

Call for Artists: Ottawa Legal Centre downtown - Call for Artists: Blackburn Hamlet Library - Members Announcements - Communiqué

1. Call for Artists for 6 month show at Ottawa Legal Centre downtown

This venue is open to Arteast members who can demonstrate that they have the needed sizes and quality for a show of 9 works which can be available for the full 6 months from Friday , October 28, 2016 and going till April 28,2017. Hanging, takedown only on the stated Friday afternoons. You would need to be able to transport all your works in your vehicle in one load.
The space is offices for legal services that are government sponsored, so the personnel is lawyers and legal staff.
Sizes needed are 4 large verticals (36”to 48” high), 3 medium horizontals (30” to 48” wide), 1 medium up to 24” wide, and 1 very small horizontal up to 18” wide. All images should be consistent in quality, and preferably consistent in style . Media can vary. They will be shown in 6 office spaces.
To be considered, you will need to send at least 6 images (about 800 pixels longest side, jpgs),of the type of work you would expect to show, plus a short bio and artist statement. This is a curated show, so applications will be compared. Deadline for submission is September 9,2016. Results will be announced by mid- September. If you have any questions, contact Jessie Parker at Jessie@photobasedart.com

2. Call for Artists: Blackburn Hamlet Library Gallery Space Needs You Art

Blackburn Library Shows Arteast artist solo shows on a bi-monthly basis. We book way ahead and this venue is very popular. The space allows for 12 works of art of various sizes from small to medium-large.

Submissions for solo shows at Blackburn should include:
  • Your contact info (Name, address, email, phone)
  • Short bio and artist statement pertinent to your intended show. One page is sufficient.
  • Description of intended theme/medium
  • At least 3 to 5 images typical of the type of work you intend to show., 800 ppi longest side, jpeg.
  • Preferred time of year, if you have a preference (will accommodate if possible)
It is not necessary to have a title planned, nor an exact set of images at this time. Lots of time to work that out later.
Preference will be given to Arteast artists who have NOT shown at Blackburn since spring of 2014
Dates available for 2017: Feb/March, April/May, June/July.
Send your submission to Jessie Parker, Blackburn Gallery Space Coordinator/Curator at Jessie@photobasedart.com
Deadline for submissions September 30, 2016.

3. Members Announcements

Jessie Parker is showing her new Lightscapes via the new technology of digital display at the 2016 Rotterdam International Art Fair on September 10,11. Here is a link to their blog with an interview, showing some of her new works. https://globalartagency.wordpress.com/2016/07/28/jessie-m-parker-at-the-rotterdam-international-art-fair-2016

4. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).

Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).

Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.


Exhibit Blackburn Hamlet Library - Members Announcements - Communiqué - AOE Announcements

1. Current Exhibit at Blackburn Hamlet Library

Here is a photo of one of Christine Blais' artworks:

2. Members Announcements

Arteast member Christine Godin is one of eight Prescott-Russell area artists who exhibit at Tournesol Gallery, 1841 Laurier St, Rockland ON, K4K 1M5. The exhibition” C'est Your Turn” will run until August 27, 2016.

For more information please go to: http://www.tournesolgallery.ca.

3. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).

Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).

Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

4. AOE Announcements

Please follow the links:

Opportunities For Members: July 20 | Occasions Pour Les Membres : Le 20 Juillet

Céline Forcier & Jocelyne Ladouceur in the AOE Gallery | à la Galerie AOE.


Current Exhibit at Blackburn Hamlet Library; Members' Announcements; etc

1. Current Exhibit at Blackburn Hamlet Library

Who: Christine Blais exhibition of Encaustic Paintings
What: Exhibition of Encaustic Paintings
When: July 23 rd to September 24 th , 2016
Location: Blackburn Hamlet branch of the Ottawa Public Library, 199 Glenpark, Ottawa K1B 5B8

This solo show is titled “A Romantic Self-Destruction: Aesthetic Forms and Their Opposites” and runs from July 23 rd to September 24 th , 2016.

These encaustic works explore the use of tar as it is applied to wax to construct aesthetic images of the human form. By using a medium that is considered unappealing and representative of our global reliance on crude oil, then transforming it into an aesthetically pleasing object, the focus is placed on the polarity and conflict that exists between these two objects. In all the beauty of human life, we find an ugly self-destruction.

