

Grow with Art; Plein Air Session; Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover

1. Grow with Art - Critique Night

Tuesday, June 26, 2018,
Meet and Greet at 7:00,
Critique at 7:30pm,
Room 340, 255 Centrum Blvd.

Light snacks will be provided.

David Kearn has agreed to help with our critique night. He is a well known professional artist who works in a variety of media- watercolour, oil and acrylic. He is a well known teacher through his Break a Brush programme.

His experience and expertise will help members to resolve issues in their artworks.

Member artists are invited to bring one piece of unframed, unsigned work or a digital photo uploaded on a computer stick or disc in a jpeg format. We will have the computer and projector. We only have 70 minutes so it will be on first come basis.

Feeling shy….. come along and see what others are up to and join the fun anyway! See you Tuesday!


Soirée de critique annuelle

Mardi 26 juin 2018,
Rencontre et accueil à 19h
Début de critique 19 h 30
salle 340, 255 Centrum Blvd.

Des collations seront disponibles

David Kearn a accepté de faciliter notre session de critique. Il est un artiste professionnel bien connu qui œuvre avec une variété de médias - aquarelle, huile et acrylique. Il est un professeur bien connu grâce à son programme « Break a Brush ».

Son expérience et son expertise aideront les membres à résoudre des défis avec leurs œuvres.

Les artistes membres sont invités à apporter une œuvre non encadrée et non signée ou une copie numérique ou un disque dans un format jpeg. Nous aurons l'ordinateur et le projecteur. Nous n'avons que 70 minutes, donc ce sera le premier arrivé.

Vous êtes timide ... .. Venez voir ce que font les autres et joignez-vous à l'amusement de toute façon! On se voit mardi!

2. Plein Air Session for Arteast Members

Gardens provide inspiration for paintings. Join Arteast members in Danielle Beaulieu’s garden in Cumberland. (http://www.daniellesgarden.ca)

Location: Cumberland (address to be provided to registered attendees)
Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Time: 11am – 3pm
To sign up for this session email dbeaul0155@rogers.com
Participants to bring their lunch

Session de plein air pour les membres d’Arteast
Les jardins fournissent l'inspiration pour les peintures.  Joignez-vous aux membres d'Arteast dans le jardin de Danielle Beaulieu à Cumberland. (http://www.daniellesgarden.ca)

Lieu: Cumberland (adresse sera fourni aux participants inscrits)
Date: mercredi 27 juin 2018 Heure: 11h00 - 15h00
Pour vous inscrire à cette session, envoyez un courriel à dbeaul0155@rogers.com

Les participants doivent apporter leur déjeuner.

3. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: July 3, 2018

It's time to change the exhibition of artworks at the Orleans Library Branch, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, July 3, 2018, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until

September 4, 2018. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

It is an ideal opportunity especially for new members of Arteast to exhibit their works. There are no hanging fees for the Orleans Library Exhibitions.

It's time to change the exhibition of artworks at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, July 3, 2018, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until

September 4, 2018. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

There are no hanging fees for the Orleans Library Exhibitions.

Please be prepared to record the following information on the back of your paintings: title; medium; size; and, price; along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to five (5) paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed and ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in paintings for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract you must sign. Blank contracts will be available then at the Library from the coordinator.

When someone expresses an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, July 3, at 10:30 a.m

4. Arts Network Ottawa (formerly AOE) | Réseau des arts d'Ottawa


Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition 2018; Blackburn Hamlet Library Exhibit; Members' Announcements; Other News

1. Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition 2018 / Exposition d'art par jury pour prix 2018

Call for artists 

The 37th Annual Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition will be held at St Laurent Complex, 525 Côté Street, Ottawa K1K 0Z8 from Sunday September 16th, 2018, through Wednesday, November 21st, 2018.

