

Members’ Announcements - AOE Announcements - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Members’ Announcements

Call for artists

Hello everyone, I curate an exhibition space at a local restaurant, Tyros Shawarma & Donair, 5929 F Jeanne d'arc Blvd Orleans. I am looking for artists to exhibit for 2 months period. The exhibition wall is about 15 feet long, large works can easily be hung. Being this is a public location we asked that the art be appealing for the general public. If you are interested contact me at josiedemeo@bell.net

Josie De Meo
Visual artists, Art instructor and Art party host

The 11th annual tour with 14 artists, 9 studios.
June 10th and 11th - 10:00am to 4:00pm.

For details visit our website www.oast.ca and www.facebook.com/ART.TOUR.OAST

2. AOE Announcements

Summer: Neighbourhood Arts 150 | CORRECTIONS - Été : l'Art des quartiers 150


Calls to Artists 2017 REMINDER: Articipate, Sélections| RAPPEL: Appels aux artistes 2017 : Articipez, Sélections

3. Sponsors’ Announcements


Upcoming Workshops!


Special Exhibition for Canada's 150/Exposition spéciale pour le 150e du Canada - Survey for Arteast Members May 2017/Sondage auprès des membres Arteast, Mai 2017 - Des Fleurs Pour le Plaisir at Blackburn Hamlet Library - Open Studio Time - Call for Art - Members’ Announcements - AOE Announcements - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Special Exhibition for Canada's 150 - Exposition spéciale pour le 150e du Canada

Arteast joins in Canada 150 celebrations
Arteast is proud to present a special exhibition in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday. Using the Ottawa 150 logo design of a series of triangles arranged in the shape of the iconic maple leaf, thirty artists created paintings that represent Canada’s diversity in an explosion of colour and images. Artists used different mediums, such as acrylic, oil, watercolour, mixed media, encaustic, and photography to realize an amazing artwork. This giant maple leaf mosaic, 8 ft. by 8 ft., will be the dramatic focal point of the Canada Naturally/le Canada tout Naturellement exhibition. This special exhibition is part of the Ottawa-wide, multi-venue series of shows celebrating Canada's sesquicentennial through landscape that will be taking place in the month of July. This venue features thirteen landscapes by Arteast members which capture aspects of the diversity and range of our natural wonders.
The opening reception for Canada Naturally/le Canada tout Naturellement will take place on Sunday, May 28, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the ground floor of the Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard, Orleans. The public is invited and admission is free.

Arteast se joint aux célébrations du 1503e anniversaire du Canada
Arteast est fière de présenter une exposition toute spéciale pour célébrer le 150ème Anniversaire du Canada. En s’inspirant du logo Ottawa 150, plusieurs pièces de bois triangulaires ont été placées pour former l’iconique feuille d’érable. Trente artistes ont participé individuellement à représenter la grande diversité du Canada dans une explosion de couleurs et d’images. Les artistes ont utilisé différents médiums tels que l’acrylique, l’huile, l’aquarelle, les techniques mixtes, l’encaustique et la photographie pour réaliser cette grandiose œuvre. Cette mosaïque en feuille d’érable sera le point central de l’exposition Canada Naturally/ le Canada tout Naturellement. Elle sera accompagnée par treize autres paysages inspirés par les membres d’Arteast.
Cette exposition fait partie d’une série d’expositions qui auront lieu au cours du mois de juillet dans la grande ville d’Ottawa pour célébrer le sesquicentenaire du Canada à travers des paysages canadiens réalisés par des artistes locaux.
Le public est invité au vernissage de l’exposition Canada Naturally/ le Canada tout Naturellement présenté par les membres d’Arteast. La réception aura lieu le dimanche 28 mai 2017, de 13h à 15h au niveau 1 du Centre des Arts Shenkman, 245 Boulevard Centrum, à Orléans.

2. Survey for Arteast Members May 2017- Sondage auprès des membres Arteast, Mai 2017

In the Fall of 2014, Arteast Ottawa reached out to its members in a formal way to take a look at our organization and provide a quick check-up on how things are coming along. We are now conducting a second survey to find out if you believe that Arteast is meeting your expectations.

All members are invited and encouraged to complete the Arteast members’ online survey. This survey is being conducted to give you the opportunity to share your perspective on how our organization is doing and what your interests are. The survey should take about 5-7 minutes to complete and can be accessed online through the link below. Results will be available to all members in the next Communiqué.

All responses will be anonymous and treated as confidential – no individual will be identified in any way and all data will be treated in aggregate form only. Although your participation is voluntary, we value any feedback you can provide.
Complete your survey before Saturday May 27th: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Arteast

Questions about the survey can be directed to Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make Arteast a dynamic organization.

