1. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: Jan. 2, 2018
It's time to change the exhibition at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.
On Tuesday, January 2, 2018, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until March 6, 2018. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
Please be prepared to record the following information on the back of your paintings: title; medium; size; and, price; along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to five (5) paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed and ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in paintings for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract you must sign. Blank contracts will be available then at the Library. There are no hanging fees for the Orleans Library Exhibitions.
When someone expresses an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.
We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, at 10:30 a.m
2. AOE Announcements
Thank you to our ARTinis supporters | Merci à nos bienfaiteurs ARTinis
INVITATION : New Year's Levee, Sunday Jan 7 | Réception du jour de l'An le dimanche 7 janv
OCA announces: Feasibility Study Team| L'ACO annonce : l'équipe de l'Étude de faisabilité
3. Sponsors’ Announcements
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