

Season Greetings - Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: Jan. 2, 2018 - AOE Announcements - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Orleans Library Exhibition Changeover - Reminder: Jan. 2, 2018

It's time to change the exhibition at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, January 2, 2018, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until March 6, 2018. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Please be prepared to record the following information on the back of your paintings: title; medium; size; and, price; along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to five (5) paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed and ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in paintings for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract you must sign. Blank contracts will be available then at the Library. There are no hanging fees for the Orleans Library Exhibitions.

When someone expresses an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, January 2, 2018, at 10:30 a.m

2. AOE Announcements

Thank you to our ARTinis supporters | Merci à nos bienfaiteurs ARTinis

INVITATION : New Year's Levee, Sunday Jan 7 | Réception du jour de l'An le dimanche 7 janv

OCA announces: Feasibility Study Team| L'ACO annonce : l'équipe de l'Étude de faisabilité

3. Sponsors’ Announcements


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Little surprises on the horizon



Holiday Mix / Couleurs des Fêtes - Next Open Studio - Mosaic Reminder - Registration Closes December 15th - AOE Announcements - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Holiday Mix / Couleurs des Fêtes

2. Next Open Studio

Arteast's next Open Studio & Potluck Lunch: Thursday, December 14, 2017.
Open Studio returns in the new year, January 11, 2018.
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
At St-Laurent Complex Centre, Visual Arts Studio 525 Côté Street ,Ottawa, ON, K1K 0Z8.
Open Studio provides opportunity for members to meet and work on their artworks in a casual setting.
Fee is $5.00/ per studio day.
For more information see Arteast website: Open Studio
Sign up by email to: openstudio@arteastottawa.com.

3. Mosaic Reminder - Registration Closes December 15th 

Call for Artwork for Arteast’s “Mosaic”
A juried exhibition to be presented in the Trinity gallery, Shenkman Arts Centre from February 8th, to March 13th, 2018.
Coming up in February 2018 is the next Arteast juried show. Arteast members are encouraged to submit their best two and three dimensional work to this annual exhibition. We are looking for insightful, creative, visual art in all media.
There is no theme for this show.
There is an entry fee of $10 for one artwork submitted or $15 for two artworks.
Entrants must be or will become members of Arteast.
Pre–registration for this exhibition is required.
Registration opens Nov 20th and closes Dec 15th, 2017.
Pre-registration is online only at
The rules and printable copy of the application are available to download at the Arteast website- http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms.php under Trinity Gallery: Arteast's 'Mosaic-Mosaïque' at the Shenkman Art Centre.
Bring a completed, signed, printed copy of your online confirmation or application form with your work on jury day, January 6th, 2018. A paper copy of the application form with full rules, size restrictions and timings will be included in the Fall 2017 Communiqué.
Dates To Remember
Pre-registration online Nov 20th – Dec 15th

Drop off of artwork(s) and application form for jury selection:
Studio A, 3rd floor Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Blvd, Ottawa
Saturday, January 6th, 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Pick-up artworks: Saturday, January 6th, 4:00 to 4:30 p.m.Drop off selected artworks for exhibition: Wednesday, February 7th, 11:00 a.m. to noon
Trinity Art Gallery, Shenkman Arts Centre
For information contact:
Maureen Rooney Mitchell

Appel pour œuvres d’Art pour « Mosaïque » - Arteast
Une exposition-concours qui sera présentée à la galerie Trinity du Centre des Arts Shenkman du 8 février au 13 mars 2018.
En février 2018 aura lieu la prochaine exposition-concours d’Arteast. Les membres d'Arteast sont encouragés à soumettre leurs meilleurs œuvres en deux et trois dimensions à cette exposition annuelle. Nous recherchons des arts visuel perspicace, créatif et créatif.
Il n'y a pas de thème pour cet exhibition.
Il y a des frais d'inscription de 10 $ pour une œuvre d'art ou de 15 $ pour deux œuvres d'art.
Les participants doivent être ou deviendront membres d'Arteast.
Une pré-inscription pour cette exposition est requise.
L'inscription débute le 20 novembre et se terminera le 15 décembre 2017.
La pré-inscription est en ligne uniquement sur
Les règlements et la version imprimable de l'application peuvent être téléchargées à partir du site web d'Arteast à l'adresse suivante: http://www.arteastottawa.com/forms.php sous la rubrique Trinity Gallery: Mosaic-Mosaïque d'Arteast au Centre d'art Shenkman.
Veuillez apporter une copie imprimée, signée de votre confirmation en ligne ou de votre formulaire de demande le jour du jury, le 6 janvier 2018. Une copie papier du formulaire de demande avec les règles complètes, les restrictions de taille et les horaires sera incluse dans le Communiqué de l'automne 2017.
Dates à retenir
Pré-inscription en ligne du 20 novembre au 15 décembre

Remise des œuvres et du formulaire d’inscription pour la sélection du jury:
Studio A, 3e étage du Centre des arts Shenkman, 245, boul. Centrum, Ottawa
Samedi 6 janvier de 10h00 à midi

Reprise des œuvres: Samedi 6 janvier, de 16h00 à 16h30
Déposez les œuvres sélectionnées pour l'exposition: Mercredi le 7 février, de 11 h à midi, Galerie d'art Trinity, Centre des arts Shenkman
Pour plus de renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec:
Danielle Beaulieu

4. AOE Announcements

OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEMBERS: December 6 | OCCASIONS POUR LES MEMBRES : Le 6 décembrehttp://mailchi.mp/artsoe/opportunities-for-members-april-13-occasions-pour-les-membres-le-13-avril-2556937?e=3f62ba61fa

Let's Get 50 Spaces Listed on SpaceFinder Ottawa!

5. Sponsors’ Announcements


The Artists Best Holiday Gift Guide is Here




Arlette Francière: Landscape As Energy - AOE Announcements - Sponsors' Announcements

1. Arlette Francière: Landscape As Energy

Who: Arlette Francière
What: “Landscape As Energy”
When: October 27,2017 to April 27,2018
Where: Legal Information Centre of Ottawa
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free.
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com

The legal Information Centre in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of watercolours by Arlette Francière. She uses strong colours, bold shapes and rhythms to create inner landscapes that express states of mind and emotions, especially concerning the dynamics of land and sky.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Legal Information Centre.

Location: Legal Information Centre of Ottawa, 85 Albert St, 14th floor, Suite 1400
Hours: Tuesday through Thurs. 9am to 5pm.

2. AOE Announcements

ACHIP: Poets gather in Laureate City to celebrate Canada 150 | Des poètes célèbrent le 150e anniversaire du Canada à Ville lauréate

Neighbourhood Arts 150 celebrates communities at the closing event | L'Art des quartiers 150 fête nos collectivités à l'événement de clôture

ARTinis Carnival Night Captivates, thank you | Soirée carnaval ARTinis captive, merci

3. Sponsors’ Announcements


The "Everything is Possible" gift.