A l’automne 2014, Arteast Ottawa a mené un exercice de consultation auprès de ses membres afin d’examiner notre organisation et de vérifier où en sont les choses. Nous faisons maintenant un suivi avec un deuxième sondage pour voir si Arteast rencontre vos attentes

Nous invitons et encourageons tous les membres à répondre au sondage en ligne d’Arteast. Ce sondage est réalisé pour vous permettre de donner votre opinion sur la façon dont notre organisation progresse et sur vos intérêts. Il vous faudra environ 5-7 minutes pour répondre au sondage, qui est accessible en ligne à partir du lien ci-dessous. Vous serez informé des résultats au cours du prochain Communiqué.

Le caractère anonyme et confidentiel de toutes les réponses sera préservé – les répondants ne pourront être identifiés d’aucune manière et les données seront traitées uniquement de façon globale. Votre participation est volontaire, mais nous accordons de l’importance à vos commentaires.

Participez au sondage avant samedi le 27 mai: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Arteast

Pour toute question au sujet du sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de prendre le temps de nous aider à faire d’Arteast un organisation dynamique.

3. Des Fleurs Pour le Plaisir at Blackburn Hamlet Library

Who: Hélène Lepage
What: Exhibition of Watercolor and Water Media
When: May 27th to July 22 2017
Where: Blackburn Hamlet Library
Why: to promote local artists within the community
Fee: Free.
Contact: Art Coordinator Jessie Parker Jessie@photobasedart.com

Hélène Lepage exhibition of watercolors and water based media.
Title : Des Fleurs Pour le Plaisir. (Flowers for Pleasure)

The Blackburn Library in conjunction with Arteast is proud to present an exhibition of watercolor and water-based-media paintings by Hélène Lepage. This solo show titled “Des Fleurs pour le plaisir” runs from May 27th to July 22, 2017.
The watercolor and liquid acrylic paintings on different supports are brought together to offer you a bouquet of real and imaginary flowers for your viewing pleasure.
This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support local artists in their community as well as engaging with the Blackburn Library.
Location: Blackburn Hamlet Library branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark Dr. Ottawa K1B 5B8.
Hours: Mon. through Thurs. 10 – 8:30. Friday 1 – 6:00 and Sat. 10 – 5. Closed Sunday

4. Open Studio Time

Arteast's Open Studio Time's next date is Thursday, May 25th.
St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio room, 525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Cost is 5$ per studio day. Bring your own work/art supplies, and a lunch.

Contact: c_feasey@hotmail.com or dorothyaz123@gmail.com

For more info. see Open Studio under Forms :

5. Call for Art

The call for Francois Dupuis Gallery for 2017 is filled, However if you are interested in exhibiting in 2018 please email Glen May at francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com

L’appel pour les exposition à la galerie François Dupuis est complet pour 2017. Par contre vous pouvez vous inscrire pour 2018 via courriel , Glen May , francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com

Merci à tous
Thank you everyone
Josie De Meo

6. Members’ Announcements

Orléans Art Studio Tour 2017

The 11th. th annual tour with 14 artists (including members of Arteast), 9 studios.
June 10th and 11th - 10:00am to 4:00pm.
For details visit our website www.oast.ca and www.facebook.com/ART.TOUR.OAST

Artistic Explorations – Solo Show by Erika Farkas

May 30 – June 18, 2017
Presented by: Foyer Gallery, Nepean Sportsplex (entrance 1), 1701 Woodroffe Ave.

Artistic Explorations is a collection of Erika's mixed media abstract paintings, in which she employed a variety of texture and 3d collage held together on canvas by heavy layers of acrylic paints and modelling paste. Her intent was to give the viewer a spacial perspective that appeals to both vision and touch.

A Meet the Artist show opening will be held on Sunday, June 4, 1 - 4 pm.

Foyer Gallery Hours:
Tuesday and Wednesday: 10 am - 1 pm and 6 - 9 pm
Thursday and Friday: 9 am - 3 pm and 6 - 9 pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm

Christine Lenoir-Godin is exposing her works: The Beauty of Farms in the Area of Prescott-Russell Counties

Where: On Somerset street corner of Bank Streets in Primecorp vitrines (across from the parking lot)
Times: from May until July 16 2017
With thanks to the Ottawa School of Art

Christine Lenoir-Godin exposera une collection d'oeuvres sous la rubrique : La beauté des fermes dans la région des comtés Prescott-Russell

Lieu: Sur la rue Somerset au coin de la rue Bank (dans les vitrines de la cie. Primecorp)
Durée: de mai à juillet 16, 2017

7. AOE Announcements

MEET THE ARTISTS: Marc Gagne and Patricia Kenny, May 28|RENCONTREZ LES ARTISTES: Marc Gagne et Patricia Kenny, le 28 mai