The "Rules of the Exhibition" and the "Registration Form" are inserted in the summer issue of the "Communiqué" and can also be found on the Arteast web site at www.arteastottawa.com

Online registration in English:  https://goo.gl/forms/vOWhiemxEzEGfZsW2

Please, note the following:
  • The Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition is open to all paid members.
  • If you don't remember your membership expiry date contact the Treasurer at treasurer.arteast@gmail.com. Mail your membership fees to Arteast, 245 Centrum. Suite 260, Box 5, Orleans, ON K1E 0A1. 
  • This year, the registration is online only and must be submitted by Saturday, Sept 1st, 2018). Contact Cheryl at 613-824-7835 should you require assistance.
  • Artists will receive an electronic acknowledgement upon receipt of their application.
  • The number of artworks has been limited to one per artist due to the space restrictions.
  • Bring your signed 'hard copy' of the registration form and submission fee to the drop off.
  • The drop-off on Saturday, Sept. 15th, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM at the St. Laurent Complex. There will be signs directing artists. 
  • Refer to the attached "Rules" for more details.
  • Please send your photo in jpeg format if you would like your work to be considered for the AJAE invitation design ajae@arteastottawa.com.
  • All sales will be coordinated by Arteast on takedown day, Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

Last year's exhibition was a great success due to the number of participating artists and the quality of the artwork. Let's have an even greater show this year!

Invitation aux artistes

La 37ième exposition d'art annuelle par jury pour prix aura lieu au Complexe St-Laurent, 525 rue Côté, Ottawa K1K 0Z8, le dimanche 16 septembre jusqu'au mercredi 21 novembre 2018.

Les règlements de l'exposition et le formulaire d'inscription se retrouvent dans le "Communiqué" d'été et se trouvent aussi sur le site web d'Arteast. www.arteastottawa.com

Inscription en ligne en français: https://goo.gl/forms/vOWhiemxEzEGfZsW2

Notez ceci :
  • L'exposition d'art annuelle d'Arteast par jury pour prix est ouverte à tous les membres (adhésion payée)
  • Si vous désirez vérifier la date d'expiration de votre carte de membre, contactez la Trésorière à : treasurer.arteast@gmail.com. Postez vos frais de membres à Arteast, 245 Centrum, Suite 260, Boîte postale 5, Orléans, ON K1E0A1.
  • Cette année l'inscription se fait en ligne et doit être reçue avant le samedi 1er septembre, 2018). Contactez Cheryl 613-824-7835.
  • Les artistes recevront un accusé de réception de leur application.
  • Dû au manque d'espace, le nombre d'oeuvres d'art est limité à une oeuvre par artiste.
  • Lors du dépôt d'oeuvre, apportez votre formulaire d'enregistrement et votre paiement.
  • Le dépôt des oeuvres sera le samedi 15 septembre entre 09h et 10h au Complexe St-Laurent. Il y aura des affiches pour diriger les artistes.
  • Pour plus de détails, référez aux règlements ci-inclus.
  • Veuillez fournir une photo (jpeg) de votre oeuvre si vous désirez que votre oeuvre soit considérée pour l'invitation d'AJAE à ajae@arteastottawa.com.
  • Toutes les ventes seront coordonnées par Arteast le jour de décrochage, 22 novembre 2018.

L'exposition de l'an dernier a été un grand succès grâce aux nombreux artistes participants et à la qualité de leurs oeuvres. En espérant la même qualité d'exposition pour cette année!

2. Blackburn Hamlet Library Exhibit

Who: Wendy Parlow
What: Short Stories – An exhibition of photographs
When: Saturday, June 9th to Saturday July 28th
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of photographs by Wendy Parlow. This solo show is called Short Stories and draws upon the power of images to engage the imagination. Each print is an invitation to the viewer to create their own story about what they see.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.

Location: Blackburn Hamlet Library branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.

Hours: Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday.

3. Members' Announcements

Exposition Mini gravures à l’honneur
Par Jeanne Vaillancourt, artiste graveure d’Ottawa

Vernissage:  Jeudi, le 28 juin, de 17h à 19h

Centre communautaire Richelieu-Vanier
300, ave. des Pères-Blancs
Stationnement gratuit.
L’exposition se poursuivra jusqu’au 8 septembre 2018.

You’re invited!
Mini Etchings Art Show
By Ottawa-based artist-engraver Jeanne Vaillancourt
Opening Party
Thursday June 28th, 5:00-7:00pm
Richelieu-Vanier Community Centre
300 des Pères-Blancs Avenue
Free parking
Works will be shown until September 8th 2018.


Arbour Gallery presents
Exhibition: A Womans Dark Dreams
June 27th until July 29th, 2018, Vernissage is July 8th 2 - 4 PM

"A Woman's Dark Dreams" by Christine Lenoir-Godin.