This is a unique opportunity for the public to enjoy, encourage and support artists in their local community as well as the Blackburn Hamlet Library.

2.  Members' Announcements

Marie Leger invites you to her upcoming solo show  

Landscapes: Real and Imagined
July 21 to August 23, 2016

Opening Reception
July 24, 2016 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

Trinity Art Gallery, Salon A
Shenkman Arts Centre, 245 Centrum Boulevard, Lower Level
Monday to Friday: 7:45 am to 9:30 pm
Weekends: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Jessie Parker Announces Solo Show “Urban Lightscapes” in Windsor, Ontario

Jessie is showing 30 new works of her digital art in a solo Digital Display at Leydan Art Gallery, 3214 Sandwich Street West, Windsor, July 17-23. The show was awarded from an international show in May at the same gallery.. The gallery hours are Mon,Wed.,Thur. 1-6pm,Tuesday 5 to 8pm,Saturday 1-3pm, Sun.1-6pm.Friday on request.

3. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).

Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).

Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

4. Other News

(version française ci-bas)
Get ready with plenty of crimson to paint that famous covered bridge, powder tones for the colourful village and greens galore to capture the harmony of nature – not forgetting some deep cool blues for the Gatineau river.

When: 26, 27 & 28 July 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Where: Outdoors and at the new purpose built Wakefield Center
Cost: $225.00 for the 3 day course
Reserve by email to
france@davidkearn.com or or via Paypal: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e_paypal.htm
Additional Information: http://davidkearn.com/courses_e.htm

With the new section of highway 5 now open, beautiful Wakefield is only 20 minute from downtown, tarry and enjoy all that Wakefield has to offer:

Browse our photo album of fond memories of Wakefield 2015:

A memorable summer of painting awaits!

David & France
tel: 613 620 6737
david@davidkearn.com france@davidkearn.com

Préparons-nous avec une bonne quantité de rouges pour peindre le fameux pont couvert, des tons poudrés pour le village et une variété de verts pour capter l'harmonie de la nature - sans oublier tous ces bleus frais de la magnifique rivière Gatineau.

Quand: 26, 27 et 28 juillet, de 09:30 à 16:30
Ou: À l'extérieur et au centre Wakefield, construit à cet effet
Coût: 225$ pour le cours de trois jours

Réservez par courriel:
Ou via PayPal:
Informations supplémentaires: http://davidkearn.com/courses_f.htm

La nouvelle section de l'autoroute 5 est maintenant ouverte, alors la beauté imprenable de Wakefield est à peine 20 minutes du centre-ville d'Ottawa. Prenons le temps de profiter de tout cela:

Jetez un coup d'oeil sur notre album de belles mémoires de Wakefield 2015: http://www.davidkearn.com/blog/2016/06/20/summer-in-wakefield/

Un été inoubliable de peinture nous attend!
David & France
tél: 613 620 6737
david@davidkearn.com france@davidkearn.com

5. AOE Announcements

Please follow the link:


Call for Artists for 6 month show at Ottawa Legal Centre; Current Exhibit at François Dupuis; Members' News; Communiqué; AOE Announcements

1. Call for Artists for 6 month show at Ottawa Legal Centre downtown  

This venue is open to Arteast members who can demonstrate that they have the needed sizes and quality for a show of 9 works which can be available for the full 6 months from Friday, October 28, 2016 and going till April 28,2017.  Hanging, take-down only on the stated Friday afternoons.  You would need to be able to transport all the works in your vehicle for transportation.

The space is offices for legal services that are government sponsored, so the personnel is lawyers and legal staff.
Sizes needed are 4 large verticals (36”to 48” high),  3 medium horizontals (30” to 48” wide),  1 medium up to 24” wide, and 1 very small horizontal up to 18” wide. All images should be consistent in quality, and preferably consistent in style . Media can vary. They will be shown in 6 office spaces
To be considered, you will need to send at least 6 images (about 800 pixels longest side, jpgs), of the type of work you would expect to show, plus a short bio and artist statement. This is a curated show, so applications will be compared. Deadline for submission is September 9, 2016. Results will be announced by mid- September.  If you have any questions, contact, Jessie Parker at Jessie@photobasedart.com
Jessie Parker, Coordinator for Legal Services Art Space