Mentorship Program: Deadline Extended - Thursday May 25 |Programme de Mentorat: date limite repoussée - jeudi 25 mai

AGM & 30th Anniversary Celebration June 7 | AGA et notre 30e anniversaire, le 7 juin

8. Sponsors’ Announcements


Our Latest Must-Try Products


Arteast-Grow With Art - L'art en herbe - Summer Mix - Couleurs d’été - Clarisse Cheseaux Luna Sole Exhibition - Call for Artists: François Dupuis Gallery – Recherche d’artistes : Centre François Dupuis - Arteast Community Outreach Project - Members’ Announcements - AOE Announcements - Academy of Realist Art Ottawa - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Arteast-Grow With Art - L'art en herbe

Tuesday, May 23 /le 23 mai
7:00 “Meet and Greet” à 19h
7:30 Présentation à 19h 30
Room 340- salle 340
255 Centrum Blvd.
Presentation by Jaime Koebel : My Métis Art

Jaime is a Michif from Lac La Biche, AB and has been living in Ottawa since 2000. Jaime has three children who also make up the Métis dance group called, "Prairie Fire" and she is recognized as an international award winning dancer across the Métis homelands. In 2014, she was the recipient of the Emerging Aboriginal Artist Award from the Ontario Arts Council for her work in visual arts both contemporary and traditional as well as dance. She currently works full-time at the National Gallery of Canada as an Educator - Indigenous Programs and Outreach. Jaime is also a visual artist and owns Indigenous Walks which promotes awareness about social, political and cultural issues while exploring monuments, landscape, archiecture and art through an indigenous perspective.

In addition to her presentation, Jaime will be bringing items that people can look at and touch.

For further information: Claire Ouseley 613-842-9649 ouseley@sympatico.ca

2. Summer Mix - Couleurs d’été

3. Clarisse Cheseaux Luna Sole Exhibition

May 9th to June 20th

4. Call for Artists: François Dupuis Gallery – Recherche d’artistes : Centre François Dupuis

L’équipe d’Arteast du Centre François Dupuis recherche des artistes pour ses prochaines expositions:

Le Centre peut accommoder quatre artistes par expo. Veuillez contacter par courriel francoisduouis@arteastottawa.com ou josiedemeo@bell.net le plus tôt possible, si vous êtes intéressé à exposer vos œuvres. Les accrochages auront lieu le lundi soir. Chaque exposant disposera d’un espace de 10 pieds pour accrocher ses tableaux disponibles pour la vente. Les œuvres doivent être sèches et prêtes à être accrochées. Les artistes ont l’entière responsabilité d’accrocher eux-mêmes leurs œuvres.

De plus, ils devront s’acquitter des frais d’exposition de 20$ payables à Arteast. Veuillez-vous référer au site web Arteast pour obtenir les formulaires et règlements. Les œuvres dont le système d’accrochage ne sera pas conforme seront malheureusement écartées.

Réservez votre espace dès aujourd’hui.

Si vous avez autre question vous pouvez contacter Josée De Meo 613-590-7627
L’équipe du Centre François Dupuis,

Call for Artists – Francois Dupuis Gallery

Each exhibit space can accommodate 4 artists at a time.

Please email: francoisdupuis@arteastottawa.com or josiedemeo@bell.net as soon as possible if you are interest in showing your art work. Changeovers take place on Monday evenings. The Francois Dupuis is an inviting and fitting space for Arteast members to display their works.

Each artist will have a maximum of 10 feet of wall space to display two-dimensional pieces of art for sale. Items must be dry and ready to hang following the Arteast hanging rules. An exhibit fee of $20 per artist applies. Please refer to the Arteast website for forms, regulations and more details. Artwork without proper hanging hardware will, unfortunately, not be accepted.

Reserve your space today!

Other question you can also contact Josie De Meo 613-590-7627

Josie De Meo
Proud member of Arteast
Past President
tel: 613-590-7627

5. Arteast Community Outreach Project

Hello fellow artists,

The Arteast Community Outreach is doing a project at Variety East Group at Bob Mac Quarrie Recreation Complex-Orléans. We choose this group as it has adults with special needs and are Anglophone adults. We will be guiding 12 participants in a 1:30h watercolor workshop. Arteast will supply all equipment for this project.

When: Monday June 6th, 2017 at the center , from 1 P.M. to 2:30P.M.
Where: Bob Mc Quarrie, 1490 Youville Drive, Orleans, ON , Hall D (first floor).

