

Member Get Together; Members' News; AOE Announcement

1. Opportunity for Member Get Together

Scotiabank Theatre Gloucester (formerly Silver City Gloucester) is presenting an ‘Exhibition on Screen’ entitled Cézanne - Portraits of a Life. This exhibition is taking place on Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 7:00pm, and we encourage you to join members who have attended previous ‘Exhibition on Screen’ presentations for an evening out and post movie socializing.

Tickets are available online at https://www.cineplex.com/Events/InTheGallery and general admission is $14.95.

Details on the exhibit:
From the National Portrait Gallery London, Musée D’Orsay Paris & National Gallery of Art Washington DC
EXHIBITION ON SCREEN is thrilled to present one of the most talked-about exhibitions of the year. Dedicated to the portrait work of Paul Cézanne, the exhibition opens in Paris before traveling to London and Washington. One can’t appreciate 20th century art without understanding the significance and genius of Paul Cézanne. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the National Portrait Gallery London, MoMA New York, National Gallery of Art Washington, and Musée d’Orsay Paris, and correspondence from the artist himself, the film takes audiences beyond the exhibition to the places Cézanne lived and worked and sheds light on an artist who is perhaps the
least-known of all the impressionists – until now.

Cézanne – Portraits d’une vie (Anglais avec s.-t.fr.) - Exhibition on Screen
Réalisateur : Phil Grabsky

EXHIBITION ON SCREEN est fière de présenter une des expositions dont on parle le plus cette année. Consacrée aux portraits de Paul Cézanne, l’exposition ouvrira ses portes à Paris avant de passer à Londres et à Washington. Il est impossible d’apprécier une œuvre d’art du 20e siècle sans comprendre l’importance des contributions et l’ingéniosité de Paul Cézanne. Comportant des entrevues avec des curateurs et des experts de la National Portrait Gallery de Londres, le Museum of Modern Art de New York, la National Gallery of Art de Washington et le Musée d’Orsay de Paris de même que de la correspondance de l’artiste lui-même, le film transporte les spectateurs au-delà de l’exposition jusqu’aux lieux de résidences et de travail de Cézanne et met en lumière un artiste qui
était peut-être le moins connu parmi tous les impressionnistes, ou du moins jusqu’à maintenant.

2. Members' Announcement

A number of Arteast members (Wendy Parlow, Maureen Rooney Mitchell, Christine Lenoir-Godin, Carole Renaud, Mary Gourlay, Susan Cornthwaite Grenier  and Danielle Beaulieu) are participating in this curated exhibit at Arbor Gallery Cultural Centre. The vernissage will be held on Sunday March 4, 1-3 pm

3. AOE Annoucement


Open Sutio; Workshop for members; Grow with Art Meeting; Opportunity for artists

1. Arteast's next Open Studio: Thursday, February 22, 2018

Open Studio days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
At St-Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio
525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Open Studio provides opportunity for members to meet and work
on their artworks in a casual setting. (Bring a lunch, tea provided)
See website link:Open Studio: http://www.arteastottawa.com/openstudio.php

Space is limited. Sign up by email to: openstudio@arteastottawa.com

2. Glass Fusing Workshop Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hi Arteast, Grow with Art is organizing a glass fusing workshop with Jennifer Anne Kelly of Current Works of Glass. We hope to organize a carpool for transportation.

Cost: Everyone would pay the fee of $40 or $45 for their project. We could then go as a group for lunch in Carleton Place. The lunch out would be optional and an individual expense.

Date and Time: Saturday March 3, 10-12am

Location: Current Works of Glass. 279 Borden Road, Carleton Place, Ontario

Numbers: about 8 people (If fewer than 5 we will cancel)

Choose from a variety of options such as pendants, sun-catchers or coasters and mosaic 8×10″ dishes. Spend approximately two hours playing with glass and visiting with friends. At the end of the evening your creations go into the kiln. Finished pieces are ready for pick up within a week. This class offers a little bit of glass teaching and a lot of creativity and laughter. Read more for details:

Choose one collection from the following:
  • Option A: Make one coaster/trivet (4×4″ or 5X5″) and four pendants
  • Option B: Make one sun-catcher (approx. 5×5′ or 3×6″) and four pendants
  • Option C: Make one 5″x10″ mosaic sun-catcher and two pendants
  • Option D: Make one 5″x10″ mosaic dish and two pendants ($5 extra for forming into shape)
Costs include tools and supplies: $40/person($5 extra for shaping into a dish)
Each participant can choose a different selection of projects so the group doesn’t have to do the same project.

minimum three people and maximum 8 people (customized projects are available for larger groups)

Example of items made at a party:

Register by sending an email to Mary Ann Varley varleymaryann1@bell.net

Registration Form Deadline: Feb 24, 2018
Payment will be made at the workshop to Jennifer
Name:____________________________________; email:____________________________
Indicate if you are willing to drive:________________ how many passengers___________
Indicate if you are Will require a ride_________________
Car pool will meet at the Shenkman Arts Centre main entrance at 8:45 am 

3. Arteast Grow with Art Speaker Series

When: February 27, 2018
  • 7:00 p.m.: Meet and Greet
  • 7:30 p.m.: Arteast Update and Presentation 
Where: 255 Centrum Blvd, Orleans (next to the Shenkman Arts Centre), Room 340 (3rd Floor)

GOLDEN Watermedia Demo with Andrea Warren

This free lecture explores all of GOLDEN’s paint lines that are fluid in motion: High Flow acrylics, Fluid acrylics, and QoR Watercolor. Learn unique ways of using the Fluid acrylics, and the ink-like High Flows including staining, pouring, calligraphy, pen and ink drawing, and using them in empty paint markers and needle-nosed Fineline Applicators. Explore traditional watercolor techniques with QoR, and extend that into more contemporary applications: pouring, staining, “white-out” tricks (for saving that uncooperative watercolor painting), washes, layering, and using watercolors for monoprinting. We will cover QoR and GOLDEN acrylics in unique combinations, working with the resoluability of watercolor and the permanency of acrylic. Learn how to take advantage of QoR and GOLDEN grounds to create a myriad of surface options: paperlike surfaces from a Hot Press, Rough and Cold Press watercolor surface to a range of color, tooth and grit. Receive information on working on unique substrates, such as wood panel, fabrics, and more. Finally, learn options for protecting your watercolor surfaces without putting them behind glass, using GOLDEN archival varnishes.

Come with your questions, and leave with a product literature folder and free samples!

4. Opportunity for Visual Artists

The Ottawa Orchid Society is pleased to invite anyone interested in displaying artwork in the form of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, ceramics, pottery, needlepoint, stained glass, quilting, or other media to participate in our annual orchid show held at the RA Centre on April 21, 22, 2018. In addition to the regular art and photography entry classes, we have the 2018 photography challenge class: “Orchids and pets” and the 2018 challenge class: "Orchids in a realistic natural style" as portrayed by Robert Bateman and Beth Hoselton, two Canadian artists. It is up to the creativity of each entrant to interpret these themes.
See this link of form and rules:  http://www.ottawaorchidsociety.com/shows.html

5. AOE Announcement


Glass Fusing Workshop; Members' Announcement; AOE News

1. Glass Fusing Workshop Saturday, March 3, 2018

Hi Arteast, Grow with Art is organizing a glass fusing workshop with Jennifer Anne Kelly of Current Works of Glass. We hope to organize a carpool for transportation.

Cost: Everyone would pay the fee of $40 or $45 for their project. We could then go as a group for lunch in Carleton Place. The lunch out would be optional and an individual expense.

Date and Time: Saturday March 3, 10-12am

Location: Current Works of Glass. 279 Borden Road, Carleton Place, Ontario

Numbers: about 8 people (If fewer than 5 we will cancel)

Choose from a variety of options such as pendants, sun-catchers or coasters and mosaic 8×10″ dishes. Spend approximately two hours playing with glass and visiting with friends. At the end of the evening your creations go into the kiln. Finished pieces are ready for pick up within a week. This class offers a little bit of glass teaching and a lot of creativity and laughter. Read more for details:

Choose one collection from the following:
  • Option A: Make one coaster/trivet (4×4″ or 5X5″) and four pendants
  • Option B: Make one sun-catcher (approx. 5×5′ or 3×6″) and four pendants
  • Option C: Make one 5″x10″ mosaic sun-catcher and two pendants
  • Option D: Make one 5″x10″ mosaic dish and two pendants ($5 extra for forming into shape)
Costs include tools and supplies: $40/person($5 extra for shaping into a dish)
Each participant can choose a different selection of projects so the group doesn’t have to do the same project.

minimum three people and maximum 8 people (customized projects are available for larger groups)

Example of items made at a party:

Register by sending an email to Mary Ann Varley varleymaryann1@bell.net

Registration Form Deadline: Feb 24, 2018
Payment will be made at the workshop to Jennifer
Name:____________________________________; email:____________________________
Indicate if you are willing to drive:________________ how many passengers___________
Indicate if you are Will require a ride_________________
Car pool will meet at the Shenkman Arts Centre main entrance at 8:45 am 

2. Members Announcement

March Workshops: THE MAGIC OF PENCIL
offered by  Lissa Rachelle

The Basics of Working in Graphite - $60
Discover the true magic of pencils in this single day, 5 hour workshop, which is designed to introduce you to the tools used by pencil artists who work in a realist style. Besides learning about all the various tools that help create the magic, you will also learn the real secret behind achieving those beautifully smooth blended tones that so many artists struggle to perfect. This workshop is the prerequisite for the other two.

