1. Open Studio
Open Studio meets on February 14th and on February 28th.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
At St. Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio.
525 Côté Street, Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Register/Sign up by email to openstudio@arteastottawa.com. (Space is limited!)
Info: http://arteastottawa.com/open-studio-studio-libre/
2. Workshop: Stone Bear Carving
When: Saturday March 2, 09:00 to 17:00
Where: Smith and Barber Atelier
1520 Triole (Belfast and St. Laurent, behind Red Lobster)
Workshop Leader: Patrick Imai
Looking for a special handmade gift to give for a wedding or other occasion. Learn how to carve soapstone using hand tools. You will be guided by the instructor, Patrick Imai, through the soapstone carving process of cutting, shaping, sanding and polishing to produce a small bear, 3” x 3” x 5”. Tools and materials are provided.
Patrick Imai is a self-taught sculptor who has carved for more than 40 years. He has dabbled in other art forms: sketching, painting and glass (stained, fused, flamework), but he always returned to carving. He carved in wood, whittling small animals and figures with a pocket knife or with palm chisels, then in the late 90’s, Patrick tried stone carving. He was hooked by the ease of working with soapstone and by the colours and texture of the polished stone. He has since carved alabaster, serpentine, limestone, selenite and marble. Patrick has a passion for carving bears. He works to evoke human emotions and movement in his carvings.
Patrick is a member of Arteast, Arts Network Ottawa, the Kanata Civic Art Gallery and the National Capital Network of Sculptors.
Registration closing date is Tuesday February 26.
To register, send an email to Cheryl Mattice (cherylmattice@me.com). Send your cheque or etransfer to the Treasurer, Arteast, Box 5, Suite 260 , Shenkman Arts Centre 245 Centrum Blvd, Orléans, ON K1E 0A1.
Member cost $120
3. News from Sponsors
We are pleased to announce that Wallack's Art Supplies is now offering Arteast members a discount. Don't forget your membership card.
4. Misc News
Call to Artists 2020, Galerie Old Chelsea
Galerie Old Chelsea, 783 Rte105, Chelsea, Quebec is hoping you might want to circulate our Call to Artists for 2020. We have a special exhibit space (40 linear feet) in our beautiful gallery and like to invite artists to consider three week shows with us. Depending on the year and the number of our own (10) associates who wish to have a show, we invite 8-10 guest artists and hope to have others who might be on a “wait list”.
We offer our gallery for a fee of $275, with 35% on all sales. Artists generally have a vernissage on the first Sunday of the show… we help with that, but costs associated with food and drink are not covered. We do help with marketing and publicity, but ask the artist to provide invitation cards and posters.
Our web site is www.galerieoldchelsea.ca and the Call to Artists can be found there in both languages.
Visual Arts Exhibition - Claudette-Lavergne Park
VAL-DES-MONTS –May 25 and 26, 2019
Call for proposals - Artists in visual arts and applied arts
General description:
ARTS-AUX-PARCS is a visual and applied arts exhibition which will take place on Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, 2019. This event is held in Val-des-Monts’ Claudette-Lavergne Park, at the intersection of Route du Carrefour and Chemin Saint-Joseph, in front of the Saint-Antoine-de-Padoue Church. A large festival tent is erected for this exhibition. The ARTS-AUX-PARCS Organizing Committee invites you to register to this event and join us in this adventure. This year’s honorary president is Véronique Turcotte, owner of the Val-des-Monts company Option Concept. We also have the pleasure of welcoming our invited artist, Danielle Lauzon.
1. Timetable:
Friday, May 24, 2019, from noon to 5:00 p. m.: Installation of the stands
Saturday, May 25, 2019 - breakfast offered to the exhibitors from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
- Opened to the public from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
- Light lunch offered to the exhibitors around noon.
Sunday, May 26, 2019 - breakfast offered to the exhibitors from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
- Opened to the public from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
- Light lunch offered to the exhibitors around noon
- Distribution of awards at 3:30 p. m. A celebratory drink will be served.
- Event closing at 4 p. m.
2. COST:
The registration cost is $95 for the week-end. No reimbursement will be made if you cancel after April 22, 2019.
1- Food
Water and coffee available upon presentation of your badge.
Breakfast and lunch – Saturday and Sunday.
2- Publicity:
Facebook and postal card mailing. Posters and flyers will be displayed in
various businesses and public places.
3- Awards
Awards for Public’s choice of artists: one $200 prize and two 125 $ prizes. A
500$ will be awarded for the most original artwork.
4- Security
Outside opening hours, the site will be supervised by a professional security
5- Wrapping
Wrapping of sold artwork is offered at no cost.
3. Café des Artistes
A Café is set up in the central area of the bigtop. You can buy pastries, cookies, wine or cheese and
relax at the available Café tables.
4. GRIDS : Arts-aux-Parcs des Monts has a limited number of black metal grids measuring 2 x 6 feet.
You can rent these grids at the cost of 6$ per grid for the time of the exhibit. You must reserve
these in advance.
REGISTRAION DEADLINE : February 16, 2019
Available spaces: 44
An 8’ x 10’ foot space is allotted to each exhibitor. Each exhibitor may not use more space than what is allotted to them.
One table and two chairs are available upon request.
Display only authentic works of art. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
All canvases must be framed or painted along the sides.
Promotional material may not cover more than 20% of the stand surface. Watercolour paintings,
photographs, drawings, pastels and cardboard canvases must be framed. If not, a mat must be used and the
artwork must be inserted in a transparent plastic protector.
Exhibitors are responsible for the installation of their own material and artwork.
Exhibitors are responsible for covering their artwork outside opening hours.
Exhibitors are solely responsible for their inventory.
It is incumbent on the artist to obtain any insurance deemed necessary and completely indemnifies the ARTS-AUX-PARCS DES MONTS Organizing Committee from any responsibility.
Each exhibitor must be present during opening hours, that is on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Participants are wholly responsible for their own sales. Methods of payment: cash, cheque (participant is responsible for accepting any cheques). Arts-aux-Parcs des Monts offers interact payment at the Café des Artistes’ central cash 9without fees). An ATM is available in the Park’s adjoining Royal LePage building.
Deinstallation will begin only at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 26.
Additional information:
Francine Gosselin, 819-671-0774 or artsauxparcs@gmail.com
René Gosselin, 819-661-1447 or gosselinr@outlook.com
Facebook: Arts-aux-Parcs, organisme à but non lucratif (French only)
E-mail: artsauxparcs@gmail.com
Please inquire about registration documents at the following electronic address: artsauxparcs@gmail.com or by
the post at:
ARTS-AUX-PARCS DES MONTS (sélection committee)
a/s Francine Gosselin
2206 montée Paiement, Val-des-Monts (Québec) J8N-7E1
5. Arts Network Ottawa