai, de 14h00 à 15h00 à 1161 Grenoble Crescent, Orléans
Jury des travaux: samedi 18 mai, de 9h00 à 00h00
Accrochage des travaux: mercredi 22 mai, de 13h00 à 16h00
Réception: dimanche 26 mai, de 13h00 à 15h00 (cérémonie des prix à 14h:00)
Récupération des travaux: mardi 16 juillet, de 10h00 à 11h00 au Centre des arts de Shenkman

Personne contact pour cette exposition: Leslie Lambert, buddingartist@arteastottawa.com
ou 613-322-9968.

2. Arteast Workshops

Arteast has two exciting workshops planned for this spring. The first is a watercolour workshop, prompted by the reaction to the Grow with Art presentation from last fall by Brian Turner

When: Saturday May 11, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Queenswood Heights Community Centre
1485 Duford St., Orleans
Workshop Leader: Brian Turner

The workshop will provide the opportunity to do two paintings. The first will be a quick exploration and practice session of techniques. The second piece will be a completed landscape painting

Skills to be covered in the workshop include:

Basic washes
Masking techniques

Registration closing date is Friday April 26.

For more information, to register or to receive the supply list, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com) providing your name, email address and telephone number. Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260, Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $60
Non-member $90

By popular demand, another Stone Bear Carving workshop will be held. This time the project will be a crouching bear in brown stone.

When: Saturday May 25, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai

Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve stone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the stone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.

Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.

Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.

Registration closing date is Tuesday May 14.

To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.

Member cost $120
Non members $150

3. Arts Network Ottawa

4. News from Sponsors