36 Home Avenue, Vankleek Hill

4. Sponsor News

DeSerres competition

5. AOE News

AOE GALLERY: Virginia Dupuis until July 17| LA GALERIE AOE : Virginia Dupuis jusqu'au 17 juillet

6. Other News


Shenkman Arts Centre Seeks Local and Regional Visual Artists and Artisans for Baz’Art
9th Annual Winter Arts Market
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
November 24 and 25, 2018

Shenkman Arts Centre, Orléans

Shenkman Arts Centre is announcing a call for local and regional (from within 150 km of Ottawa) artisans and visual artists to participate in the 9th annual Baz’Art winter arts market and exhibition.

The Baz’Art 2018 artisan market will take place in the upper and lower lobby areas from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Saturday, November 24 and Sunday, November 25.

Visual artists will exhibit and offer their work for sale in the lower lobby area from November 24 to December 13.

Other seasonal events (some independent of Baz’Art) will be taking place throughout the Centre during the weekend; bringing together a variety of music, theatre, visual art, handcrafted gifts and tasty treats. There is no commission on sales – it’s all yours!

The Baz’Art winter arts market is a juried event. The submission period begins June 7, with a deadline of June 29, 2018.

For more information, please visit the Shenkman Arts Centre website at http://shenkmanarts.ca/en/galleries_galeries/call_appel/bazart_2018/indexhtm.


Le Centre des Arts Shenkman recherche des artistes en arts visuels et des artisans de la ville et de la région pour la 9e édition du Baz’Art, son marché d’art hivernal annuel
11 h à 16 h
24 et 25 novembre 2018
Centre des Arts Shenkman, Orléans

Le Centre des Arts Shenkman invite les artistes en arts visuels et les artisans de la ville et de la région (dans un rayon de 150 kilomètres d’Ottawa) à participer à la neuvième édition annuelle de son marché d’art hivernal, le Baz’Art.

L’édition 2018 se déroulera les samedi et dimanche 24 et 25 novembre, de 11 h à 16 h, dans les foyers intérieur et supérieur.

Les artistes en arts visuels pourront exposer et vendre leurs œuvres dans le foyer inférieur du 24 novembre au 13 décembre.

En plus de cadeaux faits à la main et de délicieuses petites gâteries, on trouvera au Centre lors de cette fin de semaine diverses activités saisonnières (dont certaines indépendantes du Baz’Art) qui mettront en vedette la musique, le théâtre et les arts visuels. Nous ne prenons aucune commission : tout le profit des ventes ira dans vos poches!

Les participants au Baz’Art sont choisis par un comité de sélection. La période de dépôt des candidatures débute le 7 juin et prendra fin le 29 juin 2018..

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site Web du Centre des Arts Shenkman à l’adresse http://shenkmanarts.ca/fr/galleries_galeries/call_appel/bazart_2018/indexhtm.


Glebe Art In Our Gardens and Studio Tour 2018

Dates : Saturday & Sunday July 7 & 8, 2018
Hours: 10:00 am. - 4:00 pm daily
Location : 20 juried artists are exhibiting and selling their art at 12 sites in Ottawa's Glebe neighbourhood .

This popular art tour is coming back again this year and will be promoting talented artists and dedicated gardeners who live in the Glebe.

Go from site to site to see their work. Chat with the artists. Pick out a favourite piece of art for yourself or a friend. Look around the gardens and studios.

Brochures listing the artists and a map of the studio and garden tour locations will be available in participating Glebe shops and at the Glebe Community Centre.

For more information about the artists and a map of the sites, check also the website at : www.glebearttour.ca


Tournée artistique 2018 des jardins et studios du Glebe 

Dates : Les samedi et dimanche, 7 & 8 juillet, 2018
Heures : de 10h à 16h chaque jour
Lieux : 20 artistes choisis par voie de jury exposeront et vendront leurs œuvres en 12 emplacements différents dans le quartier du Glebe à Ottawa .

Cette tournée artistique des plus populaires est de retour de nouveau cette année . Faites le tour, allez de site en site admirer le travail des artistes . Bavardez avec eux. Choisissez un tableau ou une création originale pour vous ou un ami. Visitez les jardins et studios .

Des brochures comprenant la liste des artistes et une carte des emplacements seront disponibles dans les magasins participants du Glebe et au Centre communautaire Glebe.

Pour trouver de l'information additionnelle à propos des artistes et une carte des emplacements, veuillez aussi consulter le site web suivant: www.glebearttour.ca


Call for Artists - Renfrew Art in the Park

Saturday, July 14, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Renfrew Art in the Park is just one day this year, July 14, and there are lots of exciting changes this year to make your experience the best yet.