2. Current Exhibit at François Dupuis

3.  Members' Announcements

Kerstin Peters offers the following workshops at her house at 1270 Kinsella Drive in Cumberland:
  • August 10 and 24: Sewing a Teddy Bear, cost: $60 for the two-part workshop, registration deadline is August 2, 2016.
  • August 17: Creating 3D effects with Acrylic Gels and Pastes, cost $25, registration deadline is August 12, 2016.
  • August 31:  Creating a Summer Collage, cost $25, registration deadline is August 26, 2016
All workshops are on a Wednesday, from 6:30 to 9 pm. All materials are included (except for some personal items for the collage). Spaces are limited. For more information please contact Kerstin at kpeters@DomingoInformatics.ca, call her at (613) 833-0409, or visit her website www.KerstinPeters.ca.

4. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).

Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).

Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

5. AOE Announcements

Please follow the links:


The City of Ottawa invites artists to submit their proposals for the design, fabrication and installation of artwork for Crestview Pool at 58 Fieldrow Street.
Deadline: Thu Aug. 11. INFO
La Ville d’Ottawa invite les artistes à soumettre leurs propositions pour la conception, la fabrication et l’installation d’une œuvre d’art à la piscine Crestview, située au 58, rue Fieldrow.
Date limite : le jeudi 11 août. INFO

Submit your poetry to Bywords for the June 2016 issue. Deadline: Tue May 15. INFO


Takahashi Martial Arts dojo not only offers martial arts, but also creative art classes. They would like to present a new non instructional life drawing and painting session for Ottawa area artists on Fridays for a period of 6 to 8 weeks. INFO


This workshop presented by the Media Arts Network of Ontario will focus on the hiring process from creating complete and attractive job postings to conducting interviews and making your final hiring decisions. Tue July 12. INFO


Evolution Theatre is recruiting volunteers to join its Board of Directors. Preference will be given to candidates with the following background and skillset: fundraising, budget management and accounting, event planning, and law.
Deadline: Fri July 8. INFO

Sous la direction générale et artistique, le/la gérant/e est responsable de la sécurité et l’accès au lieu,  l’aménagement  des  lieux,  les  réparations  mineures, ainsi  que  la  gestion  du  personnel contractuel à l’entretien et au bistro.

SPAO is looking for a knowledgeable photo history teacher to engage their full-time student classes. An ideal candidate will have a degree in art/photo history or equivalent. A strong knowledge of historical photographic techniques and contemporary photo-based artists is an asset. Deadline: Mon July 18. INFO


North Gloucester Library Changeover - Orleans Library Changeover - Communiqué - AOE Announcements

1. North Gloucester Library Changeover

It's time to change the Arteast exhibit on Tuesday, JULY 12, 2016:

Please retrieve the works that have been hanging for the past two months and/or bring in new paintings (or other two dimensional art) for the North Gloucester Library, 2036 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, K1J 7N8.

The coordinators will be at the Library between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30.a.m.  For those who are dropping off art work, please arrive between 10:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. so that your work can be documented and hung before 11:30 a.m..  For those who are picking up only, please arrive no later than 11:15 a.m.

These new pieces will hang for two months.
The next change-over will be on Tuesday, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016  

If you are interested in exhibiting, an advance email, on or before Wednesday, JULY 6, 2016, to Christine Gendron, christinegendron@sympatico.ca, indicating the number of works and their sizes, would be helpful. Or, just show up at the date, but risk being turned away.
Please be prepared to record your paintings with: Title, Medium, Size, and Price along with your name, phone number and e-mail.  You can bring up to 3 paintings although, depending on the total number received, not all may be accepted.  North Gloucester Library can accommodate 20 paintings. Paintings must be ready for hanging, with appropriate framing and hardware to Arteast standards. Those who are bringing in a painting for the first time this year must sign an Arteast contract form.  Blank contracts will be available at the library. 
Fifteen percent (15%) of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget.

When someone shows an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction.  We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition.  If you must remove your work prior to the next change-over, please notify the appropriate coordinator, so the Librarian can be advised and take note of the authorized removal.  Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.  Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public.  Do your part to encourage people to visit the North Gloucester, Orleans, St. Laurent Complex, and Blackburn Hamlet Libraries, where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, JULY 12, 2016.