Creating Realistic Textures in Graphite I - $60
Prerequisite: The Basics of Working in Graphite
Discover how to give your drawings beautiful depth with realistic textures! This single day, 5 hour workshop picks up where The Basics of Working in Graphite left off by helping you to practice your new skills and become intimately familiar with your pencil grades and what they can do. Watch the magic of pencil come to life as you learn to realistically portray the appearance and texture of grass, foliage, tree bark, wood grain and bricks in your drawings.

Creating Realistic Textures in Graphite II - $60
Prerequisite: The Basics of Working in Graphite
This workshop is exactly the same as the one above, except we will focus on learning to realistically portray the appearance and texture of skin, eyes, hair, fur and feathers in your drawings.

Please Note: NO previous drawing experience is necessary and each workshop is limited to six participants.

Location: The Artists’ Workshop Gallery, 119 Beechwood Avenue, Ottawa (free parking available on site).

See http://lissarachelle.com/workshops.html for available workshop dates, supply list, more details and contact information.

3. A0E News

4. Sponsor News


MOSAIC Reception; Grow with Art; Open Studio; Sponsor Notices; AOE Notices


The public is invited to the opening of Arteast's latest juried show, “Mosaic”. The reception takes place on Sunday, February 11th 2019, from 1-3 p.m. in the Trinity Gallery on the Ground Floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd. in Orleans.

Arteast members were encouraged to submit their best two and three dimensional work to this annual juried exhibition. The assorted works on display are representative of the insightful, imaginative, original visual art that Arteast members create.

Three Juror’s Choice Awards will be presented plus the Arteast Award of Excellence. These awards are sponsored by Wallack’s Art Supplies, 231 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1W9 613-234-1800.

Arteast is a highly active, not-for-profit visual arts organization serving Eastern Ontario. Membership in Arteast is open to artists, both amateur and professional, and all who enjoy and want to participate in the visual arts.



Ce que révèle ‘Mosaïque’ pour Arteast !

Le public est invité au vernissage de l’exposition avec jury appelée ‘Mosaïque’. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 11 février 2018 de 13 à 15h à la Galerie Trinity , Niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 boul. Centrum à Orléans.

Les membres d’Arteast étaient encouragés à soumettre leurs meilleures œuvres en 2 ou 3 dimensions à cette exposition annuelle avec jury. Les travaux exposés représentent la perspicacité, l’imagination et la création d’œuvres originales de la part des membres.

En plus d’une mention d’excellence, trois mentions spéciales sont sélectionnées par le jury. Ces mentions sont commanditées par Wallack’s Art Supplies, 231 Bank Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1W9

Arteast est une association très active, à but non lucratif, dans les arts visuels de l’est de l’Ontario. L’adhésion à Arteast est ouverte aux artistes amateurs et professionnels et à ceux et celles qui désirent participer aux arts visuels.


2. Arteast Grow with Art Speaker Series

When: February 27, 2018
  • 7:00 p.m.: Meet and Greet
  • 7:30 p.m.: Arteast Update and Presentation 
Where: 255 Centrum Blvd, Orleans (next to the Shenkman Arts Centre), Room 340 (3rd Floor)

GOLDEN Watermedia Demo with Andrea Warren

This free lecture explores all of GOLDEN’s paint lines that are fluid in motion: High Flow acrylics, Fluid acrylics, and QoR Watercolor. Learn unique ways of using the Fluid acrylics, and the ink-like High Flows including staining, pouring, calligraphy, pen and ink drawing, and using them in empty paint markers and needle-nosed Fineline Applicators. Explore traditional watercolor techniques with QoR, and extend that into more contemporary applications: pouring, staining, “white-out” tricks (for saving that uncooperative watercolor painting), washes, layering, and using watercolors for monoprinting. We will cover QoR and GOLDEN acrylics in unique combinations, working with the resoluability of watercolor and the permanency of acrylic. Learn how to take advantage of QoR and GOLDEN grounds to create a myriad of surface options: paperlike surfaces from a Hot Press, Rough and Cold Press watercolor surface to a range of color, tooth and grit. Receive information on working on unique substrates, such as wood panel, fabrics, and more. Finally, learn options for protecting your watercolor surfaces without putting them behind glass, using GOLDEN archival varnishes.

Come with your questions, and leave with a product literature folder and free samples!

Please note that this presentation will be in English only.

3. Arteast's Open Studio: Thursday, February 8, 2018 

Open Studio days are the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
At St-Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio
525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.

Open Studio provides opportunity for members to meet and work on their artworks in a casual setting. (Bring a lunch, tea provided)

See website link:Open Studio: http://www.arteastottawa.com/openstudio.php
Space is limited. Sign up by email to: openstudio@arteastottawa.

4. Sponsor notices

5. AOE Notices