· Substantial cost reduction ($65 for non-members / $55 for members)
· Music by Opeongo high school students
· Live demos by artists
· Opportunity to sell Bluegrass Festival themed pieces

38 exhibitors already signed up but room for some more!!

Check them out at:

For more information:


Open Studio; AJAE; Members' Announcements

1. Open Studio

Arteast's next Open Studio and Potluck lunch! : Thursday, June 14, 2018

Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
At St. Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio
525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
NOTE: Open Studio will break for the summer and return on September 13, 2018
Sign up by email: openstudio@arteastottawa.com
More info: see website link: Open Studio

2. Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition 2018 /  Exposition d'art par jury pour prix 2018

Call for artists / Invitation aux artistes

The 37th Annual Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition will be held at St Laurent Complex, 525 Côté Street, Ottawa K1K 0Z8 from Sunday September 16th, 2018, through Wednesday, November 21st, 2018.

The "Rules of the Exhibition" and the "Registration Form" are inserted in the summer issue of the "Communiqué" and can also be found on the Arteast web site at www.arteastottawa.com.

Online registration in English

Please, note the following:

The Arteast Juried Awards Exhibition is open to all paid members.
If you don't remember your membership expiry date contact the Treasurer at treasurer.arteast@gmail.com. Mail your membership fees to Arteast, 245 Centrum. Suite 260, Box 5, Orleans, ON K1E 0A1.
This year, the registration is online only and must be submitted by Sunday, Sept 1st, 2018). Contact Cheryl at 613-824-7835 should you require assistance.
Artists will receive an electronic acknowledgement upon receipt of their application.
The number of artworks has been limited to one per artist due to the space restrictions.
Bring your signed 'hard copy' of the registration form and submission fee to the drop off.
The drop-off on Saturday, Sept. 15th, between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM at the St. Laurent Complex. There will be signs directing artists.
Refer to the attached "Rules" for more details.
Please send your photo in jpeg format if you would like your work to be considered for the AJAE invitation design ajae@arteastottawa.com.
All sales will be coordinated by Arteast on takedown day, Thursday, November 22nd, 2018

Last year's exhibition was a great success due to the number of participating artists and the quality of the artwork. Let's have an even greater show this year!

La 37ième exposition d'art annuelle par jury pour prix aura lieu au Complexe St-Laurent, 525 rue Côté, Ottawa K1K 0Z8, le dimanche 16 septembre jusqu'au mercredi 21 novembre 2018.
Les règlements de l'exposition  et  le formulaire d'inscription se retrouvent dans le "Communiqué" d'été et se trouvent aussi sur le site web d'Arteast. www.arteastottawa.com.
Inscription en ligne en français
Notez ceci :
  • L'exposition d'art annuelle d'Arteast par jury pour prix est ouverte à tous les membres (adhésion payée)
  • Si vous désirez vérifier la date d'expiration de votre carte de membre, contactez la Trésorière à : treasurer.arteast@gmail.com. Postez vos frais de membres à Arteast, 245 Centrum, Suite 260, Boîte postale 5, Orléans, ON K1E0A1.
  • Cette année l'inscription se fait en ligne et doit être reçue avant le dimanche 1er septembre, 2018). Contactez Cheryl 613-824-7835.
  • Les artistes recevront un accusé de réception de leur application.
  • Dû au manque d'espace, le nombre d'oeuvres d'art est limité à une oeuvre par artiste.
  • Lors du dépôt d'oeuvre, apportez votre formulaire d'enregistrement et votre paiement.
  • Le dépôt des oeuvres sera le samedi 15 septembre entre 09h et 10h au Complexe St-Laurent.  Il y aura des affiches pour diriger les artistes.
  • Pour plus de détails, référez aux règlements ci-inclus.
  • Veuillez fournir une photo (jpeg) de votre oeuvre si vous désirez que votre oeuvre soit considérée pour l'invitation d'AJAE à ajae@arteastottawa.com.
  • Toutes les ventes seront coordonnées par Arteast le jour de décrochage, 22 novembre 2018.
L'exposition de l'an dernier a été un grand succès grâce aux nombreux artistes participants et à la qualité de leurs oeuvres. En espérant la même qualité d'exposition pour cette année!