The North Gloucester Coordinators
Christine Gendron  christinegendron@sympatico.ca 
Pari Zati    pari.nz@gmail.com
Marie Leger   legermarie60@gmail.com

2. Orleans Library Changeover - Reminder

It's time to change the exhibition at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, 5 July 2016, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until Tuesday, 6 September 2016. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Please be prepared to record the following information on the back of your paintings : title; medium; size; and, price; along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to five (5) paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed and ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in paintings for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract you must sign. Blank contracts will be available at the Library.

When someone expresses an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.

Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the Orleans, North Gloucester, Blackburn Hamlet and St. Laurent Library branches where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, 5 July 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
Orleans Library Coordinator : Corinne Feasey - c_feasey@hotmail.com.

3. Communiqué

Arteast's hard-copy, quarterly newsletter—Communiqué—is popular with our members, but did you know that it is also available on our Web site at http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php? A notification when a new issue is released is communicated via the weekly Arteast Digest. Posting of the Web version may be viewed in full dazzling colour, at least two weeks before the print version (black and white) is delivered by Canada Post. With rising postal costs, some members have requested that they be removed from the mailing list for the printed copy. Other advantages of going with the online Communiqué are:
- reduces printing and envelope costs;
- makes Arteast more "green";
- no more hunting for misplaced issues (Arteast's Web site has the current and all back issues).

Printed copies will be available at our monthly Grow With Art meetings and the Promenade Arteast gallery at the Shenkman Arts Centre. If you prefer to read the newsletter online, please e-mail us at editor@arteastottawa.com to have your name removed from the newsletter mailing list.

La copie imprimée du trimestriel d’Arteast – Communiqué – est populaire auprès de ses membres, mais saviez-vous qu’il est aussi disponible sur le site Web http://arteastottawa.com/newsletter.php ? Lors de sa publication, une notice paraît dans l’hebdomadaire Arteast Digest. Sur le Web il peut être lu et vu en couleurs deux semaines avant la version imprimée ( noir et blanc) postée par Poste Canada. Compte tenu du coût postal croissant plusieurs membres ont enlevé leur nom pour l’envoi postal - vers le Web. Il y a d’ailleurs d’autres avantages du Communiqué en ligne tels que :
- réduire les coûts de l’imprimé et de l’enveloppe;
- Arteast plus ‘vert’;
- ne plus être à la recherche du numéro manquant (le Web d’Arteast conserve le numéro courant et les anciens numéros).

Des copies imprimées seront disponibles à la réunion mensuelle L’Art en herbe et à la galerie Promenade Arteast au Centre Shenkman. Si vous préférez lire le Communiqué en ligne, s.v.p. contactez : editor@arteastottawa.com afin d’enlever votre nom de la liste d’envoi.

4. AOE Announcements

Please follow the links:

ARTinis Early Bird Tickets On Sale - Special for Members | Vente de billets lève-tôt prix spécial pour nos membres

Members' Summer Potluck Picnic - Wed. July 20|Le repas-partage estival pour les membres - le mercredi 20 juillet



It's time to change the exhibition at the Orleans Library, 1705 Orleans Blvd., Orleans, Ontario.

On Tuesday, 5 July 2016, please retrieve the works that are currently hanging and/or bring in new paintings (or other two-dimensional art) to the Orleans Library. These new pieces will be hung until Tuesday, 6 September 2016. The changeover at the Orleans Library is between 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.

Please be prepared to record the following information on the back of your paintings : title; medium; size; and, price; along with your name, phone number and e-mail. You can bring up to five (5) paintings although, depending on the total received, not all may be accepted. Paintings must be properly framed and ready for hanging. For those of you who are bringing in paintings for the first time this year, there is an Arteast contract you must sign. Blank contracts will be available at the Library.

When someone expresses an interest in purchasing a piece, they will be advised to contact you directly to make the transaction. Fifteen percent of any sale is payable to Arteast for its operational budget. We prefer to leave all works hanging for the duration of each exhibition. Neither the Library nor Arteast takes responsibility for the security of works exhibited but reasonable care is taken to ensure their security.

Remember that these are very public areas that put your work and name before the public. Do your part to encourage people to visit the Orleans, North Gloucester, Blackburn Hamlet and St. Laurent Library branches where Arteast members exhibit on a continuing basis.

We look forward to seeing exhibitors on Tuesday, 5 July 2016, at 10:30 a.m.
Orleans Library Coordinator : Corinne Feasey - c_feasey@hotmail.com.