If you are interested in sharing your passion and want to participate.
Please email me at josiedemeo@bell.net or contact me at 613-590-7627.
Thank you and have a wonderful week

Arteast Outreach program coordinator/past president
Josie De Meo

6. Members’ Announcements

Art Show

We are delighted to present our many styles of paintings in all mediums at our yard Art Show.
Who: Jeanette Mitchell, Cathy Deavy, Marie Romain and Vi Cormier, all Arteast members
What: Art yard Sale and Show of paintings
When: Saturday June 3rd 2017
Rain date June 4th,2017
Where: 1679 Neptune Way, just off Portebello Orleans Ontario

7. AOE Announcements

Opportunities for Members | Occasions pour les membres

AOE Arts Council e-news May| L'infolettre du Conseil des Arts AOE mai

REMINDER: Arts Career Development Workshop - Tues May 16 |RAPPEL: Atelier sur le Développement de Carrière en Art le mardi 16 mai

Spring: Neighbourhood Arts 150 | Printemps: l'Art des quartiers 150

8. Academy of Realist Art Ottawa

Charcoal and White Chalk Drawing Workshop
Cost 300 $
May 30th to June 1st

This 3-day workshop focuses on creating a fully rendered drawing using charcoal and white chalk on toned paper. Participants will learn the key principles of creating their own toned paper, the use of white chalk as a value, and how to render forms for convincing life-like finish. Also covered are drawing fundamentals such as shape and form, as well as understanding the materials used. Students of all levels are welcome. Please call or email the Academy of Realist Art Ottawa for more information.

(613) 260-0483

9. Arteast May 2017 Survey

In the Fall of 2014, Arteast Ottawa reached out to its members in a formal way to take a look at our organization and provide a quick check-up on how things are coming along.  We are now conducting a second survey to find out if you believe that Arteast is meeting your expectations.

All members are invited and encouraged to complete the Arteast members’ online survey. This survey is being conducted to give you the opportunity to share your perspective on how our organization is doing and what your interests are.  The survey should take about 5-7 minutes to complete and can be accessed online through the link below. Results will be available to all members in the next Communiqué.

All responses will be anonymous and treated as confidential – no individual will be identified in any way and all data will be treated in aggregate form only. Although your participation is voluntary, we value any feedback you can provide.

Complete your survey before Saturday May 27th:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Arteast

Questions about the survey can be directed to Danielle Beaulieu at dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help us make Arteast a dynamic organization.
Sondage auprès des membres Arteast – May 2017

A l’automne 2014, Arteast Ottawa  a mené un exercice de consultation auprès de ses membres afin d’examiner notre organisation et de vérifier où en sont les choses.  Nous faisons maintenant un suivi avec un deuxième sondage pour voir si Arteast rencontre vos attentes
Nous invitons et encourageons tous les membres à répondre au sondage en ligne d’Arteast. Ce sondage est réalisé pour vous permettre de donner votre opinion sur la façon dont notre organisation progresse et sur vos intérêts.   Il vous faudra environ 5-7 minutes pour répondre au sondage, qui est accessible en ligne à partir du lien ci-dessous. Vous serez informé des résultats au cours du prochain Communiqué.

Le caractère anonyme et confidentiel de toutes les réponses sera préservé – les répondants ne pourront être identifiés d’aucune manière et les données seront traitées uniquement de façon globale. Votre participation est volontaire, mais nous accordons de l’importance à vos commentaires.

Participez au sondage avant samedi le 27 mai:

Pour toute question au sujet du sondage, veuillez communiquer avec Danielle Beaulieu au dbeaul0155@rogers.com.

Nous vous remercions à l’avance de prendre le temps de nous aider à faire d’Arteast un organisation dynamique.

10. Sponsors’ Announcements

May Clearance Intensifies!


Open Studio Time - Exhibit : Canada Naturally – Exposition : Le Canada naturellement - AOE Announcements - Sponsors’ Announcements

1. Open Studio Time

Arteast's Open Studio Time's next dates are Thursdays, May 11, and the 25th.
St. Laurent Complex, Visual Arts Studio room, 525 Cote Street, Ottawa.
10:00 am - 3:00 pm. Cost is 5$ per studio day. Bring your own work/art supplies, and a lunch.

Contact: c_feasey@hotmail.com or dorothyaz123@gmail.com

For more info. see Open Studio under Forms :

2. Exhibit : Canada Naturally – Exposition : Le Canada naturellement

3. AOE Announcements

Calls to Artists 2017 REMINDER: Articipate, Sélections| RAPPEL: Appels aux artistes 2017 : Articipez, Sélections

REMINDER: Arts Career Development Workshop - Tues May 9 |RAPPEL: Atelier sur le Développement de Carrière en Art le mardi 9 mai

AGM & 30th Anniversary Celebration June 7 | AGA et notre 30e anniversaire, le 7 juin

4. Sponsors’ Announcements


May Clearance Sale!

Upcoming Workshops!