3. Members' Announcements

Photography by Lois Siegel
Vernissage, Vistek
Camera Store, 499 Bank St, Ottawa
(613) 567-4686

Ottawa Opening/Vernissage
Saturday, July 14, 2018
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Lois Siegel photographed a series
of food photos for a
Le Cordon Bleu Textbook
"Cuisine Foundations"


Mary Ann Varley, My Little Travels, Artworks from NYC, Italy and Norway. Vernissage Thursday, June 7, 5 to 8 pm. The Crichton Street Gallery, 299 Crichton St ., Saturdays June 2,9,16, 23,30 from 11am to 4pm. www.mavarley.ca www.thecrichtonstreetgallery.ca


July 15 (rain date July 22, 2018) from 10 am to 12pm:
Painting Party in the beautiful environment of the Humanics Sanctuary and Sculpture Park, 3468 Old Montreal Road, Cumberland Village, Ontario with Arteast member Kerstin Peters

The fee of $ 42.50 includes all materials and the admission to the sculpture park for the day. Parking is free. To reserve your spot please send an e-transfer to kpeters@domingoinformatics.ca. Don't forget to send a separate email with the security answer.

For more information please contact Kerstin at kpeters@domingoinformatics.ca.


There’s a new art group in town: THE OTTAWA PLEIN AIR ADVENTURES GROUP

WHO: Beginners, Professionals, Painters, Sketchers – anyone and everyone is welcome to join our Adventures.

WHAT: En “Plein Air” is defined as the act of painting/drawing outdoors (as opposed to creating art in a studio environment). This is a group for those who enjoy nature and want to create art outdoors.

WHEN: We meet on the 1st Thursday and 3rd Thursday of the month, from June 21 til October 18, from 10 am til 3 pm

WHERE: locations vary, but are usually in the Ottawa area, usually have toilet facilities and free parking.

HOW (MUCH): There is no membership fee and we try to arrange, as much as possible, to go to cost-free outdoor locations.

If you’re interested in joining us, please contact artist@lissarachelle.com for more information.

4. AOE Announcement

5. News from Sponsor


Workshop for members; Member's News; AOE Announcement

1. Workshop for Arteast Members

Glass Fusion Workshop for Arteast members only - Friday, June 22, 11 am to 1pm

NOTE:  this session is different from the other glass fusion workshops posted below

Arteast's Grow with Art team is organizing a glass fusion workshop with Wendy Canci of Da Artisti Studio & Gallery. We hope to organize a carpool for transportation.

Cost: Participants pay the fee of $40 or $45 for their project. We could then go as a group for lunch in Cumberland. The lunch out would be optional and an individual expense.

: Da Artisi Gallery 2565 Old Montreal Rd. https://daartisti.com/ 

: about 8 members

: Spend approximately two hours playing with glass and visiting with friends. At the end of the session your creations go into the kiln. Finished pieces are ready for pick up within a week. This class offers a little bit of glass teaching and a lot of creativity and laughter. Read more for details:

Choose one project from the following:
  • Option A: Make one sun-catcher (approx. 5×5′ or 3×6″) and four pendants
  • Option B: Make one small dish and two pendants

Cost includes tools and supplies: $40/person($5 extra for shaping into a dish)
Each participant can choose a different selection of projects so the group doesn’t have to do the same project.
Register by sending an email to Mary Ann Varley varleymaryann1@bell.net

2. Member's News

Wendy Canci, one of our members, is teaching two independent introduction Glass Fusion workshops at the Da Artisti Studio & Gallery on June 8th and June 15th. 

In the 3 - hour Part 1 workshop, Wendy Canci will be teaching the basics of glass fusion. Participants will learn how to cut glass and make a soap dish, a serving dish and a planter charm. No prior experience is necessary, and all materials are included! Registration is limited to 8 participants, and is priced at $75+tax.

Part 2 of this workshop is scheduled for June 27th and includes the use of glass with bubble powders and enamels.

Register online at https://daartisti.com/lessons

3. AOE Announcements

4. Other News

Art on the Farm
Saturday August 11 from 10am to 4pm in the Arboretum
Rain Date: Sunday Aug 12

Friends of the Farm's premier summer event Art on the Farm showcases local and regional artists. There isn't a more beautiful and peaceful setting in Ottawa than under the luxurious canopy of the Arboretum next to Building 72 on the Central Experimental Farm. A wide range of original media is accepted. The event is FREE to the public and runs from 10am to 4pm Saturday August 11 with a rain date on Sunday August 12 (10am to 4pm).

If this natural setting is the place for your artwork, please visit Art on the Farm for information and registration material or call 613-230-3276 or email info@friendsofthefarm.ca.